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Dev Chat Log - Big ChangesFollow

#1 Aug 24 2006 at 2:23 PM Rating: Excellent
3,128 posts
EQLIVE wrote:
House of Commons Dev Chat Logs – August 23, 2006

<Brannoc> Welcome to another great Stratics house of commons with the developers of Everquest! Tonight is a general chat, any questions about the game will be welcome.

<Brannoc> Please send your questions to [QT]Sprite OR [QT]Preston by using /msg [QT]NICK My question here. Questions sent to myself or the developers will NOT be answered so please do not send them to us.

<Brannoc> We'll begin with a brief introduction from our guests and then proceed with the chat. Now would be a good time to send those questions to [QT]Sprite or [QT]Preston!

<Kytherea> Good evening all. I am Christina Delzer also known as Kytherea, the Community Relations Manager for EverQuest.

<Vahlar> Hi everyone, I'm Holly Longdale, assistant lead on EQ Live and stuff.

<Prathun> Hello everyone! I'm Jonathan Caraker, the spells and raids designer on EverQuest.

<Rashere> Good evening everyone. I'm Travis McGeathy, Lead Designer for EQ.

<Maddoc> Hey everyone, I'm Jason Mash, an Assistant Lead Designer in charge of breaking things for the EverQuest Team

<Oshran> Hello everyone. I'm Kevin "Oshran" Carter and I focus on the AA system and single group content.

<Raghnell> Hey everybody, I am Chris Lena, the Producer of the EverQuest

<Ngreth> Hello! I am Adam "Ngreth" Bell. Associate game designer specializing in tradeskills.

<Merloc> Hello, I'm Keith Turkowski, the new Items Designer for EverQuest.

<Brannoc> *Jetfire* What can you tell us about the next bundle pack? When will it be out? Will it include everything up to TSS inclusive?

<Raghnell> We haven't made any announcements on a new compilation yet so I can't go into the details. Now that we don't have a retail box for the expansion I would like to see compilations be as inclusive as possible.

<Brannoc> *Nolrog* As for the upcoming changes to the AA system, will you warn us in advance of the advantages or disadvantages of spending points before or after the expansion?

<Rashere> I plan to get a post up on the live forums within the next couple of days discussing the planned changes that are going in along with this expansion, including the AA changes. Specific to the AA changes, if you're at level 70 you shouldn't notice much change but lower level players will gain AAs at a faster rate than they have in the past.

<Brannoc> *Nolrog* It was mentioned that one could level from 1 - 75 within the upcomming expansion. As for spells, will there be alternate ways to obtain spells from previous expansions? Will they be no-trade runes like earlier expansions? Will research be the only method to obtain the spells for a player that stays only in TSS zones when leveling to 70+? Will we be able to obtain spells released in DoN, PoR or DoD?

<Ngreth> You will be able to get any spell that you can buy in the original EQ, Plane of Knowledge, and Serpent Spine itself. Additionally you will be able to get any spell that you can make using spell research. The Serpent's Spine will add LDoN and OoW spells to spell research.

<Brannoc> *Nolrog* There are a lot of people that do not have access to a credit card, and are concerned about the fact that TSS is download only. Some people are reporting that EB is selling pre-orders with the promise of an actual boxed version. Will there be a limited run of boxes for people that prefer them or can only pay cash? If no, then are you working on other payment options, so they can still purchase the expansion on the day of

<Raghnell> There are no plans for retail boxes of The Serpent's Spine. If a chain is taking pre-orders I would suggest getting your money back pronto!

<Raghnell> There is nothing currently place that I know of for people to pay with cash. At this point I wouldn't plan on there being something there on launch day.

<Brannoc> *Croix_FV* With The Serpents SPine Beta underway, will there be live server events that lead up to the expansion such as there were before DoD?

<Rashere> We don't have any massive live events planned this time around. It's something we enjoy doing, but this expansion is truly massive so we've decided to focus those resources on the expansion instead.

<Brannoc> *Ikkorus* With the past few expansions introducing mobs with massive AE nukes and AE Rampages and the such pet survivability has become non existant on almost every high end encounters. Understanding that classes such as beastlords and mages take severe raid utility hits when they are unable to use their pets. What if any, are your plans to address this issue with the coming expansion?

