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Poll: Minimum time for groupFollow

#1 Jul 26 2006 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
What is the minimum time one must dedicate to a pick-up group?
1 hour or less :232 (25.2%)
1 to 2 hours :568 (61.7%)
2 to 3 hours :92 (10.0%)
greater than 3 hours :29 (3.1%)

We've all been there; spent too much time in PoK getting/joining a pick-up group, get everyone to the zone then a couple of fights into it, someone says "gotta run thx 4 grp" and poof! This would not include timed events like LDoN's, MM's, etc... So what do you all think?

Edited, Jul 26th 2006 at 9:28am EDT by Odzmye
#2 Jul 26 2006 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
none, as much free time as you choose, nothing more.
#3 Jul 26 2006 at 10:03 AM Rating: Excellent
2,015 posts
I would say anything close to an hour is a decent commitment. People who hang to get PUG members a ding get kudos though.
#4 Jul 26 2006 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
I second Dot's comment. At least stick around for an hour; if anyone is getting close to a goal (AA, level, mob spawn, etc) then at least finish that.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#5 Jul 26 2006 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
It always depends.

I have had PUGs last upwards of 8 hours. Always depends on purpose and how much traffic is in the zone, of course.

I have also had a few groups fall apart within 30 minutes.

However, if you are looking for a PUG an hour minimum should be a good start but I agree if someone is close to a ding or a rare pop should be coming up and there is not a pressing RL issue, go for it. In the end it may be easier to find those folks for another group or even find a few extra online friends.
#6 Jul 26 2006 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
as long as it's functional, at least an hour, or one instance run.

I'm a bit of a hypocrit about this; if friends log on and want to go do something, I occasionally ditch a pickup group before that point.
#7 Jul 26 2006 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
As long as it is a good group (IE your not dieing every 5 minutes etc) I think 1 to 2 hours depending on the situation. Obviously if your going to join a MM you should plan to stay long enough to complete the mission. I always hate idiots who join your MM then about 15 minutes into it just say "Hey I gotta go." and /quit

I know emergencies happen, but I know 9 times out of 10 its just somebody who doesn't care that he is ******** 5 other people.

#8 Jul 28 2006 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
What's worse is when guy joins grp, talks everyone into moving camp to higher lvl spot, then says he's off to play another alt. Suddenly grp realizes can't fight their way to safety without him.

Edited, Jul 28th 2006 at 10:46pm EDT by Ominious
#9 Jul 28 2006 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
Depends on type of group...lower level groups like "the ramp" in Overthere... 1-2 hours as there's plenty of folks /lfg. Upper level or an out of the way location 2-3 hours. LDoN or MM...till complete ALWAYS FINISH YOUR MISSION! (wife faction decrease be damned!)
#10 Jul 29 2006 at 12:20 AM Rating: Decent
I kinda misunderstood and said 1 hour or less, I thought they meant the time to actually form a PU group.

But, the answer really depends on what your trying to get the PU group to do..

For a nest: 1 hour or less.

For a DoDh mission: 2 to 3 hours.

Farming anything: 2+ hours, but usually the person should try and get a rep if they have to leave.

I'd never vote to say a person have to put a minimin of over 2 hours to a PU group, unless it was a specific mission that could easily run longer than that.

#11 Jul 29 2006 at 12:24 AM Rating: Decent
As some people have already stated...
1-2 hours unlrss RL emergency comes up. IF your in a guild who expects you to drop groups at a moments notice...ONLY group with them please!

Finish MM's, LDoN's, Spell missions if you start them, its only fair to the group who got the task with you.

If your in a disfunctional group....Can't stay alive longer than 1 pull and wipe everytime....People go /AFK every 5 minutes for there nicotine addiction(not food/drink addiction).....well....I guess its time to find another group

And finally, get bonus points for helping PUG members get there level, aa, or waiting for named/PH'ers to spawn. Thats like a +1k bonus to your Karma.
#12 Jul 29 2006 at 6:01 AM Rating: Decent
Well I've been on the recieving end of this and done it a few times myself. Sure it would be easy to say an hour... or two..... or 12... but... for example.

