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Casual EQ'ers waste thier money.Follow

#1 Nov 04 2006 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
Seriously, unless you play 8+ hours a day...continuing to buy each expansion is a waste of money.

This annoys me to the point that I want to shut myself up in a room for 6 months straight and play and do everything before yet ANOTHER expansion comes out.
#2 Nov 04 2006 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
820 posts


Ok, silly me, I see now your gripe was what I believe to be more towards the expansions being useless to you if you aren't part of the high end of the game. And with some of the past expansions this is very much true, but the recent TSS expansion very much catered to a broad swath of players, from the bottom levels all the way up, something I hope SOE doesn't neglect doing in future expansions as well.

Edited, Nov 4th 2006 at 2:40pm PST by Saeel
#3 Nov 04 2006 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
103 posts
Play on Test Server and you won't have to buy any expansions again.
#4 Nov 04 2006 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
Is there any casual players left in EQ. thought soe chased them all away to WoW?
#5 Nov 04 2006 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
Have you purchased TSS? There is a ton of new content for any type of player.
#6 Nov 04 2006 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
305 posts
TSS is casual-friendly. The quests are fun, and the mobs for the most part have characteristics that allow casual players to progress through the content at a leisurely pace while being quite entertained. Here is where I have found the starting TSS zones to be geared towards well twinked hard core players:

1) Stone Hive - the mobs have too high of an aggro radius. If you have a high level or well twinked tank then you can get great xp here all the way to the high 40s. But a group of untwinked level 30 toons would probably wipe repeatedly here. When I came through here with my drakkin druid I had a 52 beastlord pulling/tanking, and that worked exceedingly well. Fast xp and good pp in this case.

For casuals without this kind of help this may mean not improving your breath spell until you can handle the adds when you are at a higher level.

2) G`Mesa - some of the quests have trade skill combines of 170 and up. When I tried to do the quests the part where you could "pay the NPC to do the combine" was not working well. I since deleted these quests, but have been told that the "pay the NPC to do the combine part" is now working. Kinduva shame for me because these are nice quest-sets that progress with a nice story line and well done quest steps other than the high trivials on the combines. If the "pay the NPC to do the combine" part is working now then this becomes a fun casual-friendly part of TSS for this level.

3) G`Mesa - in the north west corner part of the zone where the harpies and griffins roam the mobs hit too hard and/or swarm too much. With a level 62 fairly well equipped sk we can keep up with all the adds, but even then its hard work. If the level 45 breath spell were not located here I would just say this is a high 50s part of the zone and leave it at that. But the existance of the level 45 breath spell mob being located there indicates that this is not intended. A group of level 45-49 toons would have a very hard time surviving there. Well I'd say exactly zero. If they moved the level 45 breath-spell mob to somewhere amenable to level 45 toons then this would be a non-issue as well since this part of the zone would be the last area to fight in before going to the Roost and would be MEANT for level 55+. My probable course of action will be to delay getting the level 45-55 breath spell improvements until we are strong enough to take these ourselves, which would mostly likely be when we are level 55+.

Right now our group of 4 level 51-52 toons fighting Giants a bit east of the cave. We get about 1 AA per 2.5 hours or so, which probably is the intended rate of xp. These are a bit less casual friendly than when we first started fighting here as there seem to be more giants in the area and clumped closer together, making single pulling a bit tougher, and also some of the mobs hit harder than when we started here. But it is still a casual friendly place to fight in.

I can't speak of the 55+ experience for casual players, but I can say with authority that for level 1-52 TSS is WONDERFUL for casual players. Very fun and very entertaining and very enjoyable.
#7 Nov 04 2006 at 7:27 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
TSS seems pretty casual friendly so far. I am lvl 11 and all seems to be going well, lots of quests and solo mobs.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#8 Nov 05 2006 at 12:05 AM Rating: Decent
820 posts
Is there any casual players left in EQ. thought soe chased them all away to WoW?

*Raises Hand*

Casual player here, and I guarantee you that I enjoy the game just as much as any other...
#9 Nov 05 2006 at 6:07 AM Rating: Decent
811 posts
"pay the NPC to do the combine part"
you can actually pay the NPC to do the combine? Does this apply to Dorina too? And if so how do you go about it?

45 breath spell
This is new to me, anyone got some info on this spell?