<Prathun> I've got several abilities and spells planned for the upcoming expansion that should help address pet survivability in raid situations. Each pet class will have access to one or more spells that can help their pet live through otherwise fatal AEs and attacks, and mages are due for upgrades to their pet toys.

<Brannoc> *Nolrog* When will TSS files be available for pre-downloading?

<Vahlar> You can start downloading files for TSS as of last night. More to come!

<Brannoc> *Cinexa* Hi guys ! from a cleric in guild I have a question - will the CH spell be getting an upgrade - with all the upgrades in tanks etc - the max ch is doing with aa is 9600 and even a crit doesn't always ch - with tanks over 20k - what's the outlook on this spell?

<Prathun> The nomenclature of Complete Heal is unfortunate, because as you've no doubt noticed over the past few years, it's not necessarily "complete" anymore.

<Prathun> There will be upgrades to heals for priest classes in the upcoming expansion, and while one of them in particular currently heal more damage than Complete Heal (Promised Renewal), I don't think you'll see a spell in the same line as CH in the near future.

<Brannoc> *Checkers* Dual-track end zone progression for The Serpent's Spine sounds like it will be two expansions worth of raiding experience. Is that a safe assumption?

<Rashere> That's a good way to look at it. We wanted to provide tons of content for all level ranges including the high end raiders. You won't have to choose one path over the other, so you'll just have a large number of events to select from at any given time.

<Brannoc> *Nolrog* Are there any plans on improving the GM armor in TSS, either by making a higher level set above GM or perhaps adding in a better augment than the GM augment?

<Ngreth> There are no plans for an upgrade to GM armor for TSS. We do plan on upgrading it in some fashion, but a decision has not been made as to the exact nature or time table of this upgrade.

<Brannoc> *Croix_FV* Are their plans for aggro focii such as the Demiplane class items to continue in TSS itemization?

<Merloc> We don't have any specific plans for more aggro *focus* this expansion (although we may still add some). There will definitely be additions/improvements to aggro management for several classes via items, AAs, and spells.

<Brannoc> *Checkers* In the recent producer's letter, it says that character creation has been redone to a streamlined, one-screen process. What was the motivation behind this change?

<Vahlar> The addition of a new race required us to make a few changes to character creation as the Drakkin race has a fairly wide variety of options we hadn't accounted for before. It was a perfect opportunity for us to spruce up character creation process so it's more intuitive for new users. I've been through it and it's much improved.

<Brannoc> *Nolrog* Can you give us more information on the downtime changes in general (what can we expect, how will it work), plus will this help with END regeneration?

<Rashere> The downtime changes are based around the player either being in-combat or out-of-combat. While the player is in combat, nothing is changed.

<Rashere> Once they leave combat, they have a certain period of time that must past and then they can rest by sitting down. When they are resting, they will regenerate health, mana, and endurance at a much faster rate than normal. Watch for more details in my forum post later this week.

<Brannoc> *Croix_FV* Are their concerns that with the current power level of spell focii (50-60%) that they can't increase much further and a new type of caster power increase from gear will have to be designed?

<Merloc> We definitely concern ourselves with evaluating potential power increases for classes each expansion. While we probably won't be raising the focus percentages this expansion (due to the level cap increase), it's likely that they will be raised in subsequent expansions.

<Brannoc> *Ferlin* What will the focus be of group content in TSS? Similar to recent expansions, or something that is comparatively in a "league" of its own?

<Rashere> In a way, TSS is an old school expansion. It is very much focused around quests and static zones. We don't have much in the way of instanced zones this time around, but rather we focused on massive zones, interesting stories and NPCs, and enough quests to keep even the most rabid quester busy for quite a while.

<Oshran> Also, expect a lot more single group bosses that fight with the complexity, tricks and tactics of a raid mob!

<Brannoc> *Nolrog* PoP progression is not widly done anymore, making the Aid Grimmel earring difficult to obtain. Would you consider removing the requrement of the planar flags from the Aid Grimmel Earring? People would still need to collect the necessary ingredients (perhaps some could be made no-drop to compensate), and still have to be 220+ in order to attempt the combine, but they just wouldn't need to have completed the PoP progress

<Rashere> Many older items like that have a reputation not just for their abilities, but for what was required to get them. That is something we have to be careful to honor so there's no plans to change the requirements to get those types of items after the fact.

