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I am a cheaterFollow

#1 Aug 30 2006 at 7:16 PM Rating: Sub-Default
Got suspended for using MQ2 today so I thought I'd come clean and vent a little on my way out.

I have been using MQ2 and Show EQ for almost a year now. Cheating was even more fun than playing because playing EQ these days is boring as all heck. All you do is sit at the computer grinding out AAs or working on progression. And when you are almost done with one expansion's progression, Sony hits you with another expansion and list of spells, AAs, progression, etc and there is no end and no satisfaction.

There is nothing about this game worth paying 13 dollars a month for. Nothing.

SoE's crappy customer service model and endless patches and thoughtless expansions ruined the game a long time ago. Whoopie! Monster missions that required no work at all and gave 1 AA per 'sucess' - for weeks on end! Ohh ahhh. Sony did a great job testing that out before it went live. And then letting people warp around zones collecting items/opening chests and rewarding them with some cool loot: again brilliant on their part. Or how about the nightly patches that came with SoL and PoP?

Personally I believe SoE builds this junk in to new expansions because people wouldn't buy them otherwise without being able to exploit them. (Remember the cloak quest from PoR that everyone did?) These expansions are intended to get people to buy them because of the weaknesses built in to them from the time they go live. After a few months when everything is fixed, the in-store price drops to $10 and the latest compilation of all expansions is available for $20. SoE has got this pattern down.

I didn't fool myself. I didn't think that I would get away with anything by using MQ2 and Show EQ. I knew there would come a day when I would get banned or suspended, but I didn't care. It was fun warping around Vex Thal trying to take out named mobs with only 5 chars. I had fun finishing DoN missions in 20 minutes and earning 250 crystals at a time - now you know why crystals cost 20 or 30 pp each. Cheating was so much more fun than anything else in this game. I knew once I started using MQ2 that I was on my way out. I knew that eventually I would get caught and when I did it wouldn't matter.

To all you hosers out there that think the cheaters should get banned: what do you care? Short of those few a*&^&*'s that ninja loot (who are not all MQ2 users by the way), why do you honestly care about anyone who warps to the succor point in a zone, gates without the gate spell, or kills named mobs when they are not already camped by someone else? What does it matter to you idiots? Most people who use MQ2 use it in such a fashion that it is transparent to everyone they play around. You people need to get a life. Stop worrying about other people and play the game the way you want. It's a virtual world for God's sake, who cares what happens in it?
#2 Aug 30 2006 at 8:27 PM Rating: Good
if you get suspended for mq2ing, you pretty much suck.
#3 Aug 30 2006 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
We care because it affects those of us who don't cheat. It lessens our accomplishments because when we do something big, folks wonder or not if we cheated. Look at what happens in sports. Becasue of drug use, whenever someone does something great, even wonders if they did drugs to get their, regardless of evidence, regardless of innocence.

#4 Aug 30 2006 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
First off I will agree with you on the part about expansions. I have noticed on several of the last expansions they always have that 1 exploit/easy way of making money to sucker people into buying it. Then about about 2 weeks when a good chuck of palyers buy the expansion they fix/nerf it. I won't argue the fact that some of them needed fixed (IE DODH as has been argued in the past). I mean seriously SOE with beta testing had no reason to release DODH knowing good and well peopel could churn out AA's/exp too quickly. But after a day or 2 of people telling general chat they are getting an AA per mission of course people will buy it.

However on the part of cheating, there is plenty of reason for people not to want cheaters in the game. In short it hurts the players who are playing legitly. Also there has been cases in the past where players who didn't even cheat have gotten banned from cheaters. I remember the plat dub they had awhile back. Not only did SOE ban the ones using the dup, but they also banned some of the players who sold stuff to them. Now really how the hell can they expect a player to know if the money they are getting is legit? I mean you set your trader up at night and go. Half the time you go LD before you wake up and have no clue who bought what (and have no reason to care).
#5 Aug 31 2006 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,156 posts
Troll much?
#6 Aug 31 2006 at 4:22 AM Rating: Decent
1,906 posts
OOT question:
Taleswapper wrote:
Remember the cloak quest from PoR that everyone did?
Which quest is it?
#7 Aug 31 2006 at 4:31 AM Rating: Decent
There is nothing about this game worth paying 13 dollars a month for. Nothing.

.... There is one thing worth the money. The people you meet and friends you make. The rest is just filler.

Totally agree about the expansions though, wouldnt be so bad if they had original ideas but few do.
#8 Aug 31 2006 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
There is nothing about this game worth paying 13 dollars a month for. Nothing.

But there was apparently something worth paying $13 x 5 for you?

As for MQ'ing around and killing mobs no one was camping and how it affects no one? I'm not even going to begin to debate the logistics of the bazaar, supply and demand, and flooding the market with items attained via cheating and how it affects fair market value -vs- deflated market value brought to cheating. There are far too many threads on the subject already.

