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Warning to (RL) young ladiesFollow

#27 Apr 16 2006 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
811 posts
BellamDreamguard let me reply to your post

Predators come in all kinds, and *every* child ought to be wary

Agree, and I addressed this post specifically to young women as what disgusted me so (in game) was aimed at a female, but yes I agree that all rules apply to any young person and old person.Let's not forget that even adults are at times at risk (let's not forget the case of slowhand in the US)

I understand your frustration in trying to communicate your point

It is not easy to communicate what I want to say, in a language that is not mine, without triggering the filters of forum or have people run off screaming about using the proper words that really should be required to explain.

I may be portrait here as a prude, but I am far from that, Holland is the least prudish country in the world. We are a LOT more tollerant of physicaly contact, love between same gender and mind expanding substances then anyone else in the world. I am also the daughter of 2 ardent hippies and an ex-nurse, so there is little I have not seen/heard/know about. I am though very aware many are not like me and I tried to address this issue without offending anyones sensitivities, and taking in consideration that what as an old fart from Holland I might find acceptable to discuss with a teenager, someone from another country might not.

And how did you know that the person offering the web show was a minor?
As far as I know he was not, infact I highly suspect he is 30 and replied rather angrily to my post.
Someone else in group was though, said person asked me why I all of a sudden left, and when saying the topic of discussion was offensive to me he said that at 13 anything like that was "hot". And this is the minor I referred to.

prudish and close-minded
Don't worry I am anything but prudish, what I may be is proper(if this is the correct word for it: I mean I was always told a "gentleman does not let out en publique his escapedes with a woman"), certain things you do not discuss in public without knowing who you talking to and if they ok with that sort of conversation.
Beside being and old fart I am also a feminist at heart and I quote "I'm gonna stitch her up and call all my mates over {to watch webbie}" I fing HIGHLY offensive, NOT for the suggested involved nekkidiss but the disrespect for the woman this implies.

like being told how to live our lives
I don't think I tell anyone how to live their lives, I found something offensive and demeaning towards females. I thought about it, and thought it be a good idea to put out some warning to young ladies (and lads for that matter) about the potential dangers of the internet. If someone then takes this as a personal attack to themselves then that does not mean I tell them what to do, but more that I apparently touched a sore spot.

as an angry parent
I'm not an angry parent, I'm a conserned adult. Concerned because a single instance made me realise that even in a game with a child population they are not safe from this sort of behaviour.

If you where my kid I'd box your ears for forgetting the basic internet safety rules
agree this might be the wrong way to put it, but it does express my feelings. I have never been hit by my parents nor would I hit my kids. But darn would I be upset if my kid got hurt because of not following the rules.

rationale on religious imperative

Ahh you refer to my "church clothes" well it was the best way, again, to say keep your dignity, don't feel as if you ahve to show yourself as mamma made you.
Church could be just as well a mosque or the highstreet or a visit to the queen or president for that matter.

Maybe the smart move would have been to write the post as I wanted to and send it to the board monitors for editing. Then no one would have taken offense, my message would have been clear to all and no one should have felt I was telling them what to do.

edit because the whole thing posted before I was done.

Edited, Sun Apr 16 12:15:56 2006 by Maktub
#28 Apr 16 2006 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
as an interesting number - myspace has fewer sexual predators, per capita, than the state of california.

if you exercise basic common sense, you will be fine. telling people not to do webcam shows is like saying "Hey honey, when the guy at the streetcorner offers you ten bucks to blow him... You probably shouldn't do it."
#29 Apr 16 2006 at 10:23 PM Rating: Default
I'm short ten bucks.
#30 Apr 16 2006 at 10:27 PM Rating: Decent
You can finance.
#31 Apr 17 2006 at 2:03 AM Rating: Decent
375 posts
ya almost got it, but it is as scarey as you said. sorry i wasn't more clear.

it is 1 in 5 that are tried to get to set up RL meetings. very scary.

