Edit: [Disclaimer: I am not belittling anyone's class here. Please realize that in a boxed situation, you cannot play the character to its fullest potential. So while I say fire-and-forget about some classes, that just means that I can hit a key then go back to the warrior to keep the mob attention and the cleric to keep the warrior alive.]
Sounds like all your missing is some more people to play all those toons. An opportunity to 6-box? Why not just play a console game?
6 boxing? maybe I am just too stoopid, but for me it is a challenge to box only 2 toons (on 2 machines that is).
I suspect yer using MQ. and that's a thing I don't like at all...
First to address these two remarks. There are too many idiots out there that ruin the game for me. Between the people that join the group for 5 minutes then leave to the people that complain and whine about everything, I would rather fill out the group with my own characters. Plus, I play mostly at off peak hours where finding a solid group that wants to hunt where I would like to hunt is difficult. During peak hours, I'll play the cleric with friends in group situations or go raiding as a guest with one of the top five guilds on my server.
I have six machines and time to play (read as: retired with money). Not using MQ or any other third party program. The necro and druid are pretty much one button (EQ hotkey) characters. With audio triggers, I know when an important spell (like snare or slow) lands. If a dot is resisted, I can always come back once the fight is engaged and recast it. I'll be the first to admit that my 6-box group is not as efficient as a real group, but I enjoy it and in the end that is all that matters. Now, back to regular programming...
Thanks for the replys!
Bard: I have considered this. It would satisfy the pulling needs and once properly geared, it should solve the rampage tank issue. The comments about do I really need the clarity line is well taken and this should suffice. Plus with /melody, it could be more of a "fire-and-forget" character for my boxing needs. For melee, a bard would have the same boxed issues that a paladin would have, but I could live with that.
Shaman: If I go with the bard, I think the shaman will fit into the scheme of things. With the audio triggers and EQ hotkeys, he too could be a fire and forget.
Paladin and SK: While making a better rampage tank, I am seeing some people's points that the lower DPS would not be that great later in the game when compared to a ranger.
Mage and Wizard: I would love to have either one of these in my group. Sadly, I see them fitting my needs in the last two group slots for how I want to play.
Berserker, Monk, and Rogue: Too difficult to box for decent efficency. I tought heavily on a rogue, but in my 4-box the mob moves a lot with the necro pet and warrior that using a rogue would be tough.
Beastlord: Now this is the one that is giving me the most difficulty. For what I want to go after, would their slow be good enough. I think it might be good enough. The BL would also provide some mind buff bonus (going back to the comment of do I really need the clarity line), pet DPS, and a decent rampage tank. Plus with the BL filling both the rampage tank and slower roles (my two most needed), that opens up to perhaps adding a mage to the last spot because the pet toys and CoH would solve a couple other problems.
Enchanter: You have me thinking about if I really need clarity.
Ranger: Fire and Forget DPS and a solid rampage tank.
So, after reading all of this it comes down to...
1 - Ranger + Enchanter
2 - Bard + Shaman
3 - BL + Mage
Edited, Jul 18th 2006 at 10:43am EDT by Pinzarn