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How many people will TRULY leave EQ for Vangaurd?Follow

#1 Apr 11 2006 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
335 posts
Who here knows they'll take off for Vangaurd and not look back? Will it totally scew over Everquest? Or will it be like EQ2 and WoW-a fair number will flock to it only to comeback?
#2 Apr 11 2006 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,156 posts
It's ovah! All the server's will merge with FV. All the Devs will be reassigned.. yet somehow there will be 4 expansions a year instead of 2.

eBay now! It's the opening of the Seals.. I think I hear Trumpets.. the sky is draped in a sack-cloth of hair!

"there is no hope for men. Better to die sooner than later."
#3 Apr 11 2006 at 4:33 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
pfft we can hang in there a couple more months

#4 Apr 11 2006 at 4:53 PM Rating: Good
Well, I still play EQOA, Guild Wars, WoW, FFXI as well as my EQ accounts, so I likely won't leave for it, but will try to find some time for it. I am sooooo lucky my wife is a gamer...
#5 Apr 11 2006 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
335 posts
The replies sound negative.....

I did check out the site and it looks awesome(though my computer definantly wil hate it LOL)

It just seems like the same buzz happend for EQ2.
#6 Apr 11 2006 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
335 posts
Also, I dont see how it can compare itself to the EQ of old. I have nothing against it, I just don't think anything can ever be just like something before it. Not that it wont be sweet, I just doubt it will be like the old EQ
#7 Apr 11 2006 at 6:06 PM Rating: Good
I'm pretty iffy about vanguard, I've heard a lot of negative things about the beta from people whose opinions I respect.
#8 Apr 11 2006 at 6:11 PM Rating: Default
8,619 posts
I'm going, i'm too far behind in EQ and making up the gap is not possible at this stage, for me it's more about a fresh start with a group of programmers i know can do the business than anything else.

As for the "my PC will hate it" comment, my PC runs WoW better than EQ, the base EQ programming is poor and puts it way behind WoW or EvE or any number of other games for that matter.

V(SoH) is going to be run with Microsoft ( I know there are alot of Anti microsoft people who will say thats a bad thing) So i expect pretty tight programming, because despite what the haters say Microsoft programming is as good as it gets generally.
#9 Apr 11 2006 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
I'm going, i'm too far behind in EQ and making up the gap is not possible at this stage, for me it's more about a fresh start with a group of programmers i know can do the business than anything else.

It is possible... my last guild has a stellar bard in it, one who was guilded about a month after a three year break from eq, who had gotten to 70/100 in about that time... yeah, she was a hardcore grinder, but she wasn't PLed or anything.

yeah, she was absolutely hardcore in that month, but if she can do it in a month a more casual player can do it in several.
#10 Apr 11 2006 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
335 posts
You don't know my computer LOL.

256 RAM


I can barely run EQ(with every setting turned down pretty much and pre-luclin models)

Edited, Tue Apr 11 19:22:34 2006 by Deodhlais
#11 Apr 11 2006 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
335 posts
Also Tarv, Im way behind the gap also. I'll just say my main isn't even in late twenties, which is partially due to only having a few hrs. each week and the fact that i have about 6 characters I play that level, Im not just concentarting on a "main" so to speak.

Anyways, I usually have to solo, but people have been really nice and I've gotten used to soloing and I love it.
#12 Apr 11 2006 at 7:59 PM Rating: Default
As for the "my PC will hate it" comment, my PC runs WoW better than EQ, the base EQ programming is poor and puts it way behind WoW or EvE or any number of other games for that matter.

Didn't the original EQ team leave to start Vanguard? I sure hope for your sake that they've learned more, or hired some programmers who know more than the original dev team.

I'll probably check it out a couple of months after release, jsut to make sure most of the bugs are worked out and the game is playable.

I built a brand new pc for eq2 when it came out and played the game for a month and half, then canceled it 'cuz I didn't have any fun playing it. I tried Lineage2 when it came out, and couldn't get use to the chat commands. I came back to EQ and haven't looked anywhere else since then. I'm having fun working the guild I'm in to conquer GoD content, OOW and DoN, simultaneously. Plenty of raids to do and lots of new content I haven't seen yet, even tho one of those expansions is over 2 years old.
#13 Apr 11 2006 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
Didn't the original EQ team leave to start Vanguard? I sure hope for your sake that they've learned more, or hired some programmers who know more than the original dev team.

the concept and programming teams are separate
#14 Apr 11 2006 at 8:37 PM Rating: Decent
I'm leaving EQ for Vangaurd.. or this I'd say, but I've already left EQ. Hopefully, Vangaurd will kill any future feeling of returning again.