<Brannoc> *Igorath* The melee augment Dioptase Segment (#51715) is supposed to proc for a 55 point heal yet on a 44 War wielding an Ornate Rune Blade (#5657) it only procs for a heal of 22 while on a 47 War wielding a Di'zok Imperial Katana (#5708) it procs for a heal of 26. The aug is Rec/Req lvl 40 and the proc is Req lvl 40. Why is the scaling not mentioned and will it be change to a fixed amount as in the item description? (Please don

<Maddoc> There as a bug with that set of augments that caused them to scale in an unintended manner. The bug has been corrected and they will now heal the same amount currently specified on them +/- an additional 5 points randomly (if I recall correctly).

<Maddoc> In either case, those augments will be fixed in the next scheduled live update.

<Brannoc> *Wycca* Out of curiousity, is there going to be a /claim reward for the retail box, and if so, what is it going to be?

<Raghnell> There will be no retail box - only a digital download. BUT we will be giving an in game item for pre-ordering TSS.

<Raghnell> It is a scepter that will teleport you to Crescent Reach (the home of the Drakkin) once a day

<Brannoc> *Ikkorus* In the past few expansions beastlords have fallen behind other classes in terms of having a viable role in high end encounters. With current mana pools and mob AE mana drains Perfection has become more lackluster. With pets becoming more and more useless in end game encounters are there plans to improve beastlord DPS by adding special abilities or perhaps (god willing) innate double attack?

<Prathun> As mentioned earlier, there are new abilities planned to help address beastlord (and other pet class) pet survivability on raids. If there are too many encounters that focus on mana drain that sounds more like a content design issue than class balance. From tuning the TSS raids I haven't seen many raids that include that mechanic.

<Brannoc> *Kela-the-Gypsy* When (if ever) are you going to force wizards to remove their Maelin's Leggings (and by remove I mean make them unusuable and give us a means to better control our aggro). It seems that making mobs immune to concussion in the new expansion and giving us a completely new and improved aggro reduction line would fix this problem once and for all.

<Merloc> Having played a wizard at the high end for a long time, I can agree with your sentiment towards Maelin's Leggings. I actually have several ideas on how to deal with those legs once and for all! In the next month or two I'll talk with some of the other designers, and see if we can make some changes that will keep wizards happy, and allow them to wear something more stylish.

<Prathun> There is a new spell for wizards in the works for Serpent's Spine meant to help with aggro reduction.

<Oshran> And a new AA!

<Brannoc> *Kazzuk* will there be endurance regen added to items similar to mana regen as there is an obviously dire need esp when developers feel they want to add more aggro discs (like for warriors) tied to endurance skills rather than give us class defining weapons as in the past.

<Prathun> The upcoming downtime changes should address the extensive amount of wait associated with regenerating a full bar of endurance.

<Prathun> By resting for a few minutes between combat, you can restore your entire supply and be ready to go again. We're not planning on adding endurance regeneration to items.

<Brannoc> *Serpens* How long till the new expansion is released?

<Rashere> You've got about a month to go. The Serpent's Spine will launch on September 19th.

<Brannoc> *Chanaluss* With the introduction of the tutorial, certain classes obtained new, tutorial exclusive spells. many players wish to have complete spellbooks, but are incapable of obtaining these few spells, due to the fact that they were created before the tutorial. can the tutorial spells be placed in PoK or Crescent Reach?

<Oshran> No spells were intended to be held over for tutorial participants only, so any that you can't get elsewhere are likely that way by mistake. I'll post on the forums soon with a request for the names of all such tutorial-only spells and get that resolved.

<Brannoc> *Kalthanan* The new Drakkin models are stylistically very different from previous models; robes and armor really outshine the Luclin models being used in the game now. That said, can we realistically expect upgrades to older models, or just a vague "sometime in the future"?

<Raghnell> Well vague is really all I can say at this point

<Raghnell> We want to do it and we are slowly marching forward.

<Brannoc> *Jetfire* When will we find out more about the new launcher? When will EQ (and the other games) start using it?

<Raghnell> We are working on the back end for this now. EQ will be on the new SOE launcher.