Your LFG and someone sends you a tell. So you go there as fast as you can, only to get in the zone and have to wait. Some cleric won't leave PoK untill she finds a Infusion of Spirit. Some warrior won't leave untill he finds a port (Even though he could have easily run in the time he spent looking). Some beastlord is on his way but has to make a stop on the way to pick up spells. The enchanter goes into the guild hall and then ninja afks for what ends up bieng 30 minutes. And these are just the most recent things I've seen. So I'd say if your going to make a poll about commitments to a pickup group... that time should include the amount of time you spending waiting on the other morons to get thier thumb out and get to the camp. If you had an hour to play, and spend 45 minutes of it waiting for the rest of the noobs to figure out how to make it to wherever... means you have 15 minutes to buff, pull one, and make your apologies.

Another thing is when you show up for a group and there is incompetence in play that you feel will only lead to your repeated death making the group a negative experience gain rather then a positive experience gain. Say on that first pull the cleric (who wasn't afk) doesn't heal the puller once the mob gets back to camp. Or maybe the warrior refuses to use his incite combat abilities because he thinks his weapons are enough and if you don't like it, tough. Maybe the necro (and only snarer) can't figure out how thier own spell works enough to cast the damn thing. Maybe the shaman will insist on dotting adds that the enchanter is trying to mez. These are all things that happen all the time in pickup groups, and are all... IMHO.... valid reasons for a hasty departure.
#13 Jul 29 2006 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
820 posts
I'd say an hour minumum, and if its gonna be any shorter than 2 hours, and you know it will be, it is always considerate to let your group know so as well...

...and dropping your group on a moment's notice is uncalled for except for emergencies...if your guild needs you then they should understand if you want to be considerate enough to stay for another 5-10 mins or so and at least make an honest attempt to hunt down a replacement.
#14 Jul 29 2006 at 12:17 PM Rating: Default
128 posts
the poll needs another category:

I don't do pickup groups, ever.
Vaal Halen
115 Bard
Council of Norrath
Xev>Druzzil Ro>Xegony Server
#15 Jul 29 2006 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
820 posts
Then you really dont have a point in wasting your time voting at all on this poll do you?
#16 Jul 29 2006 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
From the minute I accept an invitation I expect everyone in the group to be at the
grind location or be heading there. If I wait an hour for a group to get to the grind spot or mission I'll disband without a second thought.

But if we are all grinding within a few minutes I'll put at least an hour in to it before I disband or find another player to replace me.

Anything less than a solid hour is a waste of other people's time. DO everyone a favor if you have a raid in 20 minutes: don't join a group.
#17 Jul 29 2006 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
As a cleric, I feel that I should have at least some control of the group. I have no problem disbanding if the puller keeps pulling multiple times after I tell them I am OOM, and there is no backup healer. Second I will disband if I call a heal on group members, and they constantly move out of range so I waste mana. Lastly I will disband if a backup healer keeps healing the person I just called a CH on, (not a patch heal to keep em from dying, but like a 30% or better heal) again causing me to waste mana. Dont get me wrong I will usually complain in group chat about this before I just leave, but if nothing changes then I'm out of there.
#18 Jul 29 2006 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
An hour seems like a good minumum time, especially since sometimes it takes that long to get the group going in the 1st place. 1-2 got my vote here.

People who hang to get PUG members a ding get kudos though.

Amen to that, I will always stay, as long as it's safe with what's there, to help someone ding or ping if it's relatively close to happening. Cause hey, I need the exp too after all :-)
#19 Jul 29 2006 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
Everybody needs experance and being in groups less than an hour is more of a waste of time. I have been in groups full that have had members come and go. But the longer you stay in groups the more exp you get and the higher lvls you get.
#20 Jul 29 2006 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
I know everyone has their own time constraints and interests, but if a toon is on the /lfg list with a specific zone/task listed that I am looking for toons, I would expect them to stay for at least a half hour. It frustrates me when I build a group, have it full, and after 15 minutes of getting everyone to the zone the last person to join says "sorry gang, going to group with guildies" even before the first pull...LOL, and don't get me started on the toons on the lfg list that are afk or toons that play 20 questions. Nothing more satisfying than saying "sorry, full".
#21 Jul 29 2006 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
I would like to vote for giving at least 10 minutes notice before leaving. I have seen way too many "got to go now ... <gate>"

Also, please stay a minimum of 30 minutes so those using Veteran Rewards get the full benefit. Only my 2 cents worth.
#22 Jul 30 2006 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
Yes but 20 questions is one of the few ways to find out before hand if the group is going to be a waste of your time. I ask several questions before I agree to join a pickup group.

