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#52 Jun 20 2006 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
As a 6+ year vet this is very dissapointing to me but i look at as it as a second bind ability. I am always bound in pok for ease of getting around but some times i travel to an outside zone or zones and sometimes would like to be able to bind outside the zone to make life and corpse runs easier but diddnt want to have to run all the way back and this will help with that. (still sucks though). And whats recast time on this "thing"?
#53 Jun 20 2006 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
I've been playing my Paladin for almost seven years now, and to be entirely honest, this is absolute crap. This is by far the absolute worst Veteran AA to date, because it poses absolutely no use beyond what a 7AA Cost ability already does. Oh dear, I get to go to the lobby instead of my home city, oh man, that's a whole extra three minutes of run time! It's the end of the world!

Origin has failed to even replace my gate potions. They offer me too easy enough target spots to hit. My bind stays in Guild Lobby, except for Time raids, which means after the Time raid, I go back to the lobby, like always, talk to the soulbinder and problem solved. Soooo hard, all that extra work saved really equates the value of this year long commitment of money.

These are the veteran rewards previously:
Lesson of the Devoted: Double Exp for 30 minutes (20hour refresh)
Infusion of the Faithful: Max Stats/Resists for 15 Minutes (20 hour refresh)
Chaotic Jester: Kind of pointless, but the CH/Complete Mana Heals are a nice perk
Steadfast Servant: Very helpful soloing, even helps out nicely on raids with heavy AEs, or groups where multiples are tanking by offering up HoTs and some buffs.
Expedient Recovery: Calls your corpse to you, rezzes you for 100% exp, gives you full health and mana after the rez.
Staunch Recovery: Full Health and Mana, great for those tight spots where a bit extra boost will pull you through. Completely invaluable to casters.
Intensity of the Resolute: Increase rates and damage from melee and spell crits. Very solid DPS increase, and sets a Vet apart from someone newer.

And then they give us a gate. Big... frigging... whoop. Nice to see they have already stopped caring about puting out QUALITY with the veteran rewards and unique abilities that are NOT EASILY REPLICATED IN THE GAME ALREADY. Every single veteran reward is unique, there are not spells, or items that offer the same effect (double exp potions being the only notable exception, however 10 charges, one time, no drop and no way to get them after the scavenger hunt went away pretty much makes them no where near easily replicatable.)
#54 Jun 21 2006 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
64 posts
Im not going to quote the person (because im too lazy to find and quote lol), but here's my reply:

There are many "Escape" Options for Melees. A couple of them reside as post-50 obtainable. Origin can be obtained at lvl 67, alright. The OT Hammer procs at 50. But its not hard to get. My lvl 30 SK has one. Kill couple Sarnak Berserkers, hand in the whips, +Faction, hand in Jade to the foreman, done. Not difficult. The Binden Correntia (w/e idk how to spell it nor care), free port to PoK, but its a long PoP Quest. Not impossible at this day in age, I spoke to someone recently who got his shards for the final version with a single group in the Planes. So yes, there are many options for "higher lvl" characters. But lets review the lower level ones, shall we?

Gate Potions. I dont care what server your on, theyre for sale, and theres alot for sale. Theyre not extremely expensive either-so you can buy in bulk. Now comes MY personal favorite-Mage PoK Port! Magicians can summon an item that has a 1 charge 30second cast port to Plane of Knowledge-all you need is the Reagent, Quintessence of Knowledge and tada! Free port. The regeants cost anywhere from 25p-150p (based my pricing from Tunare(E'Ci) Bazaar).

