1) Check and see if your harddrive has 10% + free space, all programs run better with at least 10% of harddrive empty, its windows swap drive thing I believe. At the very least, you can't do step 7 with less than 10% free space. If you do not have 10% free, then remove some old game demos to help make room, we all know you have them. =)
2) Run
Ad Aware, as adware programs slow down your comp and use memory, even when blocked by a popup blocker.
3) Run
Spybot Search and Destroy , also includes a utitly to see your startup programs and turn off unwanted ones that have crept into your startup and use up memory. Microsoft, Quicktime and AOL love to stick a few in there. Catches things Adaware might miss.
4) Run an anitviral, I use mcaffee free from AOL for continuous anitviral and also
Panda Activescan web based antiviral for once a month in case mcaffe misses something; plus being web based, a virus can't corrupt it, which can happen especially with a couple of nasty ad pop ups d/l programs that turn off macaffe and other anitviral.
5) Then clean out your c:/temp and c:/windows/temp folders of abandoned temp files and temp folders, leave the basics, ie Cookies, history, temp internet files, adobe, etc based on your software. This can slow down windows and use memory.
6) Check your desktop, through windows explorer for each user's folder in documents and settings and all user folders, it will give you a list of all the stuff on your desktop including size. make sure only shortcuts are there, my son slowed down my computer big time by downloading a game demo directly to the desktop. You can also check your startmenu and all subfolders for the same thing, though its hard to get a file here instead of a shortcut, much easierr to d/l something by mistake to the desktop.
7) Then defrag your harddrive, even if defragger says not needed, the defragger designer was not a gamer.
These steps always help when my comp runs high end games slow. I do this usually once a month.
Edited, Oct 30th 2006 at 7:26am PST by fhrugby