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Prophecy of Ro ProgressionFollow

#1 Aug 04 2006 at 2:41 PM Rating: Excellent
1,088 posts
* The keyed zones in the Prophecy of Ro are the Plane of Music (better known as the Theater of Blood) and Deathknell, the Tower of Dissonance.

* Zone Listings:
- Theater of Blood
- Deathknell, the Tower of Dissonance

* Seven tasks are required for Theater of Blood access:
- The Key to the Past
- The Burning Prince
- Message from the Past
- Samples of Corruption
- Skylance: Library
- Skylance: The Oubliette
- Skylance: The Laboratory

How far into the Prophecy of Ro have you progressed?
I do not own the Prophecy of Ro expansion:124 (10.7%)
I am not interested in progressing through Prophecy of Ro:82 (7.1%)
I have yet to begin the Prophecy of Ro progression process:377 (32.5%)
I have completed less than 4 tasks required for Theater of Blood access:162 (14.0%)
I have completed at least 4 tasks required for Theater of Blood access:76 (6.6%)
I have access to the Theater of Blood but have not defeated any raid encounters there:172 (14.8%)
I have access to the Theater of Blood and have defeated at least one raid encounter there:76 (6.6%)
I have access to the Theater of Blood and am just about in to Deathknell:37 (3.2%)
I have access to Deathknell, the Tower of Dissonance:13 (1.1%)
I have beaten Deathknell's Ayonae Ro:41 (3.5%)

(Note: You must be a registered user to vote in a poll.)
#2 Aug 04 2006 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
1,906 posts
Not interested at the moment, only lvl 53 and too many other things to see...

Edit: First! Smiley: grin

Edited, Aug 4th 2006 at 4:43pm EDT by bbot
#3 Aug 04 2006 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts
I was working on this a little while ago, but had to stop due to a new job. I hope to finish it but i dont see it happening any time in the near future.
#4 Aug 04 2006 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
Maybe after I get all my characters keyed for Veeshan's Peak, Sleeper's Tomb, Vex Thal, Time, whatever the hell the top GoD zone is, Anguish, and finish all the DoN progression missions I'll think about buying the latest crappy expansions. By then there should be a Rubicite Edition of EQ with all 20 expansions for 7.99
#5 Aug 04 2006 at 6:27 PM Rating: Default
Boycotted PoR as my responce to the January rollbacks. I still have plenty pre-PoR to keep me busy.

Edited, Aug 4th 2006 at 7:27pm EDT by EQbud
#6 Aug 04 2006 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
Myself and my guild have beaten all 7 missions to flag for Theater of Blood, we have beaten down valik the cruel, Anastasia the Thought Drinker, Gnarlibramble, and Maestro Tan'lor in Theater of Blood. As well as taking down Ghost and Snowtail in sullon zek's tower for deathknell access, and Daosheen.

Amnesiaa Corruption, 70th season enchanter, Dragon Council, Bertoxxulous Server
Saviden Bladewielder, 70th Season Ranger of Tunare, Dragon Council, Bertoxxulous Server.
Moxforu Daflippinpope, 70th Season Cleric of Brell, Dragon Council, Bertoxxulous Server.
#7 Aug 04 2006 at 7:05 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I retired out of EQ before the Freeport revamps so I'm not up on the current lore but, lokking at the included links, shouldn't the Plane of Music include Miss Ayonae Ro?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#8 Aug 04 2006 at 11:23 PM Rating: Default
Maybe after I get all my characters keyed for Veeshan's Peak, Sleeper's Tomb, Vex Thal, Time, whatever the hell the top GoD zone is, Anguish, and finish all the DoN progression missions I'll think about buying the latest crappy expansions. By then there should be a Rubicite Edition of EQ with all 20 expansions for 7.99

LoL, I hear ya man...

Edited, Aug 5th 2006 at 12:25am EDT by KullianDeLioncourt
#9 Aug 05 2006 at 12:01 AM Rating: Decent
317 posts
My main is epicless, I have done the POJ trials with all 3 of my toons over 46 and thats it. I don't have enough time to get access to all of these zones. :(
#10 Aug 05 2006 at 6:26 AM Rating: Decent
As of this posting it looks like 54% of the people either don't have it or have done nothing with it. What does that tell you about this expansion? Only 2 people have beaten it, whooppee!!!!!