my 15 year old is only alowed online when we are home, and only talk to people that we know. has to come tell us if talking to someone else. plus we randomly check on her.
#32 Apr 17 2006 at 3:06 AM Rating: Decent
my 15 year old is only alowed online when we are home, and only talk to people that we know. has to come tell us if talking to someone else. plus we randomly check on her.

your fifteen year old? Someone's not going to jump out of her monitor and abduct her if she's chatting while you aren't around.

in three years, she's going to be out of your house, at college, and functioning on her own -- but when you turn eighteen, you don't automatically acquire good judgement. It's something you have to develop throughout your childhood, via increasing responsibilities, free will, and opportunities. Failing to do so gradually means that when you turn eighteen, you have to do so immediately - and the consequences tend to be a lot worse.

do you know how much more likely your daughter is to be abducted by someone she knows irl - or just someone walking down the street randomly - then by someone online? I don't have figures for it offhand, but I believe somewhere around 75% of kidnappings are perpetrated by family members. for the rest - well, I'd guess around 99.9% of the remainder are either random street abductions, or abductions by a irl 'familiar face' (contractor, butler, friend's relatives... etc.) You hear a lot about the "dangers of the internet." you don't hear the same amount about "family" kidnappings, or about random acquantince kidnappings. they just don't make for the same quality alarmist headlines.

the media's been stressing a lot lately how a cyberstalker can easily get a picture, and the address of a teen to come abduct her/him. I kinda laugh whenever I hear this - anyone can do the exact same thing by following a school bus, and noting where the kiddies get off.

stress a few rules to your kids. (don't give out their address without asking you first. if they want to meet someone from the interweb, talk to you first.) emphasize the possible consequences. (horrible death.) kids aren't dumbasses, most of them will understand the possible consequences, and thus, comply.

99% of - if not all - abductions done by someone the kid met via the internet, are done with the kids complicity. the involved kids generally did not understand the risks involved with divulging personal information, generally because they had not been explained to them. the other portion felt that there was someone they really wanted to meet, but that their parents would not support it - and thus, circumvented their parents, and failed to take adequate precautions.

making the dangers clear will resolve most of these issues. making clear that before any irl meeting, your daughter needs to talk to you and have you involved with helping setting it up will take care of most of the rest. make it clear that as long as the person and circumstances don't seem 'wrong,' that the answer isn't necessarily "no, you can't meet them."

if it makes you feel more comfortable - install monitoring software on your kid's computer. make them aware you are doing so, or they'll probably kill you. monitor it occasionally... don't intervene unless your kid is either divulging irl info/planning meetups/etc. the more apparent responsibility you give your kid - the better off they will be for it.

a lot of stuff (especially the OP) should be common sense to any kid over the age of nine or ten. if it isn't to someone, then their parents fail at life.

by the time I was fifteen, I had been playing everquest for a couple years. I'd made a number of pretty good friends. I'd cleared $3000 on various stuff. I'd met a number of people who actually represent a pretty decent chance at me getting a job in the future.

I met irl a number of people around my age who lived in my area. yes, initially in a public place with parents (on both sides) around. Actually - as much as it pains me to admit this - the first girl I ever dated I met online initially.

I learned enough about PCs to get an A+ certification, with minimal studying. I learned enough about programming/disassembling stuff to make some pretty decent money freelancing. I learned a ton about EQ and mmorpg design in general to probably get a job in the field eventually, if I so desire.

I'm also far, far more literate as a result of the internet. In addition - I was exposed to a far wider range of people/backgrounds than I would have been otherwise.

I'm a more rounded person for having my own computer and mostly unsupervised net access for a long time while growing up.

I'm sure I'm not really representative. but, as I'm kind of a case in point, the internet can be pretty beneficial in the life of a kid. a few basic safety precautions will protect your children on the net.

wow... that ended up being a lot longer and more rambling than I meant it to be. I should probably just delete half of it, and rewrite it in the morning... oh well =p

Edited, Mon Apr 17 04:17:40 2006 by Groogle
#33 Apr 17 2006 at 3:17 AM Rating: Good
this is kind of an aside - but, especially for gaming, I'd suggest that kids reading this don't give out their real ages generally (or even always genders.) It avoids a lot of problems - people don't treat you like an incompetent, and you tend to avoid a lot of the crazy child molester types.

