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AA's verses next level ?Follow

#1 Aug 22 2006 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
439 posts
I posted this on the Class site but it gets a lot less viewing and no answer.

I just dinged to 64 as a necro and I have no AA's yet.

Should I go for AA run and AA regen or work on getting to 65 instead ?

Beelze on Tribunal
#2 Aug 22 2006 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
#3 Aug 22 2006 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I ended up getting 6 aa's on my necro by lvl 57, however one of those was from a pojustice trial. I know Iknow I shoul dhave gotten my level, however I was basically slowing down abit so a friend could catch up to me. I trained the regen first, then worked on my run speed 3. I have to say run 3 is a handy thing, saves me from buying philter of the wolf potions non-stop. The regen as a necro is helpful also for obvious reasons. ACtually now between Dain aug, and other regen gear/aa's I only lose 3hp a tick with lich on. When fighting undead its nice because I can cast 3kish worth of undead nukes for about the same mana as a single 600hp lifetap.

Anyways you might consider just hunting with say 30% going to AA exp? Also you should get a couple of friends together and do a pojustice trial. Thats a free AA right there.
#4 Aug 22 2006 at 10:53 AM Rating: Excellent
3,128 posts
AA now for a bit, do levels after next expansion.
#5 Aug 22 2006 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
297 posts
Here is my advice...

Excluding those situations where you are trying to wait for a friend to catch up, I would say Level is vastly more important than AA; however, the grind for levels is very boring. Because of this, I will set milestones where I will change over and grind out an AA or two. For example, when I ding, I will get half a yellow of exp, then change to 100% AA until I get that one AA. Usually at 50% toward the next level, I will change again. Using this method, I will knock out two AA before I level again. Sitting with 2 AA sometimes doesn't help since the AA that I want costs 3 AA, so I will grind out one more AA. These "mini-goals" help break up the boredom of grinding out the level.
#6 Aug 22 2006 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent

I second that. AAs are much easier to aquire the higher you are, plus you have access to better gear (level required stuff), spells, and no level problems with groups.

Though I will mention that if you are getting frustrated with leveling, take a break, switch 100% to AAxp and enjoy picking up a few AA's. It makes the leveling so much more bearable, and it makes you feel more productive. I did this at 66 and 68 when I was so tired of seeing that experience bar move just a little each night.

I don't believe they have fixed the problem of losing experience when you mix regular and AAxp or I would tell you to go that route.

<edit> Bah, Pinzarn beat me posting about the taking a break advice. Smiley: frown

Edited, Aug 22nd 2006 at 12:26pm EDT by mrwookie
#7 Aug 22 2006 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
703 posts
I think it depends on how you want to play your char.

For my mage, I wanted the lvl 70 pet focus and the strongest pets I could get, so I got her to 70 before concentrating on AAs. I did a few here and there, but mostly leveled.

For my cleric, I did the same as my mage and mostly leveled. I wanted her to have the best gear and higher spells, so went to 70.

My beasty is a troll and with the exp penalty the 50s seems to last forever. Now that she's 60, I'll be working on AAs for awhile before leveling her again.

I'm taking a different approach with my zerker. Many times she is the tank, so I'm starting her AAs at 55 to make her better able to fill that tanking role. After she gets the lvl 55 AAs out of the way, I'll then level her to 58 and then do the same thing.

If you like the zones that you're experiencing in and you're having fun, then stop and get some AAs. You will notice your char able to handle things better with more AAs. But if you want to get to some new content, spells or equipment, then keep on leveling. Just remember, new expansion aside, once you get to 70 you'll be in those lvl 70 zones for a long time, so enjoy the pre-70 zones as long as you can.
#8 Aug 22 2006 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
Well said MissMandie

I blew through levels so I could keep up with my guild's progression, and I missed out on a lot of fun zones. I rerolled 3 new chars recently for my 3-boxing endeavors. I am going to take my time and have fun in some of those zones I didn't get to spend a lot of time on (Umbral, revamped Greig's End and Seirens Grotto). I'll go have fun in those zones and just pop out AA's and enjoy myself.
#9 Aug 26 2006 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
mrwookie wrote:

I second that. AAs are much easier to aquire the higher you are

Just a headsup

Rashere wrote:
In addition to the upcoming launch of The Serpent’s Spine, we are working on a number of improvements to EverQuest at the same time. I wanted to give everyone else a head’s up on some of the changes that are coming your way. These changes are still undergoing testing so may change before they go live. We are attempting to get these out in the same patch that introduces The Serpent’s Spine, but they are not part of the expansion and if deemed necessary, may be introduced at a later date.

AA System – With the increase to level 75, we’ve run into a problem with AAs. AAs are built around a static amount of experience, roughly what is required to get level 51. As levels have gone up, the amount of experience you get for killing a creature goes up too and we’re at the point now where a few kills at level 75 would be worth an AA point. To avoid this problem and the problems associated with continually inflating AA costs to compensate, we’re moving the AA system to a more relative system so the amount of AA experience you gain will be based on the difficulty (con level) of the NPC you killed rather than its level (quest XP and other ways of getting AA are likewise converted over to the new system). The amount of experience required to get an AA is based around what a level 70 player currently requires in the old system, so players at level 70 shouldn’t see much difference. Players below level 70 will gain AA at a faster rate than before the change because they were previously gaining at a much slower rate than a level 70 can.
#10 Aug 26 2006 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
i read AA's are going to come faster for us at lower lvl's. thank god. i'm about to get 3 characters to 51 soon.
To play well with others is to NOT GET THEM KILLED

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#12 Aug 26 2006 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
I prefer a balance between AAs and levels, due to my playing style. I spend a lot of time experiencing as much of a level range as possible - I don't go for pushing through to the endgame quickly. To this end I have gotten a lot of AAs to round out my characters at each step. For example, at 63 my cleric has an odd assortment of 6 General (including run3, of course) as well as his Healing Gift/Adept up to 3 in Archetype, a level or two in Radiant Cure, Spellcasting Mastery. The basics. 36 AA or so in all. Now, though, I'm pushing for 64 or 65 for certain spells. My necro has 160AA at level 66, but that's just because necros can rake in exp like no other. Smiley: laugh I've got no real need to go to 67 or higher just yet; I still need to get the spells.