Shadowedblood put it perfectly- compared to the other AAs, this was a half-assed idea.
Lesson of the Devoted (x2 xp, 30 mins)- Extremely useful. A good group in a good camp can get a nice little boost in xp. Personally in 69.1 Hards and RSS I pop this, and the AA's fly by.
Infusion of the Faithful (Max Stats/Resists, 15 mins)- More useful on raids or tough encounters. Has a good purpose.
Chaotic Jester- Kinda useless, I hate this one. 95% of the time it just shoots off fireworks, says bad jokes, shrinks and grows other people and distributes bad wine/cake. Occasionally he'll cast an illusion on SOMEONE ELSE, or give someone else full health/mana. Imo should be only the player that summoned him.
Steadfast Servant- Incredibly useful. A pocket healer!
Expedient Recovery- Saves you money on getting soulstones in Guild Lobby, 100% rezzes without Rez effects, grabs all your corpses. My favorite Vet AA!
Staunch Recovery- Full Health/Mana- Great for after a raid wipe and need a quick bounce back. Also helps if your suffering from low mana/health regen.
Intensity of the Resolute: You ever see this on the melees? Watch a Paladin beat the ever loving **** out of an undead-raid type mob. Its insane, the crits fly so damn fast.
#55 Jun 21 2006 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
I hear lots of complaints about the new AA. As a player of 7 years I like it. My main is a war and when I get this AA I will use it a lot. It gives me 2 bind points. Unlike origin, I can go somewhere usefull and central to the game. I don't use origin much because it takes too long to make my way back to Pok and the GL. Granted it does not a take long time to origin to home city but it is nice to just gate to where you want to be in the first place. Also I will be able to bind at the camp and then gate right back to where buffs or rez is at then gate to camp. This AA may not be the best thing they could think of but I think it is good AA that I will use.
#56 Jun 21 2006 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
58 posts
S T U P I D !!!!
Level 119 Druid

Level 118 Enchanter
#57 Jun 21 2006 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
Of all the things that SOE could have done for 8 year veterans, this was the best they could do? Traveling in this game is no longer an issue. Especially if you've been playing this game for 8 years. I remember when traveling from Halas to Freeport required running through 14 zones. (And of course, you slowed down when you zoned into EC since all trading was done in the tunnel there.) You usually don't have to run through more than 3 or 4 zones anymore. Even dying is no longer a big deal. I've been playing for 7 years and find this latest AA an insult to my loyalty. Even that annoying jester is a better reward. At the very least, you would think that they would have the option to get a refund for the AAs we spent on Origin. Maybe when you use the Heroes Throne AA, you land in GL already raid buffed? Naaahhhh. No such luck.

Edited, Jun 21st 2006 at 2:41pm EDT by Cocidius
#58 Jun 21 2006 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
what's the difference, if you are in trouble you can quit out wait 6hours and return to your home city..............

not much of an award to me!

#59 Jun 21 2006 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
Seems to me they could make a new charm with some damn nice stats - better than a fully loaded time access one - or a charm aug better than slipgear or whatever the one would be with all LDONs completed (who is doing those nowadays anyway) and attach a self only port to throne room right clicky on it - but the real benfit may be a charm with something like +150 mana HP +15 all stats and resists - something that really rewards 8 years of playtime

Enchanter on the Nameless
#60 Jun 21 2006 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
Quite useless.
Wondering what would happen if u use this AA if you don't have guild lobby expansion?
#61 Jun 21 2006 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
Very handy for my 66 warrior. Used it for the first time a couple nights ago. Since I'm a non raider, I've never made the push to 70, so I don't have the gate aa. It can't compare to the 7 year, intensity of the resolute, but I wouldn't call it worthless. It saves me the trouble of having to buy the aa and also from having to buy more gate potions.

And best of it, its FREE! SOE has given me much to gripe about over the years, but this is not one of them. Thanks for the freebie!
#62 Jun 22 2006 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
I would have been happy with something like 3x exp or another mana/hp insta regen for those oh **** moments.

Simply sad.
#63 Jun 22 2006 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
they are loving it on the *test* server sure....

because they dont' have 8 years of equiping & playing, and it's seems great to play with something they prolly will never get.

On the other hand, if their test server character actually had 8 years of playing & hunting & such, they could care less.

They prolly loved the jester on the test server, just like many did on the live servers for all of a week, until the novelty wore off and the ludicrousness was fully apparent.