I only got it for the extra bank slots and do not have any of my characters anywhere near a level that they can, if they chose to, do any of the progressions. There is still a lot of zones and mobs and things to do out there, so it may be, as one person says the Rubicite Edition for $7.99 might be out, before I think about doing any PoR.

Oh yeah, the next expansion that has been announced, and is a Download, I will more than likely not purchase. I prefer to have it on disk.
#11 Aug 05 2006 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
I retired out of EQ before the Freeport revamps so I'm not up on the current lore but, lokking at the included links, shouldn't the Plane of Music include Miss Ayonae Ro?

she is, deathknell is the tower in the plane of music (ToB)
#12 Aug 05 2006 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
I'm still trying to get my planar progression further. Have only done the trial, Xanamech, Hedge Walk, Saryrn and Aerin Dar so far on my main, gonna be a long *** time, if ever, that I do this.
#13 Aug 05 2006 at 10:22 AM Rating: Default
23 posts
Don't buy expansions anymore, since this no drop policy instituted at Gulf of Gunthark, explosion of bazaar costs and the greed of SoE; I find myself falling further behind all the time. No reason to buy expansions when can't even begin to get all the spells from WoS expansion
#14 Aug 05 2006 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
Too many expansions just goes to show that SoE doesn't give a *&^* about the gaming experience or the customer service issues; they're primarily concerned with milking EQ players for new money.

When the majority of players can't keep up with the progression of the newest expansion and are working on content three expansions eariler you would think Sony would pull their head out and work on gaming aspects that affect the majority of their subsription base and stop producing new expansions.

I for one won't be buying another EQ expansion.
#15 Aug 05 2006 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
My guild just needs to kill Sullon Zek to get in to Deathknell.
#16 Aug 05 2006 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
6 posts
I got the PoR expansion, haven't a clue why I bought it since I just popped in to the first zone once for 30 minutes and never went back.
My main is lvl 68 and will probably never advance further, lost interest in leveling when I realized I will never get my 69 and 70 OoW spells, so falling behind more and more. Doubt I am geared for advancing in any new expansions SoE throws at us since I'm giving up on progression. Impossible for a casual like me when getting any new spells is made so hard. I doubt it will be any easier to get new spells when they raise the cap to 75.
#17 Aug 05 2006 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
449 posts
I have done quite a few gear tasks in Ro, and would recommend them to anyone, they drop great gear for limited time commitment. and petjoh take heart, at one time I thought I would never get my 69-70 OOW spells and the wife and I almost retired. We geared up and started going to MPG on a daily basis and camped TC/BH, Odi/Ghio and got a few, but our real money maker was Battlemaster Denik. You'll need a pet pull class, a bard, or a FD class to split the camp but it is well worth it. At this time my sk is only missing one spell and that's the 69 DoN raid spell (see other posts, I do not and will not raid)
#18 Aug 05 2006 at 6:50 PM Rating: Good

When the majority of players can't keep up with the progression of the newest expansion and are working on content three expansions eariler you would think Sony would pull their head out and work on gaming aspects that affect the majority of their subsription base and stop producing new expansions.

sales of an expansion pay for the developement of that expansion. how hard is that to understand?

I'd say a majority of sony's post-65 playerbase has done at least a couple ro zones. if you're too stupid to figure out how arcstone/relic etc own for the casual player, you should go play lincoln logs or something.


I for one won't be buying another EQ expansion.

sounds good, but could you also never post here again please?!

Oh yeah, the next expansion that has been announced, and is a Download, I will more than likely not purchase. I prefer to have it on disk.

... why??

Don't buy expansions anymore, since this no drop policy instituted at Gulf of Gunthark, explosion of bazaar costs and the greed of SoE; I find myself falling further behind all the time. No reason to buy expansions when can't even begin to get all the spells from WoS expansion

what nodrop policy, what explosion of bazaar costs?

