Lets not forget about the Rangers tools to decrease aggro.. Jolting blades and Cinder Jolt will take you down 200 (every time it procs) and 500 (every time it is cast)respectively, so that you dont have to steal aggro.
With a high end bow, AM3, Endless Quiver with a good arrow loaded, and Trueshot down, you can expect that your going to have to do some aggro management. If you have any type of crit enhancement AA's (why would you not if your a higher end ranger?) then crits of over 1500 are common and are not seperated by much time. The DPS of a well AA's ranger is a thing of beauty. But it comes with the need to help your party maintain order. If you nuke, follow it with cinder Jolt. If your a melee type ranger, have jolting blades proc up.
The ability to generate lots of aggro for a ranger is really excellent because you can pull any adds off of the casters, (snare, dps, if close taunt) and then either bow kite them, off tank them (not recommended) or root park them untill they can be dealt with in turn. Once they are root parked, hit them with Cinder Jolt, move your self down the hate list a little and then when the tank goes over, taunts and THEN hits, you will not have a mob running wild in the camp.
Yours for better rangering!
Tyroniusrex 70 Ranger
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