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Progression Server: Your Intentions?Follow

#1 May 12 2006 at 6:28 PM Rating: Excellent
1,088 posts
* Related Story: Progression Server Officially Announced

Do you intend on playing on the upcoming Progression Server?
Yes, I'll be the one unlocking expansions!:152 (14.0%)
Yes, I will give it a try:344 (31.7%)
I am undecided:153 (14.1%)
It's not likely:243 (22.4%)
Forget it!:193 (17.8%)

(Note: You must be a registered user to vote in a poll.)
#2 May 12 2006 at 6:39 PM Rating: Good
703 posts
I'll be making a char to just goof around with, but I probably won't spend too much time on it. I still have way too much I want to do with my main chars.
#3 May 12 2006 at 9:04 PM Rating: Good
1,166 posts
Forget it.

Covers it very well.Smiley: smile
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

Barack Obama

Laen - 105 Dru
Haam - 105 Sk
Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard
#4 May 12 2006 at 10:04 PM Rating: Good
1,074 posts
Yes, I will give it a try.

Just to see people crying about where to go since PL Caverns do not exist yet.

I will be in all those zones only Pre Kunark players know about (ie Erud's Crossing, Kerra Isle) levelling and enjoying myself like I used to.
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#5 May 12 2006 at 10:20 PM Rating: Good
4,445 posts
I am undecided although I figure I will at least make a toon and kill some rats in qeynos or somewhere.

I think its a great idea but... well I won't go into details we got 2 or 3 threads with all that type of disscusion it it.
#6 May 12 2006 at 11:06 PM Rating: Good
Kinda brings back the OLD times like when you wanted to go to Freeport from Everfrost at lvl 4-5. Just getting there was an adventure.
#7 May 12 2006 at 11:13 PM Rating: Good
Definately... the progressive server is going to be gold... maybe the people that act all high-and-mighty because they are in raiding guilds will get a reality check with this.

Edit: It's 12:13 am, I'm tired, and I didn't realize how much of a jerk I just sounded like. But I stand by my original statement *grins*.

Edited, Sat May 13 00:13:35 2006 by NaturesParadox
#8 May 12 2006 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
I think my wife and I will give it a try. But, when you think about it, it will sort of be like having to relive a very miserable childhood.
Sure, you get old and wish for youth. And you say to yourself "If I had known back then what I know now", But who would actually want to go back and do it all over again.
Just think about all the movies baised on the subject. The characters in those movies hated the experiance, and gained little from it. And were glad as hell that they were back to normal in the end.
If you want to get a feel for these new servers. Go to a single character per account server where there is a language barrier IE: FV ... transfer nothing .. skip the toutorial ..(buy no PP). Then hunt bugs and runt skellies infront of your home city for about a week untill you have earned enough pp to replace that rusty weapon and buy your first backpack. And, prety much everything else that you enjoy and take for granted about the way you play the game now.
I have to edit this post to include that I have been playing the game off and on since 1999. My Wife on the other hand has only been playing for a little over a year. There are expansions that I would like to see from the start rather than have them already in affect in game because I was out of the country when they came out. On the other hand ... what about my wife. She raced her character to catch up with me. We play on equal footing at her expense because she basically pl'd her toon for a solid year.
I am thinking that a trip down nastalga lane will be good for both of us.

Edited, Sat May 13 00:41:07 2006 by jeffgb

Edited, Sat May 13 00:54:20 2006 by jeffgb
#9 May 12 2006 at 11:32 PM Rating: Good
293 posts
I started playing in Dec 01. I definitely miss the adventure of just getting from place to place. I remember being lvl 10 trying to get across Dreadlands. That way fun. I looking forward to it.
#10 May 12 2006 at 11:40 PM Rating: Good
As great as it'd be, I would do this if I was playing EQ. I'm not, and quit, though, and the game, even at its peak of glory, isn't worth coming back to. Silly, if I was there.. yeah, this would be a first choice, hands down.
#11 May 12 2006 at 11:53 PM Rating: Good
I started playing in 1999, so I was playing back when the top level was 45 and CR sucked. Not again,, no thakns
#12 May 13 2006 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
76 posts
From my point of view, i will likely be playing it from the start, i quit EQ, just after GoD came out, I felt, that my characters were just trying to "catch up" constantly, with the rest of the players on the server,as i only joined EQ a month or 2 after PoP. So this will give me the opportunity to progress with everyone else and raid the targets i never raided.