I had a pair of decently high level toons (55 or so... back when the max level was 60,) and there was a definite difference in how people treated me when they realized I was a kid vs when they had no idea.
#34 Apr 17 2006 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
In response to your aside, Groogle, I've always noticed that being well-spoken and using (at the very least) capital letters tends to have people negate whatever feelings they would have when they find out your age. Not two years ago I would get offers to go out and drink with the buddies because I just seemed old enough. I still get the offers and I'm still not old enough, it's all in how you present yourself.

Though if you're like "I'M 12 AND I LIKE BOYS TEEHEE" you're going to run into trouble.

Good judgement and tasteful discretion is the name of the game.
#35 Apr 17 2006 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
What are any of you doing to combat this problem? Me, I always roll at least one female toon, slap a cutesy name on it, and set out into the server. Then, when I'm propositioned for some hawt cybor action, I give it to them, in the most horrifying ways possible.

Bam, I just dissuaded some sicko from randomly requesting on-line action, yes? Yes?
#36 Apr 17 2006 at 9:34 AM Rating: Default
Not sure it would work but still cute idea.
#37 Apr 17 2006 at 9:48 AM Rating: Default

They just keep going.
#38 Apr 17 2006 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
In response to your aside, Groogle, I've always noticed that being well-spoken and using (at the very least) capital letters tends to have people negate whatever feelings they would have when they find out your age. Not two years ago I would get offers to go out and drink with the buddies because I just seemed old enough. I still get the offers and I'm still not old enough, it's all in how you present yourself.

really depends on the person. I was in a pseudo-raid guild five or six years ago - I ended up deguilding because the GL refused to assign me as a tank to anything when she realized I was a kid. It wasn't because I used horrible grammar or couldn't tank, she just had an idea of incompetency stuck in her head.
#39 Apr 18 2006 at 3:41 PM Rating: Default
375 posts
do you know how much more likely your daughter is to be abducted by someone she knows irl - or just someone walking down the street randomly - then by someone online?

this USED to be the case. it isn't anymore. internet abductions are on a very sharp rise. a very scarey rise.

#40 Apr 18 2006 at 4:17 PM Rating: Good
Of course they are on a sharp rise. The net is still "new" and blogging is even newer(this is where most net abductions come from). Games are fairly safe since they give out no personal info and there is really no way of getting peoples personal info unless they ask them and the person tells them(which is general safety 101...don't give your address to people on the net..... =p)

Blogs like Myspace and Xanga are the real problems since people post pictures and leave msgs about where they are going and where they will be and some even leave cell or home numbers, not to mention what school they go to and where they drank illegaly the night before.

I'd be more worried about your daughters(I know guys get abducted too but lets face it.......girls blog more than guys >_>) giving out their info on myspace than on EQ..
#41 Apr 18 2006 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
this USED to be the case. it isn't anymore. internet abductions are on a very sharp rise. a very scarey rise.

this is still, by a huge margin, the case.

yes, internet abductions are on the rise. This is because a huge number of people, unfortunately, don't realize stuff like "don't give your address out to strangers while inviting them to your house."
#42 Apr 18 2006 at 5:49 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
There are places online, where by keying in a home phone number you get a nice map to the person's house, complete with the last name, so giving just a phone number isn't safe. That's one many people don't know.
#43 Apr 19 2006 at 6:26 AM Rating: Decent
lol places try typing your home number on google about 70-90% of the time it will give you that persons name and address then use any map feature and you can get directions to the house.