Edited, Nov 5th 2006 at 6:13am PST by Maktub
#10 Nov 05 2006 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Something I am finding about the TSS expansion is it seems content is good up to about 50. however its like there is not really any worthwhile quests from lvl 50 until you get to the super hard raid crap for the lvl 70 toons. I mean there is some nice armor for people with rec lvl of 45 that is decent enough till 55ish. I know this is when somebody is going to throw out a link to a decent lvl 55 to 60 quest, but it just seems like most content is gear for people between lvl 1 and 45, then it jumps to lvl 70+. Almost all the quests for items for lvl 60+ require well made groups or raid's.

#11 Nov 05 2006 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
305 posts
"Pay the NPC to do the combine"

For the Dorina quest, there is a part that requires a tailoring skill of 170. There is a similiar jewel crafting quest that is reported to require a JC skill of 190.

The JC quest had a part where you give 10 pp and the parts of the combine to an NPC (one of the jewel crafting NPCs in the 2nd floor of Crescent Reach). She would then do the combine and return the finished item. When I tried it it would not work, and the NPC would return most but not all of the items I gave to her. So at the time I just deleted the quest. My wife is working on the Dorina quest at this time, and it looks like they have changed the quest and it has optional parts that include steps like "give item to XXX" (not sure of the NPC name to give it to). However, it looks as if the price you pay for going down this path is you have to get one extra item - Evergreen Extract, which is an alchemy or poison making recipe that requires Evergreen Leaf as one of its base items. This is supposed to be a groud spawn in GFay and in G`Mesa near the Willow area according to Allah, but I have spent about an hour looking for it and have not found any of these yet (none are in the Bazaar either).

Not sure why they would require an alchemy/poison making recipe as part of the quest.

Not sure why the Evergreen Leafs are not popping anywhere (and none in the bazaar).

I previously deleted these quests out of frustration when I found out the trivial was 170 for tailoring and 190 for jewel crafting, but now I am motivated to check em out again and see if they are doable. So later on today I'll redo the quest from scratch and will report back when I have something interesting to say. I LOVE the idea they had for the quests, and if they are in the process of fixing them then I would love to finish these quests off - just because the quests are entertaining and fun in their own right (hopefully the rewards will be kinda nice too).

"Level 45 breath spell"

If my memory is correct, Refugio is the name of the mob that needs to spawn, be killed, and looted for the level 45 breath spell. Apparently he pops in the NW corner of G`Mesa (ph is reportedly one of the trees walking around). I have never seen him pop, but my wife found him on track once and brought in her level 70 alt (ex main) to polish him off and get the item.

Right now our group is 4 level 51 and 52 toons and we have trouble keeping a camp there. When we get bigger we'll fight there quite a bit as I think that is meant to be the area for level 55-59 toons (last area before going to the Roost). The only questionable call here is putting the level 45 breath spell mob here (though the level 55 breath spell mob being here would seem perfectly in place).

These are my findings. If anyone can confirm the accuracy of this (or disprove it whatever the case may be) please post here! Also if someone finds out where "Evergreen Leaf" spawns or drops - or that they did not have that item as part of their quest - that would also be useful information.

One minor comment about the quests: a few of the quests require killing mobs that hurt your faction with the quest givers (getting the lightstone you have to kill wisps for example). A small thumbs down on THAT idea.
#12 Nov 05 2006 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
811 posts
thank you DrakkinFan for your info.

Still not sure though aout the breath spell, searched spells on this site and nothing seems to come up that matches a dropped spell in Mesa.

Anyone have a link?
#13 Nov 05 2006 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
113 posts
DrakkinFan is referring to the Drakkin breath progressive quests. It starts at level 5 and upgrades every 5 levels. If you are a Drakkin, you need to do the council quests in CR to speak to your dragon of heritage. Once you can speak with that dragon, they will offer you quests. The quests all seem to involve killing a named spawn and handing in the loot from that kill as proof. You can kill the mob prior to obtaining the quest because the quest only requires you to hand in the loot to your dragon. Here is a link to the first quest. It is the same for all dragons:
#14 Nov 05 2006 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
305 posts
I was about to say what Phisticuffs just said. The name of the quest is "Strengthening the Blood". It is for Drakkins only. Starting at level 5 and for every 5 levels after that you can strengthen your breath spell, which really is a breath AA as you activate it as a hot key from the AA screen. The level 45 upgrade you get from killing Refugio (who I just found ... YAY!!!) and looting his branch.