Edited, Sat May 13 02:43:20 2006 by Barsik
Future Wizard of The Combine
#13 May 13 2006 at 1:49 AM Rating: Good
222 posts
I'll probably check it out. I mean, it's better than resetting all the current servers to Old World and removing all your gear isn't it? (Or is it? Smiley: yikes mwahahah!)
#14 May 13 2006 at 4:14 AM Rating: Decent
574 posts
I for one will be playing on the new server. The difference with this server to just making a new character on a foreign server is that EVERYONE will be in the same situation. LFG won't be as big of an issue since everyone on the server will be in similar positions etc etc.

It should be a very positive experience.
The Real Iksar

#15 May 13 2006 at 4:42 AM Rating: Decent
15 posts
I know a lot of people think this server is going to be fairly useless, and a lot talk about how much they still have to do on their mains etc etc... I for one cant wait for this server to go live! All my fondest memories of EQ are from the "olden days" raiding things like NTOV, or when it took guild raids to things like your epic 1.0 that are so trivial now. For a lot of newer players, that started with luclin, or even later, dont you ever wonder about the other 3/4 of the game content you wont likely ever experience because nobody bothers with the "out dated" content anymore? EQ was, imho, the biggest/best MMORPG for a long long time and with good reason. It was the content that came with expansions such as Kunark and Velious that made the game so great, but now never get touched because everyones always striving to be bigger and bigger.
#16 May 13 2006 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
Well, for new people to EQ, like me, I think I would really enjoy this server. I started playing early Feb. this year, and while I'm level 66 now, I only really know a few zones (tutorial zone, paludel, echo, gunthak, velks, WoS, few others -- basically just levelling zones I was shown, and I've some experience in quite a few others, but nothing indepth, and nothing to the degree of the aformentioned zones) out of the multitudes that have been released.

With the progression server, I would get to see the content that most of you already have. I feel a bit robbed now, since all the old zones are empty, and since I started with no plat or equipment, I couldn't solo there to see the content. I'd like to see the run from Qeynos to Freeport, or EC when it used to be the "bazaar", or see a time where many were of similar level and thus finding groups was easier. Moreover, I would also like to feel I'm levelling up "with" the game. I'm certain I won't be part of the groups that open the new expansions, but I believe I will at least keep up a moderate pace and see the newer things as they come out. My current level 66 only has a couple PoP flags, no DoN armour/faction, no GoD tiered items, nor anything else expansion specific really achieved. Would be nice to experience this as everyone else does.

Dunno, maybe the progression server will be successful, or maybe not. I for one will definitely try it though. For some old players, it will be nostaliga, for me -- it will be new.

Edited, Sat May 13 07:07:39 2006 by gallicus
#17 May 13 2006 at 7:13 AM Rating: Decent
i'm looking forward to giving it a try, but have no real expectations.

think i'm gonna make a gnome wizard. the best part will be jumping on a new server the day it opens and being able to get a decent name.

or, maybe i'll name my wizard Gaandaalf, lol.
#18 May 13 2006 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
Depends... are they changing all the sh** SoE changed and made bad back to the way it was? all the exploits we could have done that SoE fixedeven though msot of them werent exploits? in order for SoE go back to the begginning then they would have to change all the good stuff they made bad and i dont think they r gonna do that. SoE isnt gonna make it exactally like it was when we all started in the begginning. Since i know this i highly doubt i will play this long... i might try it for a bit.
#19 May 13 2006 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
Started out back in 99. Have 1 Time flagged bard and few other high levels.

