Confusing at best...
Usually is somewhat. So let's try this.
With no gear on and no buffs!!! You are not at full health! So.. You Sit!
Regen begins to add health at the sitting rate. The longer you stay
continuously sitting there are times where the regen rate increases to a higher rate.
If you stand you return to standing regen, then if you sit back down it is at the original rate of sitting regen. In the past the regen rate was constant, but a change was made to allow for faster recovery when sitting for an extended period due to the higher number of hp folks were achieving and therefore allow for some more effective soloing/ small groups.
Note: this has nothing to do with gear or buffs, worn limits, spell caps. Just pure base regen!
Edited, Jun 21st 2006 at 12:08pm EDT by Namblak