<Raghnell> But when is something I don't have control over...different department

<Raghnell> Hopefully before the end of the calendar year but NO PROMISES :-)

<Vahlar> (tm)

<Brannoc> *torvo-darkpaw* any chance on removing the insane number of subcombines needed for research and AAAAs? The new tradeskill system is EQ2 is vastly improved and would love to see subcombines go away in eq as well

<Ngreth> I do not plan on reducing the amount of combines needed for Ambleshift's Amazing Automated Amalgamator.

<Ngreth> As for spell research I have had some thoughts along that line and I am leaning towards offering a choice to players of saving money and making the acid themselves, or spending much more money to avoid the sub combines and just buy the acid.

<Ngreth> If I do this, the acid on vendors will be significantly more expensive than if you make the acid yourself.

<Brannoc> That's it for this one folks! Thanks for joining us here on Stratics IRC, the logs will be up on shortly. Be sure to come by next time!

<Kytherea> Thanks for coming folks. See you next time!

<Ngreth> Thank you for coming! Have a great day!

<Prathun> Thanks for joining us tonight. :)

<Rashere> Thank you all for coming!

<Raghnell> Thank you everybody.

<Merloc> Thanks for the questions.

Specific to the AA changes, if you're at level 70 you shouldn't notice much change but lower level players will gain AAs at a faster rate than they have in the past.

This could have significant impact on the way people level.

The Serpent's Spine will add LDoN and OoW spells to spell research.

I am sure this will make many, many people happy.

#2 Aug 24 2006 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
They did not say anything about the new in and out of combat modes. I am curious if they are going to lower the amount of regen and mana we get while in combat, or simply give us more when we are out of combat.

Will be nice to see other ways to get LDON spells.
#3 Aug 24 2006 at 4:00 PM Rating: Excellent
3,128 posts
Fronglo wrote:
They did not say anything about the new in and out of combat modes. I am curious if they are going to lower the amount of regen and mana we get while in combat, or simply give us more when we are out of combat.

Hehe yes they did:

<Brannoc> *Nolrog* Can you give us more information on the downtime changes in general (what can we expect, how will it work), plus will this help with END regeneration?

<Rashere> The downtime changes are based around the player either being in-combat or out-of-combat. While the player is in combat, nothing is changed.

<Rashere> Once they leave combat, they have a certain period of time that must past and then they can rest by sitting down. When they are resting, they will regenerate health, mana, and endurance at a much faster rate than normal. Watch for more details in my forum post later this week.
#4 Aug 24 2006 at 6:19 PM Rating: Good
615 posts
Will be nice to see other ways to get LDON spells
Being able to research pack shrew will be nice.

Edited, Aug 24th 2006 at 7:20pm EDT by JoltinJoe
#5 Aug 25 2006 at 2:12 AM Rating: Decent
1,252 posts
fhrugby, thanks for sharing :)
Still a noob. :-P
Characters on Drinal, Povar, EMarr, Firiona Vie.
#6 Aug 25 2006 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
Aye, thanks for the post, fhrugby.

A lot of interesting stuff in there.

The only thing missing that I wanted to learn more about was the concept of you floating over your corpse for a certain amount of time so you can be rezzed and not endure several "loading please wait". In particular, can you rezz yourself (either via the veteran AA rez, or some other means), or do you have to be rezzed by someone else.

#7 Aug 25 2006 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
Sounds like Soe is incorporating some EQ2 ideas with the whole health/mana regeneration when your in/out of combat.

In eq2 you will regen health and mana very quickly (go from 0 to 100% in less then a minute) if you are out of combat. A few factors will affect your regeneration like the level of food you are presently consuming, etc...

Once you start combat in eq2, then the regen rates slow down considerably and is not much of a factor in a tough fight. Of course, there are items and abilities that help speed this regen up but it never gets anywhere near the out-of-combat regeneration rate.

Also, Eq2 doesn't require characters to sit to speed up regen rate. Sitting doesn't help increas the rate of regen either.

It makes sense because it speeds up gameplay considerably. And SoE really needs everyone to be level 70 in order to continue the progression of the game.
#8 Aug 25 2006 at 9:46 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
As for the Rezz effects...

Again another eq2 idea being incorporated into eq1.

In eq2, you will stay with your body after you die, floating ever so gently above it and looking down. You will do this until someone rezzes you or you hit the "revive" option. If you hit the revive option, then you will be transported to the closest safe camp which is usually in the same area or zone. All your equipment will be intact, but damaged. Each death damages equipment by 10% until broken.