Please stick with Diablo 2 and cheat till your heart's content. Furthermore, no one will care if you do it.

#9 Aug 31 2006 at 8:26 AM Rating: Default
It lessens our accomplishments: Funny; not in my eyes. People who actually accomplish a PoN maze event, legitimately or not, don't garner any more respect than the jerkoff that did it by warping in at the end, farrming PoJ trash for loot, etc, isn't a big accomplishment in my eyes either, Personlly I dont give a junk whether you have legitamtely completed PoR or GoD progression or whatever it is you have 'achieved', and you shouldn't either. Your personal accomplishments in the virtual world of EQ are unimportant to me and a lot of other people. You own self esteem should be judged by you and not your peers. If you have a funny feeling that you don't 'rate' with other people then that is your issue; you deal with it, don't blame MQ2 users for it.

I never once wondered if someone cheated to get that nice PoR chest item, or drachnid candle. A LOT of people accomplish everything in EQ without the use if MQ2 or showeq and you are a fool to think that your accomplishments are diminshed because some minority gets a kick out of pushing limits by cheating. (Congrats on all your legitimate wins by the way)

This game is so dang simple since the introduction of level 65 and 70 and 1300 AAs, come on! Anyone with any skill can accomplish almost anything in this game while 2 boxing. Sony has made it that simple! Why do you think there are fabled mobs every year? For God's sake a group of chars can take out VT and PoP named without issue now. Whether you use MQ2 or not this game is frigging easy and you have to be a dolt for it to be a challenge. OMG my level 2 rogue made level three by hailing a char in PoK the other day!

I cheated with MQ2 so I must suck - I hardly care what you think. You should have figured that out from my initial post and not wasted your time posting here.

Banning players who are legit - that's Sony's inadequate support system at fault. Don't blame MQ2 users because SoE designed a flaw in their system and let everyone knowingly or unknowingly exploit it. Those rollbacks a few months back were BS and Sony screwed a lot of people over with that - that's why they gave the double exp that they did. Any other unintentional exploit/hurting legit players situation falls under the lack of support SoE offers to it's clients and cannot reasonably be attributed to MQ2 users or the existence of MQ2.

I am not an idiot; bah, maybe I am, I am not going to counter every single oppositional reply to my initial post. Personally, I dont think my use of MQ2 had a profound effect except for this: on many occasion I rezzed several wiped raids and had I not had a cleric in the zone to do so the raid members present would not have finished the raid or been flagged, or collected the nice loot. For my part I don't care if you were flagged, looted, or whatever. I had fun,

During my time in EQ I used MQ2 to get a lot of people a lot of free AAs or equipment. Most of them, unknowingly, were the recipients of such rewards. None of them have been banned. None of them know what I was using either. If I owed an appology to anyone, it would be them, but they don't know any better so I'll leave it at that.

#10 Aug 31 2006 at 8:39 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
You are really digging yourself deep here.

Taleswapper wrote:

I cheated with MQ2 so I must suck - I hardly care what you think. You should have figured that out from my initial post and not wasted your time posting here.
Um, you came here posting this's a forum. You post stuff, others comment. Yes, you suck at the EQ.

Personally, I dont think my use of MQ2 had a profound effect except for this: on many occasion I rezzed several wiped raids and had I not had a cleric in the zone to do so the raid members present would not have finished the raid or been flagged, or collected the nice loot.
So you are a self-proclaimed nerf bat. Had you not been around with your illegally transported cleric a raid would have failed...that's supposed to happen sometimes, yes?

During my time in EQ I used MQ2 to get a lot of people a lot of free AAs or equipment. Most of them, unknowingly, were the recipients of such rewards. None of them have been banned. None of them know what I was using either. If I owed an appology to anyone, it would be them, but they don't know any better so I'll leave it at that.
Uh, what server did you say you played on?

Listen, you're contradicting yourself every step of the way. You complain about the grind, but you also complain about the easier quicker xp. You say the games too easy, but you make it easier, not only for yourself but others, using illegal exploits.

You proud of your EQ accomplishments?

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#11 Aug 31 2006 at 9:30 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
He is just pissed because he got caught.

#12 Aug 31 2006 at 9:32 AM Rating: Good
703 posts
If EQ is so simple, then why cheat to make it even simpler? And why call those of us that enjoy the game without cheating "idiots"? You say there is nothing about the game worth paying $13 a month for, but you paid 13 x 5 per month to play a game that you had to cheat at to enjoy. Guess that makes you the idiot.