Refugio was, as advertised to me from the past, in the NW part of the zone. The exact location: camp was on a ledge at 1080, 1679 - from zone in from Blightwood Moors go west and then north along the river till you get to the giants, then go nw along the path that is just north of the western giant cave, and as soon as you get to the end of the path there is a ledge to the north. I found Refugio walking in the valley north and west from the camp. This would have put him due east from the zone out to Blackfeather Roost.

He seemed to have on the order of 15k hp which would put him at about half a POV golem, did not hit too hard (at least against my level 70 chanter that ended up tanking him), and had a spell that would push you back a bit and interrupt your spells.
#15 Nov 05 2006 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
305 posts
Dorina's quest - seems to require a 170 tailoring combine with no way around it.

There is another one that leads you through several trade quests (multiple gifts) and this one DOES allow you to pay 10 pp for an NPC to do the combine. It did not seem to be working when I did it the first time but it definitely is working now. Got through the jewelcrafting and brewing part (along with a kill of a Tuffein tough guy as an extra side step!) and now am working on the baking part.
#16 Nov 05 2006 at 11:49 PM Rating: Decent
Seriously, unless you play 8+ hours a day...continuing to buy each expansion is a waste of money.

This annoys me to the point that I want to shut myself up in a room for 6 months straight and play and do everything before yet ANOTHER expansion comes out.

On topic, I'm a casual gamer and I don't feel at all like I'm wasting my money. Heck, if I wasn't spending it on EQ I'd be blowing it on something mindless and much less entertaining.

TSS is outstanding, best expansion since Velious in my opinion. I can't get enough and rush home every day after work just to play for 2 hours. The quests vary from quick to long and involved and offer serious rewards and upgrades. Even for my higher levels there's still plenty to do. The new Lodestone (Slipgear 2.0) for example - great stats for a minimum amount of work.

Yep, I'm a happy casual gamer. Thanks!
#17 Nov 06 2006 at 8:53 AM Rating: Default
wow... i cant believe some people think TSS is to hard for non- twiked players.. you dont really have a clue do you...a clueless player would say something along those lines.. and example I have a lvl 33 chanter and I raised him in TSS... he has TSS armor only and i can easy do the stone have solo.. yes it is hard... but I have solo'd the maze with NP.. i have died like 10 times but have gotten more than enough xp to make up for it...I play very little now adays but plan on coming back full time.. or about 15 hours a week..

mesa is a wonderful zone for low lvl solo classes and the newbie armor rocks.
+25 mana and hp with mana regen of +1 or 2 with regen of +1 or +2.. and it has effects on it as well...

you could start a lvl 1 toon and never leave TSS for any reason and have a very very very well geared toon

infact I would say it was harder in the old days to raise a toon with nothing that it is today.. I remember go to PC with little to no armor or banded armor and keeping it untill like lvl 26 or 27 then moving to harder zones and sometime having banded untill you could get bronze or armor with like 35 AC , + 10 HP on it.. and now to say a twiked group could only do it.. very sad very sad.. I miss the old hard core players in EQ... now we have alot of players in EQ that seem to think the new easy to play EQ is to hard... head over to WOW or EQ2 and leave my EQ alone.. you non- EQ playing person you..

since we have gotten alot of weak players we now have the following make EQ super easy things

1.HEAL potions
2.KEI potions
3.find your group really easy with the ( x ) on the maps.. no need in /loc anymore
4.the out of combat Supre fast regen on mana and hps
5. really really nice newbie armor with regen mana regen and effects on them
6. Monster missions so you can rack up alot of aa;s in 25 to 30 minutes per mission no more aa grinds for hours on end
7. easy to get spells.. all spells are not player makeable if i rememebr right.
8. guild hall so you can summon your corpse... no more hard as hell CR's

Im more than sure I'm leaving things out... but anyone that says TSS is to hard.. or EQ is hard or a waste of money because you cant do or get stuff.. really has no freaking clue what the hell they are talking about... i would come close to saying they are mental midgets and should not be playing video games anyway...
#18 Nov 06 2006 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
297 posts
I agree; EQ has gotten so much easier. I recently started playing again after three years of no EQ (school work becoming an issue!), and I was shocked at how easy it had become. The newbie armour quests are easy and while can be time consuming, the rewards are great. It's because of these things that I think casual players can become more into the game, rather than going and whining on WoW.
#19 Nov 06 2006 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
305 posts
Fronglo I'd like to comment on your post idea that level 50-69 content is somewhat lacking. I somewhat agree that there is a quest gap for the upper 50s and 60s - though I cannot say for sure as I have not gotten that far yet. However I would like to say that there is certainly quite a bit of content just grinding xp at least to 52 (I am grinding AAs now at 2.5 or so hours per AA) and beyond. I know pretty much where I will be fighting up to 55 and through pretty much up to 60 in G`Mesa, at which point it we should be strong enough for the Roost.

