idea for other possible classes
if a ranger is like a druid / warrior
and shadow knight like necro / warrior
and paladin is like cleric / warrior
and beastlord is like shaman / monk
and a bard is like a rogue / mage ? or wiz or shaman?
what would we call a thieven healer
or warrior rogue "ninja"
or wizard cleric "blue mage ?"
a enchanting thief
i think it would be cool on a new sever to let us combine classes
i enjoyed asheron's call for 5 years and anarchy online both let you choose your skills as you level. so you could end us a sword fighting healer with mage skills too, of couse not as powerful as the base class but can be very useful to be able to heal and cast some buffs on your self as you fight melee.
i just rememberd guild wars is like that choose one class as main and a 2nd one to add into it.
i know we really don't need a new class for eq. as the game has improved down time. now and even alowing us to zone after log out for 6 hrs to home city.
i'm just wonder what other possiblitys are there.