I've been playing 3 new toons 100% NON-TWINK the last 2 months. I cant use the bazaar, get buffs higher than my level (No Temp) and can only use Old World zones. Nothing that isnt Old World basically. Made a druid, bard and beastlord. Yes, I did use a beastlord and a vah shir but no other fudging on my rules.
I'm assuming I cant make a Vah Shir toon (That is the only thing that really bums me out)

Getting leather gear (crappy gear) was relatively easy for the druid/bst but bard armor isnt (Using Old World rules)
Buying chain/plate armor at merchants was out of reach at 100-500pp per piece. Been trying to quest for a few odd pieces here and there.
I hope they will make noob level armor obtainable at the very beginning of the game so we dont have to die countless times at the hands of a gnoll pup while waiting for the smithees/tailors to level up.

I wished they could modify a few things:
The Aggro rules in EQ2 rock. Wished for EQ 1 some other group's bad pull or train wouldn't wipe out your own group.

AA points starting at newbie levels would be cool. Not sure how the experience factor, i.e. choosing normal exp or AA exp %, would affect server/character growth rate. I'm sure there were some serious discussions on the matter at one point in time.
#20 May 13 2006 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
LOL....besides...if I get tired of dying to gnoll pups, I can jump back to the other servers, equip the Blade of Carnage, get 500k plat of Bazaar bought armor, get a temp and go wipe out all of blackburrow at level 5

#21 May 13 2006 at 9:39 AM Rating: Default
I liked older style EQ so I will definitally be trying it out. I hope people dont try to rush ahead and unlock the expansions would be nice for everyone to enjoy classic EQ for a while.
#22 May 13 2006 at 10:03 AM Rating: Default
Its a good concept of trying to bring back the old EQ for the newer members but honestly i doubt its gonna work. Who honestly wants to do the last 7 years all over again to see the same result you would have gotten if you didnt go back at all. Part of what made the orriginal EQ great is that you had to work to make it to new grounds that you didnt know for yet another new challenge. This is just gonna seem too much of a repitition for little to no reward. Im sure a lotta ppl play EQ for the feeling of being stronger and more powerfull in EQ then in real life, hell i know i wish i had a Spell: Circle of Burger King. For me atleast it would be foolish to give up all the work i have put into my current toon just so i could start over and struggle to lvl back into the same expansions that ive already seen. Maybe if things were changed back in the old content but to do the exact same thing over again to me seems worthless but everyone plays EQ for different reasons.
#23 May 13 2006 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
when are they planning to launch this server?
#24 May 13 2006 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
Ditto that.
I've got way too much time invested in my current toon to start completely over.

I'd defintaly start a class that excels in soloing though. I can't imagine redo'ing the endless LFG with my current toon. Back in the day, when the 50's was hell to grind, I remember many a monk freinds dropping that and starting a new toon that gets group invites at a faster pace.

#25 May 13 2006 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
I have been playing only a year. Have been trying to "catch up" and figure out how to play, all that time. I am really looking forward to the new server. This should put me on a equal footing with the other players, and finally give me a "feel" for this wonderful game. I'll miss Shadowrest, but should get to level 150 in Corpse-Finding in no time at all!!! Lol. See you there.
#26 May 13 2006 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
In concept, the idea sounds nice, and I may check it out, but I don't know if it will be something I want to invest serious time in. I started playing in 2001, after Kunark came out, had a few low level toons (highest was level 20), but, after the initial excitement, got bored with it fairly quickly. Truth is, even back then, most other people were higher level than I was, and most groups I got into were with players alt characters. I stopped playing for three years, picking it up again last June, when I turned my roommate on to the game. As it is now, we've been hooked on it since then.

Nostalgia can be nice, the joy of getting your first good weapon or piece of armor, for example. Remember actually camping the chessboard in Butcherblock, or derv camps in North Ro? But much of the game back then was very tedious, waiting for boats, hoping to find a druid for a port and what not. And if I never kill another croc in Oasis of Marr, I'll be very happy.

I suppose that's the whole point of the server though, for old-timers to relive memories, and for "newbies" to experience what is what it was like in the early days. Of couse, revisiting something is never the same as experiencing something for the first time. Back then, we didn't know what Velious or Luclin would bring. It was brand new. Now, everyone pretty much knows what all of the expansions entail, and the excitement of opening the expansion cannot come close to that felt by us when they were initially launched, and first experienced.
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