I have read every single post in the Beware the Hive task description, but I still need some help...
I got three of the six locations to update:
Recluse Canyon - done
The East Obelisk - done
Warren of the Conscripts - done
Still three locations missing... I know that I have to go down in one of the towers to reach Queen Sendaii's Shrine and the Reanimation Chamber - but how?? I have searched both towers multiple times now, but I just can't find downward stairs... I have read that there is a "ramp" to go down, but where? And how do I activate it, if it is similar to an elevator?
As for the Living Bridges, I tried the way described by other players - climb the wall at the zone entry as far as possible and levitate to the bridge. The problem: I tried three times, and all three times having levitated half the way, I was zoned into Stoneroot Falls, at the most northwestern point?!? There shouldn't be a zoneline in the middle of the zone!!! Bug?
Please, help...