Regardless of play style, many people state as I do that you should get the first 6 AA - usually run3 and regen3 - by 60. Where you go from there is up to you, but general consensus has been that up until Serpents Spine, you get far more AA and faster at 70, so people just push to that point and get all the req. 70 gear.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#13 Aug 27 2006 at 5:22 AM Rating: Decent
820 posts
My 63 Pally is currently sitting on 153 AAs...simply because thats how i feel like playing it.

AA vs. XP is yet another one of those things that is more about your personal preference on how you want to play and experience the game...
#14 Aug 27 2006 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
I totally agree Saeel .. 63/153 ranger here ...


(Now if ya wear corrective shoes, and ya got big bunions, toenails look + smell like onions ... don't doowhutchalike ... go see a foot doctor tonight!)
#15 Aug 27 2006 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
So, as I understand the current AA structure, a lvl 51 char would gain an AA as fast as he could level to 52 (because AA xp is based off what a lvl 51 char's xp would be, right?). With this new AA system coming into place w/ TSS, will a lvl 51 char gain an AA faster than he would from leveling from 51 to 52? Makes sense to me, just wanted to make sure I'm thinking correctly here...
#16 Aug 27 2006 at 10:55 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
madmurr wrote:
So, as I understand the current AA structure, a lvl 51 char would gain an AA as fast as he could level to 52 (because AA xp is based off what a lvl 51 char's xp would be, right?). With this new AA system coming into place w/ TSS, will a lvl 51 char gain an AA faster than he would from leveling from 51 to 52? Makes sense to me, just wanted to make sure I'm thinking correctly here...

That is correct.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#17 Aug 28 2006 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
53 posts
As noted above, my 2 cents changes whenever the new AA xp rules get put into effect.

One factor to consider is what lvl mobs you might be grinding AA on and how (what spells you use now or would use at 70) you do your killing.

On my monk, it was definitely easier to earn AA after 70 (grinding AA in the Hole, around 250 or so atm) -- melee skills, defensive, dps, all went up considerably from 65 to 70 for my monk.

On the other hand, per kill, my wiz earned 2x the AA at 65 than at 70. The reason, which may or may not apply in your case, is that my wiz grinds AA while quad kiting in HOH; I use almost the same spells to quad and have been grinding on the same lvl 62 mobs that I did when I was 65. When I got some of my upgraded 66-70 spells I tried single kiting yellow cons in the Nest, and earned considerably less AA per bar of mana than I did in HOH. The only positive about lvling up on my wiz was fewer resists and maybe greater pickup group *potential*. As far as upgraded spells for grouping, I'm still bottle-necked by the no-drop runes.

If I had to do it again, solely for the speed at which I could've acquired AA, I would've paused my wiz xp at 65 (since I had the mana pool and regen to work through the resists) and cranked out more than the 100 or so AA that I picked up then... but again, that was due to the two factors above (spell line-up, and mob lvl when grinding AA) that may or may not apply to your situation.

edited to fix shoddy grammer... not to say that it reads any better now :)

Edited, Aug 28th 2006 at 1:00pm EDT by traderelf
#18 Aug 28 2006 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
For casters Lvls>AAs

spells are everything
#19 Sep 04 2006 at 5:27 PM Rating: Decent
187 posts
Levels are extremely important for casters, where as melee need the AAs. There are certain AAs that are extremely good and are worth getting earlier on.

Defensive aas if you get agro a lot are good(avoidance, mitigation), SCM3 is excellent and I would get it as soon as possible.

There are certain classes that get super good AAs. I do not know the ones necros get but druids get innate camo and exodus which are much better than levels imo. Beastlords get paragon of spirit and later on perfection of spirit, the pet hold aas and these are just as important as gaining levels.

But in general for casters levels > AAs because their power becomes much greater because they can cast higher level spells. There are some that u really should get though for every class early on.

Leveling is extremely important because you will get more groups. Though most necros do like soloing.

Edited, Sep 4th 2006 at 6:29pm EDT by TheGreatSieg
#20 Sep 06 2006 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
Let me say Levels are important......But AA's help make your class....It defines your toon from another...
#21 Sep 06 2006 at 5:37 PM Rating: Good
2,198 posts
I'll pretty much echo what others have said... in general, levels > AA's. There are exceptions to every rule of course. If you're a bard and you don't get Fading Memories the SECOND you ding 63 then you have no idea how much you've just limited yourself. The same thing for Bellow. For casters (and some hybrids, depending on your style of play) I'd say getting the extra spell gem slot is pretty important. Rogues should probably get Escape and SoS ASAP. There are certain AA's that really are class defining, and while you don't HAVE to have them, you're usually EXPECTED to have them, and usually for a good reason.
#22 Sep 07 2006 at 3:02 AM Rating: Decent
dfrnchman wrote:

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