What zone/camp?

What classes?

Do the classes present have the buffs I'll want or do I need to get them on my own?

If the tank is a warrior, will they use thier incite discs?

And depending on what the camp is or where the camp is I might ask for the tanks ac/hp (whether I'm playing a healer or not).

It's just common sense. No sense running out to wherever only to find out you have to get buffs somewhere else because they don't have all thier spells, or the tanks incompetent, or the tank doesn't have enough stats to tank the mobs. Now it's true that alot of times this pisses people off, but frankly I don't care. If I'm looking for a pickup group I have between 3 and 5 hours to play and I'd prefer a long term group to a come and go one. And the first thing to look for in a long duration group is that that the necessary requirements are filled. I used to just assume that by the time people got to 70 they would know what the h@ll they where doing but I'm afraid that just isn't true. Thus the 20 questions you refer to is only prudent before accepting a pickup group with a bunch of strangers.
#23 Jul 31 2006 at 7:09 AM Rating: Decent
27 posts
ok. Look. All but an ebay-baby or mm'er's know full well about how long a Creator is going to take, or a Nest mission. -if not, ASK -or at least how long they SHOULD take. Sometimes the mix does not work, etc etc and the fight lasts a LOT longer then it should. If I start a mission at 5pm knowing I HAVE to go to a raid in two hours, then I will say that upfront, even though the mission should be done LONG before that time.

I keep my friends list and we also keep the opposite lists: The ones I will NEVER group with and then a list of those that are last choices. The ones on these lists earned their status by doing such things as joining the group then saying (as one mentioned above)"Oh, my friends want me, bye!" -- leaving the group missing and weakened. I see them on lfg all the time, and I assume others have discovered the same - may be a decent player but only wants the group until something better is offered.

I understand leaving early if something unexpected comes up, but there is a big difference between those that leave for time issues, for RW emergencies and those that just decide they want to do something else.

The time that anyone doing a pick-up group needs to committ to is the amount of time normally required to complete that mission. Using a Creator for an example, the actual mission - minus travel time, minus getting the group time - is about a half hour or if you want to xp that one, about an hour-ish.

So if you have an hour and a half, it is up to you to gauge and let the group leader know that. - and you dratted well should live up to what you have agreed to do.
#24 Jul 31 2006 at 8:28 AM Rating: Default
PUGs, what a fitting name for the group abomination SoE has created.
Short, stupid, ugly experiences with people that attempt to form groups in the safety of PoK, instead of heading out to the zone and filling in spots there, thus proving they should be in the zone (arriving there safely shows initiative/ability/knowledge of zone).

I do not do PoK PUGs!
Thats the recipe for disaster!

If I do a PUG, I owe these people as much time as it takes me to figure out if they are worth investing XP grind time in.
If your Crowd Controller is always afk? NO
If your puller cannot come back with out half the zone? (depends on zone) NO
Your Healer is afk, whether announced or not? NO

I do not mind when pick up groups suggest other hunting spots once you let them in group. I am all for everyone hunting where they want. I let them go. If I wanted to hunt there, I would be there when I invited them to group.
#25 Jul 31 2006 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Pongu wrote:
Short, stupid, ugly experiences with people that attempt to form groups in the safety of PoK, instead of heading out to the zone and filling in spots there, thus proving they should be in the zone (arriving there safely shows initiative/ability/knowledge of zone).
If you only want to level in PC, OT, Seb, Vek, PoI, PoV, Bot, WoS, going to the zone to look for a group may work.

If you want to see the other 90% of the zones you will not be able to go to the zone and expect to find a group there. If you want a group you bring one along.

I would hope I would give pick-up groups the same courtesies as any other group.

....It's all situational.

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#26 Jul 31 2006 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
I always give PUG's at least 2 death's, For I have found that how fast you die tells alot about the quality of most pug's.
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