#9 Aug 25 2006 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
bubspeed wrote:
As for the Rezz effects...

Again another eq2 idea being incorporated into eq1.

In eq2, you will stay with your body after you die, floating ever so gently above it and looking down. You will do this until someone rezzes you or you hit the "revive" option. If you hit the revive option, then you will be transported to the closest safe camp which is usually in the same area or zone. All your equipment will be intact, but damaged. Each death damages equipment by 10% until broken.

Well since equipment doesn't take damage in EQ I would envision this as perhaps the "revive" option taking you back to your bind spot.

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#10 Aug 25 2006 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Dammit, I want to play Everquest, not EQ2.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#11 Aug 25 2006 at 2:44 PM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
I agree. Not sure I like the changes.

However, they are marketing eq1 to an audience that doesn't have the patience to wait.

Heck, I used to vacuum and do chores around the house while waiting for my necro to regen mana while soling in various spots. Now all it will probably take is 30 seconds to regen that mana instead of 5 minutes or so...

But, of course, this is all heresay until it actually happens...
#12 Aug 27 2006 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
187 posts
The floating over your body after death thing was originally made by DAOC not eq2 a long time ago. Including eq2 many games have made their own version of it such as wow and ddo.

In Eq2 I believe food/drinks impact more on regen than anything else. Eating tier 3 food makes your health/mana regen super fast but if you are eating bad food it is still very slow but not grass growing slow like eq1.

Edited, Aug 27th 2006 at 9:20pm EDT by TheGreatSieg
#13 Aug 30 2006 at 6:49 PM Rating: Default
I for one have often debated leaving the game after 5+ years playing it. Mostly because I see the last 5 years as a giant waste of my time. I remember hell lvls. What ticks me off about the game is that some noob with less than a year can get up to where it took me 5 years to get to all with double exp potions and double exp aa's and double exp weekends and monstermission power lvls. They can even get near raid equivilant gear doing these missions. And now as reported You can go from 1 - 70 with out ever having to leave the expansion and to make matters worse it will be much easier to get aa's at lower lvls. Gee as if the noobs coming to this game don't have it easy enough. I read the guy complaining about down time between fights dude you dont know down time till you have waited 45 min for a boat or had to find a necro or sk and then beg him to summon your corpes cause you died in a place you cant get back to or had to run across 5 or 10 zones cause there wasnt a freaking POK book. I understand the need to attract new players with the competion in on line gaming now. But all they have done for me is make me want to leave.
#14 Aug 30 2006 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Orienth I can see your point, but something to remember is new players simply can't exp the game like players did when it first came out. I don't know if you have played a alt or not lately, but it is getting harder and harder to form pick up groups pre lvl 50ish. Thanks to hotzones and twink gear though players can form less perfect groups and gain more exp. I personalyl don't have a problem with players having a easier time getting to lvl 70. Also Progression servers have proven that its not even so much the gear/hotzones that are helping players as it is the knowledge.

I mean 5 years ago you could walk into Black Burrow and jump into a group, or splitpaw, south karana (kfc), etc etc. I found with my recent toon alot of my lvling from 1 to 50 involved boxing my friends cleric or simply soloing.

The game is just not the same as it was when it first came out, and it will never be. They could make a server that was nothing but a fresh install of eq1 classic and it would still not be the same.
#15 Aug 31 2006 at 4:55 AM Rating: Decent
Dammit, I want to play Everquest, not EQ2.

... Well since alot of the concepts being discussed in this thread were in WoW before they were in EQ2 maybe you can take comfort in the fact that your not playing eq2 so much as you are playing World of Warcraft.

#16 Aug 31 2006 at 5:24 PM Rating: Default
GEEE here is a question for ya do you thiink there might be more groups at lower lvl if there were more people at lower lvls. Meaning if you can power/lvl, exp aa, exp potion , hot zone, exp weekend your way to now lvl 75 in a mtter of months not years of course there wont be anyone to group with at lower lvls because no one is at the lower lvls long enough to be looking for groups. You can litterally get from 0 to 70 in under 6 months. An ounce of common sense tells you there wont be many at lower lvls long to group with.

