I just came back to EQ, AGAIN, to try and fill my spare time as all other MMOs are pretty god-awful and are getting worse.
However, I just can't bring myself to play... I can't decide what class I want to play, if I want to play my mage (44, 3k mana), one of my alts, or make a new character and enjoy gfay/cb/kurns again.
So, I'm throwing myself at the mercy of the forum - name a fun class/race (In your opinion) to play, and I'll play it... This just isn't something I can do on my own for some reason, because every time I attempt to play a new alt or my mage, I start thinking that maybe theres something else I can be doing :(
Also, just out of curiosity, where is the Class/Race guide, and all those other links? It was really nice to have access to each class's forum, spell list, quest, equipment, etc. all from one page.