#64 Jun 22 2006 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
62 posts
Weak...did anyone even give this more than 10second of thought??? how about a no rent weapon, with sick damage a crazy proc that works for 30 seconds. That sounds fun, that you can give to pets.
#65 Jun 22 2006 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
Sslar once said:
Quite useless.
Wondering what would happen if u use this AA if you don't have guild lobby expansion?

According to PATCH NOTES 13Jun06

- The Guild Lobby is now available to everyone.
#66 Jun 23 2006 at 3:35 AM Rating: Decent
Personally I love it. In fact I would even go so far as to say it is the second best veteran's reward after Lessons Of The Devoted.

Now I have seen alot of people saying they don't like it or that it would only be good for non gaters. Personally I would say it would be good for any class other then druids and wizards and I'll tell you why.

My ranger loves it. He has origin but that ports to Gfay (roughly 5 minutes from PoK not counting zoning times) and is only useable once every hour. He has Tolan's Breastplate which is a port to the Gfay zl in Lfay but takes a long time to cast and is only 3 minutes away from PoK not counting zoning times. Now with Throne Of Heroes he has finally sold off his Quintessence Of Knowledges and banked his Binden Concerrentia. Even if you only had origin this would still be usefull for melee/hybrids because it is also useable every hour, also roughly 10 seconds to cast. This in turns means you can port yourself every 30 minutes on average for free. Having said that, I would say that Throne Of Heroes probably gets you to PoK faster then any class/race combination's origin ability. Saving time is a big plus in my book.

My shaman is also rather fond of it. He has his Spiritstone Of The Banished that ports him to Nektulos Forest, and his origin, plus his gate. This means he can bind himself at a camp or spawn or whatever and still be able to transport himself to both the Guild Lobby or Nektulos Forest for free.... but Throne casts faster and gets you to PoK faster.

Also this is a self port that is available to any class or level as long as the account qualifies for the ability and they claim the veteran's reward on that charachter. This means it is even more usefull for my Lvl 21 Monk, Lvl 40 Beastlord, Lvl 48 Rogue, etc as it is to my level 70s.

Finally I would say that one of the things that really makes this ability shine is it's recast time. One hour and 10 minutes. Now previous to this all the veteran's abilities could be used once a day at the least for a half hour at the most. Now if Throne Of Heroes had that kind of refresh time, or they nerf it in the future to have that kind of refresh time, I will agree it is useless. But at an hour and 10 minutes..... which incidentally is less then the duration of most buffs you might pay to recieve..... it is tremendously usefull as allowing yet another port to the non porting classes.

Of course my wizard is nonplussed. He can port himself or others to right outside the guild lobby so it's impact is negligible on him. However he still uses it because if he is planning to use a Magus to travel somewhere or to recover his corpse.... it is just as easy to port directly to the guild lobby rather then to PoK and then add one more zone time.

Edited, Jun 23rd 2006 at 5:00am EDT by DangerousMonk
#67 Jun 23 2006 at 3:55 AM Rating: Decent

There have been some posts here complaining about it using untruths as proof.

The Binden Concerrentia is the final PoP gate neck reward. It is only attainable if you flag into or flag share into Tier 3 PoP zones such as TowSolRo, and PoTactics. It is unlimited use but it still requires a reagent that costs roughly 130 plat. That is what they cost to make for a shaman. If you find them cheaper it is a moron. Probably someone that has no idea what they cost to make or even what they sell to at a vendor. FFS you can sell them back to a vendor for 100 plat so why would anyone of any reasonable intelligence sell one for 25 plat. Granted that isn't all that much but it also means you have to carry a stack around with you. Furthermore unless you manage to get the drops for the third version, you are stuck with an item that has either 5 charges, or 10 charges respectivly. To do this quest you have to be 46+ and get at least a group's worth of flagged friends together to get you the pieces and then it still costs you 130 plat per port.