Also I am well aware the game has changed i dont have to like it. I think by making progression so much easier you loose a certain quality to the game that set it appart from wow or EQ2. it used to be if you were a top end player there was a modicum of respect that went along with it now if you are looking for a group or recruiting for a guild you need to be carefull of who your getting because you very well may have a noob. I am a lvl 70 warior and i cant tell you how many HP/AC questions I get followed by Um are you able to tank WoS? My responce is what do you mean able? It isnt am I available but am I capable? Years ago when you went to look for a higher lvl player you really didnt need to ask stupid questions like that but now you have to cause you may be getting the winner of the monster misssion lottery

#17 Aug 31 2006 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Not playing WoW should go without saying. Smiley: lol

I use EQ2 as a comparison point because I've seen EQ2, my girlfiend plays it and constantly bugs me to switch. She keeps pointing out these new additions to EQ and says "See you might as well be playing EQ2 anyways!" Smiley: mad
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#18 Sep 01 2006 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
GEEE here is a question for ya do you thiink there might be more groups at lower lvl if there were more people at lower lvls. Meaning if you can power/lvl, exp aa, exp potion , hot zone, exp weekend your way to now lvl 75 in a mtter of months not years of course there wont be anyone to group with at lower lvls because no one is at the lower lvls long enough to be looking for groups.

In my opinion, there are two main reasons why there are so few at lower levels.

1. There are so very few new players. I would bet that under 10% of the current players started for the first time in the last 6 months.

2. People don't want to have to spend years leveling each alt. I took my time leveling my first toon. I enjoyed taking years leveling my druid to 70. But I don't ever want to freaking do it again with another toon. I did all of the tradeskilling and I did all of the exploring with my main. It is dull and repetitive doing it again with an alt. (Hence the reason I quit WoW within a month). The first time is the best but it can never be duplicated, so accept that, and move on.
#19 Sep 01 2006 at 3:20 PM Rating: Good
I'll add a #3 to that;

3) People looking to play a MMORPG for the first time aren't likely to try Everquest with all of the stiff competition from newer games with far better graphics. Therefore, the people who are starting new accounts are either returning players, or people with varying degrees of experience with other MMORPGs. In both cases, these players are going to spend far less time slogging through the lower levels.

Having said that, it's just the way the game has evolved. People don't want to spend much time at low-level because there aren't that many others of like level to group with. So, people use the readily-available new resources to PL through those levels. This in turn reduces the low-level population, and people don't want to spend much time at low-level because there aren't that many others of like level to group with. So...
#20 Sep 03 2006 at 11:19 AM Rating: Default
So why dont they make it so you lazy bastards just start at 70 (now 75) with 200 or so aa and cut out the middle man for your alts and boxes?
#21 Sep 03 2006 at 11:21 AM Rating: Default
NOt being serious just sarcastic. But really would be more efficiant. If no one wants to be at lower levels and no people there to group with then why have em???? Seems to me lower level just arent needed any more and think of the zones you could just flat out eliminate.
#22 Sep 05 2006 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
267 posts
I can answer that, although you can find some examples of where i will be proven wrong in this, but in order to be lvl 70 with 200 AA's even in this age. If someone works up from lvl 1, they at least will have some understanding of the game and how to play their character. They will have grouped in Paladul Caverns, on the occasional LDoN or other group, say maybe in OT once they get in the 30's, Gunthak later, etc. On a not hardcore player, will take at least 4 to 6 months. Most likely longer.

In response to the monster missions, they can give the player the ideas on what other players can do, some idea on how to play other classes, etc.

All that having been said, however, Still will not help a true newbie PL to 70, in a short period of time, unless he is a true MM only newb.

Say someone joined the game after the last double xp weekend, and i think that was about 6 months ago, he does not have the 30 minute double xp veteran reward, or the potions from the scavenger hunt 1.5 years ago, so you cannot blame the double xp stuff on that. That is not a valid argument.

If you start the game at lvl 70, with 200 aa's, that would be truely something to scare the heck outta me. THAT would be a true noob.

