I just made a baby gnome necro, because I had only made melee characters before and thought I should try a caster. Since my main is a SK I figured Necro would be a good bet.
I'm already a little overwhelmed, especially since he is geetting spells at level 2 that my SK didn't get until he was in his mid teens. I was basically just wondering what is the best way to play a necro. I havent had any caster experience so I really wasn't sure how to play him. Also, should I be worried about armor, or mainly spells. Lastly, what to train?
EDIT: LOL i just realized the Iksar Necro in my signature. I havent actually played him. He was one of the first characters I ever made and i played him for about 5 mins before leaving. Guess I'd better get rid of all those names since they are my original characters not my mains..........
Edited, Sun Apr 23 13:24:57 2006 by Deodhlais