Im not going to quote the person (because im too lazy to find and quote lol), but here's my reply:
There are many "Escape" Options for Melees. A couple of them reside as post-50 obtainable. Origin can be obtained at lvl 67, alright. The OT Hammer procs at 50. But its not hard to get. My lvl 30 SK has one. Kill couple Sarnak Berserkers, hand in the whips, +Faction, hand in Jade to the foreman, done. Not difficult. The Binden Correntia (w/e idk how to spell it nor care), free port to PoK, but its a long PoP Quest. Not impossible at this day in age, I spoke to someone recently who got his shards for the final version with a single group in the Planes. So yes, there are many options for "higher lvl" characters. But lets review the lower level ones, shall we?
Gate Potions. I dont care what server your on, theyre for sale, and theres alot for sale. Theyre not extremely expensive either-so you can buy in bulk. Now comes MY personal favorite-Mage PoK Port! Magicians can summon an item that has a 1 charge 30second cast port to Plane of Knowledge-all you need is the Reagent, Quintessence of Knowledge and tada! Free port. The regeants cost anywhere from 25p-150p (based my pricing from Tunare(E'Ci) Bazaar).
Shadowedblood put it perfectly- compared to the other AAs, this was a half-assed idea.
Lesson of the Devoted (x2 xp, 30 mins)- Extremely useful. A good group in a good camp can get a nice little boost in xp. Personally in 69.1 Hards and RSS I pop this, and the AA's fly by.
Infusion of the Faithful (Max Stats/Resists, 15 mins)- More useful on raids or tough encounters. Has a good purpose.
Chaotic Jester- Kinda useless, I hate this one. 95% of the time it just shoots off fireworks, says bad jokes, shrinks and grows other people and distributes bad wine/cake. Occasionally he'll cast an illusion on SOMEONE ELSE, or give someone else full health/mana. Imo should be only the player that summoned him.
Steadfast Servant- Incredibly useful. A pocket healer!
Expedient Recovery- Saves you money on getting soulstones in Guild Lobby, 100% rezzes without Rez effects, grabs all your corpses. My favorite Vet AA!
Staunch Recovery- Full Health/Mana- Great for after a raid wipe and need a quick bounce back. Also helps if your suffering from low mana/health regen.
Intensity of the Resolute: You ever see this on the melees? Watch a Paladin beat the ever loving **** out of an undead-raid type mob. Its insane, the crits fly so damn fast.