yes thats it just your phone number no other descriptors no spaces. Course your area code narrows the search too but not like that amazed me when I did it on google.
#44 Apr 19 2006 at 9:49 PM Rating: Default
i play female characters on everquest and i get hit on regularly, it is very uncommon for it to be more then just joking. i found it to be much more common to see people try to take it further then that in chatrooms. in EQ the first question someone asks you is class/level, in chatrooms its age, sex and location. i will admit that my only male toon, that i created just to see how differently i was treated, doesn't have to worry about being flirted with all the time though.
sidenote, i tried that google your phone number, apparently i live at a gas station, no wonder my new phone number gets so many annoying calls for some man named gerry /sigh
#45 Apr 19 2006 at 9:51 PM Rating: Decent
Lol, ya basically it just has phonebook referecened so it wont hit some people, course my parents are unlisted and it hits them so I am not sure on the exactness of that.
#46 Apr 19 2006 at 11:05 PM Rating: Default
Sir Groogle wrote:
this USED to be the case. it isn't anymore. internet abductions are on a very sharp rise. a very scarey rise.

this is still, by a huge margin, the case.

yes, internet abductions are on the rise. This is because a huge number of people, unfortunately, don't realize stuff like "don't give your address out to strangers while inviting them to your house."

An interesting note is that deaths from the Black Plague are on the rise. You know, the one that whiped out a third of Europe not too many centuries back, yet is largely eliminated today? I think there've been ten deaths in past years.. a sharp rise. Of course, this means we can forget about cancer now.

Edited, Thu Apr 20 00:05:28 2006 by ReofblMobile
#47 Apr 19 2006 at 11:09 PM Rating: Decent
cellestium wrote:
i play female characters on everquest and i get hit on regularly, it is very uncommon for it to be more then just joking. i found it to be much more common to see people try to take it further then that in chatrooms. in EQ the first question someone asks you is class/level, in chatrooms its age, sex and location. i will admit that my only male toon, that i created just to see how differently i was treated, doesn't have to worry about being flirted with all the time though.

I admit, I do some pretty stupid things when I get bored.

For instance, going on to a chat room. "12fCamHorny" as a scren name.. you'd be surprised how much attention it grabs. It's always fun collecting all the addresses and messengers from all the idiots who message the horny 12-year old I've just made up and giving them eachothers' addresses and messengers.
Alternatively, I tell them to hit Control W to view my webcam. (Com'n, you know you want to test it.)
#48 Apr 19 2006 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
Barkingturtle wrote:
What are any of you doing to combat this problem? Me, I always roll at least one female toon, slap a cutesy name on it, and set out into the server. Then, when I'm propositioned for some hawt cybor action, I give it to them, in the most horrifying ways possible.

Bam, I just dissuaded some sicko from randomly requesting on-line action, yes? Yes?

*Shrugs* As much as you may find it deplorable, cyber sex is healthy for many. Would you perfer the children actually have sex with eachother like half their peers are?

This isn't to say what you're doing is neccisarily wrong. Just.. it's not any valient cruasade you're making, just some personal laugh.

Human sexuality will follow us.
#49 Apr 19 2006 at 11:26 PM Rating: Decent
elorianBLAH wrote:
I'd be more worried about your daughters(I know guys get abducted too but lets face it.......girls blog more than guys >_>) giving out their info on myspace than on EQ..

Amen to this.

I have five "daughters". Three call me nightly, the other two, well, I see them when I do. Haha, I love kids! It's good to be a father without having to actually change the diapers. :P

Anyhow, most of them are absolutely obbessed with MySpace. MySpace this, MySpace that, "daddy, why haven't you put your pictures up on your MySpace yet?", "daddy, will you comment on my MySpace? I commented on yours!", and so on. Which, after all, is just cute.

It's when I see gothic fellows with pictures of up their slashed wrists, older than me, posting on their MySpace, "i dont reale no u but u look hot. can i get ur #" I get concerned. But I mean, hey, what can you do? You warn them the best you can, you try to keep them balanced, you ward off the big creeps, and that's really it.
#50 Apr 19 2006 at 11:26 PM Rating: Decent
ReofblMobile wrote:

This isn't to say what you're doing is neccisarily wrong. Just.. it's not any valient cruasade you're making, just some personal laugh.

Well, duh.
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