Also, one final point and think about this, on the Progression servers, all classic style, old configuration, no powerleveling, and STILL you had people hit level 50 in 10 days. so 6 months to hit 70? not so bad imho.
#23 Sep 11 2006 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
"Some Understanding" Sigh You are all missing the point. You all complain that your gald the game is easier because there is no one at the lower levels to group with. The simple fact of the matter is IF IT WEREN'T soeasy people would be at lower levels not eye blinking through the game like it is now. How many zones are ghost towns now? Plaludial caverns and Ldons? PLLLLLZZZZ 99% of the people who still do ldons are people finishing the stone. People PL up to the Dons instead the gear is better and the points are tradeable. They came up with this whole shroud thing to get people to group with different lvl people but still dont make people stay at levels very long. And while you may find my arguments ablut exp potions and weekends and aa's irrelevant they are to the point I was trying to make which was the true vet in this game didnt have them AT ALL as an option to get lvls. Your asumption that because the last one was 6 months ago is the irrelavant one. The simple fact of the matter is:

The game has gotten easy compared to its roots. With the new "enhanced " med and regen with next expansion it will be even easier.

I exept that that is the way it is and they are certainly not gonna toughen it up just to make 1 old vet player happy. We can just agree to dissagree on wether the simplification of the game is for the better or not

#24 Sep 25 2006 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
(Say someone joined the game after the last double xp weekend, and i think that was about 6 months ago, he does not have the 30 minute double xp veteran reward, or the potions from the scavenger hunt 1.5 years agoor the potions from the scavenger hunt 1.5 years agoor the potions from the scavenger hunt 1.5 years agoor the potions from the scavenger hunt 1.5 years ago, so you cannot blame the double xp stuff on that. That is not a valid argument. )

OK now with the new expansion out how many people are running into people with stacks of double exp potions. I ran into a guy who had at least 4 of them cause I watched him dinge and get exp at twice the rate as anyone else in the group (4x's when he had potion and vet aa going together) for over 2 hours. He was bragging he had 30 of them saved up. This was a now lvl 75 sk with a grand total of 8.5k hp and 1.5k ac and less than 200 aa.

There ya go my point is confirmed the game has been dumbed down. What happened to the idea of tying lvl to aa like 100 aa per lvl required over level 65? That at least should slow this crap.

Now just please go ahead and try and tell this promotes the game.

#25 Sep 25 2006 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
orienth wrote:

OK now with the new expansion out how many people are running into people with stacks of double exp potions. I ran into a guy who had at least 4 of them cause I watched him dinge and get exp at twice the rate as anyone else in the group (4x's when he had potion and vet aa going together) for over 2 hours. He was bragging he had 30 of them saved up. This was a now lvl 75 sk with a grand total of 8.5k hp and 1.5k ac and less than 200 aa.

There ya go my point is confirmed the game has been dumbed down. What happened to the idea of tying lvl to aa like 100 aa per lvl required over level 65? That at least should slow this crap.

Now just please go ahead and try and tell this promotes the game.


Considering that can only happen on 1 server, (FV because the potions are nodrop and the quest was only doable once). This is not even an issue, not to mention that alot of ppl that have been hording the potions are now using them its even less of an issue.

I would say this promotes the game. i hate to say it but "dumbing it down" will promote the game more than anything look at WoW 6 million+ subscriptions says your wrong... It will just **** old school players off and why would SOE care If they get more subscribers the few that leave will be negligible. Face it 99% of people still playing have a complaint of one kind of another and just like the others people will keep playing. If people actually cancelled accounts instead of complaining on forums they MIGHT change something.

So far i think once they iron these changes out they will be fine, just be patient, so far this is the easiest transition to a new expansion i have seen.
#26 Sep 26 2006 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
Are you nieve or just not getting there needs to be a balance to this you have 75 toons who cant do 75 groups. PERIOD!!! you have 75 toons who cant do 65 groups. Why? because it has become too easy to be 75. Ask around on your server people will have horror stories about this Tank they got for such and such group who couldnt hold agro and was getting 1 rounded. Or the healer who has to med between every pull. (new regen or not that is still a pain in the ***) Or the chanter who cant mez there or the monk whos fd keeps failing or the nuker who keeps fizzleing. This kind of thing used to be rare happened only with the no life speed demons who race to end content and quit soon after but the occurance is becoming more common place just ask people. Everyone jokes about it. Doesnt make it any less true. I understand they have to compete with other games but there has to be balance as well. Other wise as I have said b4 where does it end? Start at lvl 75 with 200 aa's?
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