Is it possible to put a sticky in the beasiary section of alla and in the zone section stating something to the effect: When posting about a mob pls post the following information: LOCATION of mob where u found it, or better yet where it spawns. What it's level was, or con was to you and your level, mob drops, spells it cast, what it hit, does it summon, is it rootable, snarable, fearable.
A html form "report new mobs here" for new mobs would be even better with checkboxes, and a box for all pertinant info, it would eliminate a lot of guessing because posters forgot to add pertinant info. The info with a little codeing could be posted back into the [edit:specific mob's]forum in a easy to follow guide to find the mob and have a clue what it is/does/is groupable/solo'able with, etc.
I do a lot of mob searches in alla to upgrade/quest for my toons. I can't even begin to state the time wasted going through posts, alternate mobs, ph's looking for a spawn location, pathing so I can find a mob.
Edited, Thu Apr 13 21:10:20 2006 by aBarberian