#19 Aug 05 2006 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
661 posts
lol in reply to your post bbot, perhaps you spend a bit to much time on the forms and not enough time in game. Smiley: grin

Only lvl 53, and 840 posts.. Well nuff said.
Antonius Bayle
#20 Aug 06 2006 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
Wow Sir Groogle.... I mean really.... WOW. Your rudeness is stunning.
#21 Aug 06 2006 at 10:07 PM Rating: Decent
I am still catching up on the other expantions to try PoR. Give me a year or so and i might get it. And give SoE a couple of years to fix all the bugs they still have.
#22 Aug 07 2006 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Thought about it.
I can't be bothered with it.
The majority of my guild has yet to do it too.
With each expansion, SOE seem to be edging EQ closer to being task and instance based, if I wanted to play something to do nothing but endless tasks with minimal rewards I'd play EQ2. Coming from AB, where they've taken several months to fix our instance problems (most instances were taking up to 20-30 minutes to load, some raid zones over an hour) I'm not enthusiastic about playing in the expansion which caused the problems in the first place.
#23 Aug 07 2006 at 9:38 AM Rating: Default
23 posts
Dear Sir Groggle. below I have included your quote from my earlier remarks.
Why don't you just admit you have been placed here as a shill for Sony. Going on, your first "question"-- "what no drop policy"- duh Gulf of Gunthark was first expansion where new spells were no drop, after that everything became no drop or it's corrolary "attuneable". Your second "question"-- "what explosion of bazaar costs"- You must really have your head where the sun don't shine.Also I noticed you didn't address my cavaet "greed of SoE"- your silence on this issue is overwhelming testimony to the blatant face of SoE greed and stupidity. Thanks for your welcome feedback that can rebutted so easily. I suggest you keep your alleged "thoughts" to yourself in the future. If you want to really qualify any of your remarks/"thoughts" as requiring anything but a subliminal animal response to truth and light; then Duh, keep up the good work because you sure make a big glaring target and reflecton of SoE corporate stupidity.

Don't buy expansions anymore, since this no drop policy instituted at Gulf of Gunthark, explosion of bazaar costs and the greed of SoE; I find myself falling further behind all the time. No reason to buy expansions when can't even begin to get all the spells from WoS expansion

what nodrop policy, what explosion of bazaar costs?
#24 Aug 07 2006 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
Sir Groogle is a punk....but I hate to admit it ,he is usually right.
#25 Aug 07 2006 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
285 posts
When the majority of players can't keep up with the progression of the newest expansion and are working on content three expansions eariler you would think Sony would pull their head out and work on gaming aspects that affect the majority of their subsription base and stop producing new expansions.

The quoted paragraph is a very narrow-minded thought. Even assuming you're right that a "majority" of players can't keep up with the ever evolving content, how does producing new expansions decrease the amount of content available to this majority?

Not only does it add new challenging encounters for the "minority" who are able to keep up with the content, but allows alternate paths of progression (often easier) for the more casual "majority" allowing them to experience a) new content in the new expansion and b) content from previous expansions they were previously unable/unwilling to partake in. I don't believe for a second that because there's a new raid zone that raid_guild_001 decides to start raiding, that casual_guild_001 can't still enjoy the content that was already there.

Basically what you're saying is "I can't keep up, so I don't want other people to have fun with new stuff." Sir Groogle certainly was on the money with his critique of your thoughts, if a bit rough around the edges... and no, you're not special and if you're offended by what he said, that's your problem, not his.

Corollary: Making up the term "no drop policy that started in Gulf of Gunthak" does not suddenly make that term meaningful to anyone but you.

Edited, Aug 7th 2006 at 5:15pm EDT by ROzzl
#26 Aug 07 2006 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
When the majority of players can't keep up with the progression of the newest expansion and are working on content three expansions eariler you would think Sony would pull their head out and work on gaming aspects that affect the majority of their subsription base and stop producing new expansions.

It doesn't hurt to have new content for those who want it, and anything that makes the game world bigger is only plus for someone like me who lives to explore and see new things.

The major drawback however is the unavoidable fact that new item content often trivializes old item content, making the rewards for completing old content much less appealing or even useful. Sure, you can argue that you dont HAVE to go to the bazaar and buy the new gear, but then again when everyone else is using it you almost have to in order to remain competitive. The only answer is to never have new content, which I don't think many sane people would ever care for. When the new content stops coming, the death-clock starts ticking.

Edited, Aug 8th 2006 at 10:52am EDT by Gladestrider
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