#13 Aug 31 2006 at 9:51 AM Rating: Good
Award: The Golden Globe goes to Taleswapper

Category: Best Misplaced Anger Speech of All Time
#14 Aug 31 2006 at 10:05 AM Rating: Default
Cheating definitely makes us all look bad but sorry you got suspended. I couldn't imagine that happening to me.
#15 Aug 31 2006 at 11:11 AM Rating: Default
Hey Taleswapper,

Why don't you use your MQ2 to go get a piece of a$$, and quit your whining? Oh wait, MQ2 does not allow you to cheat in a non-virtual world. Get a life.
#16 Aug 31 2006 at 11:13 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
If you want to validate your cheating, you need to convince me why it's okay. I don't need to convince you why it's wrong.

If you don't care to validate it, that's fine. But then don't complain when other people say you suck.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#17 Aug 31 2006 at 11:44 AM Rating: Default
Why you are stuck on the 'this game is too easy' thing and then use MQ to make it easier makes no sense. I'd guess it's more like.... some people can take a group or two to VT and have fun but you can't without MQ2. MQ2 is taking some of the logistics out of the encounters, and they are there to make it fun and challenging. My guess is that you just want to be the top end uber dude with the equipment without actually earning it. you can't spend the time to do it right. If it was so easy why don't you at least try your MQ2 in current content. You would probably prefer WoW where things are a bit easier, less time spent grinding, less time getting thru content, etc.
#18 Aug 31 2006 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
If this game is so unejoyable that you have to cheat to play than dont play....simple as that.

Cheaters are loser....get a life and go away.
#19 Aug 31 2006 at 12:53 PM Rating: Good
3,128 posts
There is nothing about this game worth paying 13 dollars a month for. Nothing.

IMHO I disagree. That is less than the cost of going to the movies twice a month. I certainly get more enjoyment and mental challenge out of the game that most movies, and even for a casual player like myself, the game last a lot longer than two movies as well.
#20 Aug 31 2006 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
439 posts
So you are a cheater !! Why did you burden us with your whining and complaining. The truth is ...we ( collectively ) don't give a ****.

So go away and don't let the door hit you on the *** on your way out !

#21 Aug 31 2006 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent

whine, bit##, moan

#22 Aug 31 2006 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
If you want to pull that crap, go play on an EQ emulator and leave the real game to the real players.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#23 Aug 31 2006 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
6,760 posts
Taleswapper wrote:

SoE's crappy customer service model and endless patches and thoughtless expansions ruined the game a long time ago. Whoopie! Monster missions that required no work at all and gave 1 AA per 'sucess' - for weeks on end! Ohh ahhh. Sony did a great job testing that out before it went live. And then letting people warp around zones collecting items/opening chests and rewarding them with some cool loot: again brilliant on their part. Or how about the nightly patches that came with SoL and PoP?

Personally I believe SoE builds this junk in to new expansions because people wouldn't buy them otherwise without being able to exploit them. (Remember the cloak quest from PoR that everyone did?) These expansions are intended to get people to buy them because of the weaknesses built in to them from the time they go live. After a few months when everything is fixed, the in-store price drops to $10 and the latest compilation of all expansions is available for $20. SoE has got this pattern down.

Yes, Sony often puts in bugged content or events/mobs with really nice rewards. They've done it with pretty much every expansion. Hell, if it wasn't for the monster missions giving out AA's like candy, I probably wouldn't have bothered buying that expansion. You're not opening anyone's eyes here.

But does the poor customer service and the enticing bugged content justify cheating the game? Apparently it does for you, though I think you can see by the responses most people would disagree.

I'm glad you got caught, even if I don't play the game anymore.
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
#24 Aug 31 2006 at 10:27 PM Rating: Decent
There is nothing about this game worth paying 13 dollars a month for. Nothing.

Wow how long has it been since EQ was $13 isnt it going on a year soon? its sounds to me like the OP is slightly out of touch. Like someone else said if this isnt worth $13 a month ($15 really...) to you why not just leave. Pretty hard to justify $15 X 5 a month for a year as you said, Just to play a game you hate.

Its real annoying year after year hearing similar comments like this yet they STAY. For the love of god people if you hate this game then LEAVE.

#25 Aug 31 2006 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
Its real annoying year after year hearing similar comments like this yet they STAY. For the love of god people if you hate this game then LEAVE.

But then they would have 1 less thing to ***** and whine about.
#26 Sep 01 2006 at 12:23 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
To all you hosers out there that think the cheaters should get banned: what do you care? Short of those few a*&^&*'s that ninja loot (who are not all MQ2 users by the way), why do you honestly care about anyone who warps to the succor point in a zone, gates without the gate spell, or kills named mobs when they are not already camped by someone else? What does it matter to you idiots? Most people who use MQ2 use it in such a fashion that it is transparent to everyone they play around. You people need to get a life. Stop worrying about other people and play the game the way you want. It's a virtual world for God's sake, who cares what happens in it?

Principle. Look it up.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

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