If they are going to do a new race, then I have 2 ideas of what it should be. But again, my thoughts dont always count, lol
The first new race I would love to see is a classic race and has always been there. The Orc. Think about it for a second. They are around in some starting cities, like in Gfay. They are all over North/South Ro and East Commons. The city should be somewhere along the Orc Highway. It could be Crushbone, but that takes out that as a low level hunting zone. Then think about what classes you would get. NAturally a warrior, beserker, shaman, cleric, perhaps an Shadowknight. THen consider ORC is a language that needs to be learned. Enchanters get Illusion Orc at 54 I believe already. Give it some characteristics like the rest of the illusions do. No need to make a whole new race to bog the graphics with.
Secondly, if not orc, then personally I would like to see a Vampire race. Considering that whats his face ( cant think of his name of the top of my head, legendary owner of the castle in LFAY) is now a demi-god and has his own plane, I would think that he would have some truly devoted followers. As classes go, A shadowknight, Necro, beaslord (bat-pet would be cool),enchanter,wizard, mage. As an added feature, give them some kind of Sundot..where if they in the daylight to long they slowly loose life or their powers are lessened.
Just a thought...