There is the mage summoned gate item that also has the knowledge port ability. Of course it is also no rent and uses the same Quintessence Of Knowledge (130 plat) reagent.

There is the OT hammer which requires tedious faction grinding and is useable at 50.

There are gate potions... either the instant cast variety for in excess of 1k or the cheaper, shaman made, port potions to various zones next to the starting cities of the various races that can make shamans. Much cheaper but still requires quite a run to get to PoK.

There is the Origin ability which requires the expansion, the charachter to be Level 67 or higher, and 7 AAs. This ports you to your home city, to the guild hall for your class. All require quite a bit of running to get to PoK.

There are the Spiritstones for the priest classes that port them to thier starting cities... also quite a bit of running to get to PoK. In addition you have to be Level 51 or higher to use the effect and the cast time is 30 seconds.

There is of course the gate spell. This is available to pure casters and priests but require you to bind where you want to go in advance and there are limitations on where you can bind.

There are ports... which require you to either pay a stranger, beg a port of a stranger, inconvience a friend, or have a bot... to port you to PoK.

There are the books which are placed at various locations.... which is usually out of your way.

There is magus travel that for some reason still is unable to port you to the guild lobby.

There are a few other ways..... dropped items.... quested items... etc.

However this item is useable by any level, short cast time, very close to PoK, allows you to bind elsewhere for ease of travel or raids etc, is reagent free, and has a recast time of an hour and 10 minutes ffs. I notice that most of the people trashing this ability don't have it. It doesn't take up inventory slots carrying stacks of potions or reagents. I for one am very pleased with it.

The jester food and drink items, when they aren't poisen, add +5 mana and +5 endurance regen (wine) or add +10 HP per tick (bread). As the buff on the wine is one of the only buffs that increase the endurance regeneration of a pure melee these are invaluable. The mana/end regen buffs also happen to stack with everything..... and I've yet to meet a caster that will turn down an extra 5 mana per tick that stacks with everything and isn't level restricted (can be used by Level 1 and up). Ironically there are people that both trash the jester as worthless and at the same time say that the 8th year should be something that increases your mana regeneration. They of course must be to stupid to realize that such a thing already exists in the jester and is the reward for year 3 and as such available to many more people.

Edited, Jun 23rd 2006 at 5:19am EDT by DangerousMonk
#68 Jun 23 2006 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts
The jester food and drink items, when they aren't poisen, add +5 mana and +5 endurance regen (wine) or add +10 HP per tick (bread). As the buff on the wine is one of the only buffs that increase the endurance regeneration of a pure melee these are invaluable.

There's two types of effects. There's the beneficial one, which you stated above, and the negative effect, the "poison". Maybe you've been lucky, but sometimes you get a detrimental effect from the Wine/Cake. In case you want to test it yourself....go ask yourself why after it says "This wine was poisoned!", you CANNOT click off the detrimental effect, but can easily be cured by most types of cures. Trust me, there IS a detrimental effect, and i'd say its a 60:40 chance, with poison being in favor. You also have to realize, that even if YOU summon the Jester, you're never guarenteed anything from him unless your alone.
#69 Jun 23 2006 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
Its a great thing for any non-gater. Would have been nice to know about it 2 weeks ago before I spent 8 frickin AAs on Origin
#70 Jun 23 2006 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
What ever happened to class identity?
#71 Jun 23 2006 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
1,074 posts
Not everyone is in the end game, some "targeted clients" that soe worhsips are the under 14 year olds which may or may not be in the end game where all these "gate items" are obtainable.

14 - 8 = 6.

Those veterans who started playing at 6 years old and younger, I want to hear their opinions.