Judging from the fact that there have been modifications to G`Mesa quests over the last few weeks, I would say that Sony is devoting staff hours to fixing existing G`Mesa quests. In partial agreement with your post, I am also hoping that they will be adding more as well. I have thoroughly enjoyed doing the quests that Sony has made for levels 1-50 (and even doing some at 52), and hoping that they bridge the quest and equipment gap that seems to exist for levels 55-69.

On a practical matter, while the equipment I am wearing does fine for fighting at 52, and will probably be ok at level 55, I am pretty sure that by the low 60s I'll be needing upgrades. Here is to hoping that the equipment upgrades will be available somehow in TSS zones.
#20 Nov 07 2006 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
PoP Ornate armor fills that gap nicely. You can start wearing it at 55 I believe. Could this be the plan?
#21 Nov 07 2006 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
305 posts
Thanks for the tip :) When I get to 55 I'll definitely look into it.
#22 Nov 07 2006 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
What is Tss? is there a new expansion for the PS2? im lost :S
#23 Nov 07 2006 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
113 posts
At 55, you have a better option than ornate armor. If you like tradeskills, I would recommend getting tailoring or smithing up for Master's Drakkin cultural armor. The cultural augs that you make can be done with either tradeskill so just skill up depending on your toon's armor type (tailoring - leather & silk, smithing - plate & chain). The stats are much better than ornate and they will last much longer into your toon's progression than ornate. If you have been gearing up through TSS quests/drops, I would be very surprised if ornate armor is an upgrade for you.

To start the Drakkin cultural quests, you need to speak to Artisan Irisi on the 2nd floor of Crescent Reach. She will give you progressive quests to kill certain mobs/collect items and once those quests are completed you receive a book. You combine the book with some other items in a book binding to get a stack of patterns and if you ever run out of patterns, you can just redo the quest to get the book again. If you have additional questions let me know and I'll do my best to answer.

If you don't prefer to do tradeskills and you have a decent plat reserve, I would recommend seeking a Drakkin who can make the armor.

Here is a link to the armor and augments:

Drakkin Smithing Armor
Drakkin Smithing Augments

Drakkin Tailoring Armor
Drakkin Tailoring Augments

Edited, Nov 7th 2006 at 5:19pm PST by Phistikuffs

Edited, Nov 7th 2006 at 7:00pm PST by Phistikuffs
#24 Nov 07 2006 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
305 posts
Is tailoring of 158 enough? Or will it have to go higher?

158 = almost there (already have tailoring at 140 plus the POR trophy and got a bunch of spider silks already saved up for the push to 158 = Wu's armor).

But will I need a higher tailoring that that?

(Uh oh I see some research coming up!)
#25 Nov 07 2006 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent
305 posts
Answer is YES (with a 50-50 shot on the chest piece with a trival of 222). The trophy is what makes this a good shot.

#26 Nov 08 2006 at 12:53 AM Rating: Decent
113 posts
Well, the good thing is when you get the armor book, it gives you 20 patterns for each armor piece (40 for wrists). The whole reason I started cultural armor was for a more sane skill up path for tailoring. I fought to get from Wu's up to around 180 and then I began cultural. So, at the very least, you can get the armor book and work your way up to the master's aug book.

The links I listed in my previous post show the trivials only up to Expert's armor. It has the recipes for Master's & Grandmaster's but the trivial is currently listed as unknown. I'd be surprised if the trivial is different than other races, so that means you are most likely looking at making the easiest piece of armor (Master's wrists) trivial at 248 and the highest pieces (Master's chest & legs) trivial at 304. My recommendation would be to get 1-2 armor books and use all those patterns to skill up making Expert's armor. Once you've reached the 222 max Expert trivial, then I would work on making the Master's armor.

Edited, Nov 8th 2006 at 12:55am PST by Phistikuffs
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