After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#72 Jun 24 2006 at 3:49 AM Rating: Decent
better say something than never.... my 2cp

Yes this Vet award is really disappointing to most folks that already played more than 8 yrs. If your a player that long you should have at least know by now that there is always a way to get to your targeted place. Be either PoK or PoT or anywhere somewhere theres an easy access.
But I do hope some folks would understand that some of us don't have the luxury to getting the stuffs needed for a quick get away.
PoK Gate Neck quest: you have to be at least 46 to get started
Origin:need to hit 67 and gain 7 AA
gate potions: how about those folks who are dirt poor (lol sorry have to say that)
OT hammer: procs depending onyer stats, easy to get if yah know the "Charm way"
Deity stones: melee and hybdrids dont get this i think
Mages summon item: its no rent so when yah log out and doing a whole day raid your stuck in that zone for good or die and summon your corpse.
or my favorite one the Death Run.. die and get to your bind pt and rezz at GL

death is not always the worst part... theres always a cleric playing everytime we just need to be courteous and nice to ask for a bit of help.

I sure hope SoE reads this discussion and hopes the next Vet wont be a flop. People play and learn ways to interact and react. Having this Vet wont let us learn anything new its just annoys us who have played for a long time.
#73 Jun 24 2006 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
Hope 9th year is a Vet aa that opens a portal to CShome, would love to raid there sometime.
#74 Jun 25 2006 at 2:22 AM Rating: Default
I been playing less than 8 years, but I would find this not useful. Sadly, not much to look forward too. Currently my gate method is the following, my main uses

ORIGIN, after 8 years I would hope you have 1400+ aa and already have origin.
more AA would be a total waste to an 8 year vet since they would have max aa anyway.

GATE potions are the next lineup for gating out. Its a pretty nice way to get around considering you can gate to various locations using the potions. I have a shaman that makes potions, after 8 years you would think an alt with potion ability would be second hat.

KILL me now. Yes, getting killed and using the old guild lobby is a pretty reliable method. It costs a couple hundred plat, but so do gate potions. I have a second account cleric to rez me. Most people after 8 years have a second account with a "rez" cleric parked in guild lobby. Sometimes its just an account the "guild" uses, but I wont get into account sharing.

BEGGING for a gate out. It's the old school method of /shout HEY WTB PORT to POK. It works sometimes if people know/like you. After 8 years, you should be liked by someone or man you just need to ... well nevermind.

RETURN home after camping. Yes, the newly acquired but seldom remembered LOG-IN screen that has that little button you try to forget ever entered the events for the day. The LOG-IN screen sucks after 8 years, sorry. There could be alot of nice stuff there, but most think of it as painful interface and don't even rememeber it's there. Log out and use return home after waking up in the morning is the easiest method. I been going home alot lately. The interface on STORMHAMMER was VERY nice, too bad us common players don't rate enough to get the designer log in screen.

SPELL GATE is the last method. I save this for last due to the useless need to even mention that any class with Gate will find gate out methods useless. I will say this though, a GATE to GUILD HALL would be totally sweet, just my two cents.

#75 Jun 25 2006 at 3:44 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
It has just taken the place of the absolutely worst Vet AA there is. Yup, the stupid jester has been supplanted. At least the jester CAN do you a favor or two. Once it healed me completely, when I was low on health, and once it gave a group member full mana. So it is not completely useless. Next to it, but not completely useless. But this. Let me see now. There are gate potions, there is that gate item quest that almost any melee with 8+ years experience will have. There are casters who can gate. There is the Origin AA. There is, oh, let me see. Why do we have yet another gate device?

Let us all say it for Sony. STUPID!!!
#76 Jun 25 2006 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
56 posts
Personally i enjoy this reward. It's got its various uses, and rarely do i need to gate more than once in that period of time. This allows me, as an enchanter that raids time a lot to keep my bind point outside of time, and use this to get to the guildhall to run myself around pretty fast. I also have the PoP gate neck, but really that's kind of a pain to go through to get it. anyone who can get this should realize it's a very useful utility for anyone (well, except maybe wizards, since they can bind in multiple places already)

What amuses me the most, however, is the response from people who've been playing. Do people not realize that it was YEARS before there was any kind of reward for sticking with EQ??? imo be thankful for what you're given, because it's just that... a GIFT.
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