I suppose a great deal of the disenchanted will go to Vanguard. A great deal of those who want to be on the cutting edge of things, too. For those who are heavily entrenched in EQ, though, well.. they'll probably stick around.
#15 Apr 12 2006 at 4:15 AM Rating: Good
1,252 posts
I just bought 2 year subsription for both my accounts. guess I won't be spending more money on any other MMORPG's soon Smiley: grin

yes, I love EQ!
Still a noob. :-P
Characters on Drinal, Povar, EMarr, Firiona Vie.
#16 Apr 12 2006 at 6:23 AM Rating: Decent
65 posts
I am keeping my expectations in check, but I will definately be giving it a good try. My main is 57, while I have lots of time invested in EQ and a fair amount of money in expansions and fees, and will not be completely letting him go. My hope is VSoH will be able to replace EQ for me. No other game has come close to the scope and possibilities that EQ has, which is why I have come back twice thus far even though I am not completely happy with the state of the game.
#17 Apr 12 2006 at 6:37 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Didn't the original EQ team leave to start Vanguard? I sure hope for your sake that they've learned more, or hired some programmers who know more than the original dev team.
The original EQ programming was good for it's time, it wasn't untill the Second (Luclin) engine that things started to go wrong.

I think the problem was that instead of reprogramming everything the tried to run both and that is not a great way to do things.

I agree Czae it is possible, but with a young child and a job that takes me away for months at a time (Just got back from 2 months in the arctic circle) I'm always playing catch up and it's getting a little old. EQ is not designed for people to catch up (The insane drop rates on 66+ spell for example, i've been hunting WoS, MpG and RSS for weeks and still have yet to win a single roll, i've only seen about 4 drop in over 48 hours of hunting.)
#18 Apr 12 2006 at 7:46 AM Rating: Default
has vanguard announced a release date?
#19 Apr 12 2006 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
56 posts
I will jump to Vanguard when it is released. The main thing I look for in Vanguard is a FRESH start in a EQ style world. The new progression server for EQ will help to hold my attention. I still find the 1-50 levels and enviornment of EQ to be the most fun. Of course they are only fun when you have the groups to play with.

But I will not make the mistake of dumping my EQ accounts just incase.

#20 Apr 12 2006 at 8:17 AM Rating: Default
218 posts
Expected release date is in time for Xmas shopping in the 4th quarter of this year.

I've been involved with VSoH since Brad Mcquaid left SOE and started Sigil Games. I even flew out to Southern California and got to tour the inside of their studios. I was the first "civilian" they let in.

Having seen the talent that they have working for them, and having seen the game world. I have to say that the game is truly amazing. From everything I have seen this game is not going to be for the casual gamer. This is not WoW2, it is the true successor to the original EQ. The EQ of Old, where it took forever to level, and large groups of friends to complete quests.

This game is designed to be hard and provide a real challenge.

If you think you are going to start Vanguard because you don't want to play "catch up" to the hardcore gamers, you are getting it for the wrong reasons. Two weeks after the game is released you are going to be right back playing catch up.

Now if you are going to swtich to Vanguard for cutting edge technology, graphics, a seemless world with no zoning, and amazing combat/spell abilities, then you will not be disappointed.

As a side note, leveling will be very difficult. A beta tester who is a hardcore gamer recently achieved the maximum level of 50 after playing 12 hours a day, everyday, for 4 months.

#21 Apr 12 2006 at 8:40 AM Rating: Default
*LOL*... each and every time one of these new "EQ Killer" games is released everyone swears they are leaving EQ for good because the newest game on the block RUL3Z!1!!! It was done when Anarchy Online came out, it was done when Guild Wars came out and it was done when World of Warcraft came out. Where do you stand as far as those games are now?

I'm no angel. I tried each one of those games and for the first few months they were great. I didn't think too much about EQ. Then as I got deeper into each one I wondered why it didn't have such and such option like EQ or why the progression wasn't more like EQ or why class roles aren't as defined as EQ. Eventually I would end up going back to EQ and it was like being with an old friend again. It's dependable, it's predictable, but more importantly, it's still fun after all these years.

Vanguard being the next "EQ Killer" to me is laughable. Big deal, Brad McQuaid. Whoopee. Same assclown that didn't believe downtime should be shorter. Same assclown who felt timesink after timesink was completely warranted and necessary to balance the game. I want to play this guy's newest creation why? Sorry, no thanks. SOE is slowly fixing the clusterf*ck he left behind when he left the EQ team.

Reports I am hearing from friends in beta are saying the game is a chore to play. The combat system is sucktastic. It's more work than it is fun. I would figure it is supposed to be the other way around isn't it? They are in beta 3 right now and still can't decide how many ppl should be in group... 4, 6, 8,... hello? Shouldn't this have been figured out in ALPHA? They're just now trying to balance classes and group size and are aiming for a Summer 2006 release? Don't think so.

I'd also like to touch on this:

V(SoH) is going to be run with Microsoft ( I know there are alot of Anti microsoft people who will say thats a bad thing) So i expect pretty tight programming, because despite what the haters say Microsoft programming is as good as it gets generally.

Let me remind you about a sucktastic game that used to be known as Asheron's Call 2. The graphic lag, bugs, balance and itemization in that game had me cancel after the first 2-3 months. The game was so bad that they actually shut down the servers and the game is no more. Strangely enough Asheron's Call 1 is still going strong.

Case in point, all this flashy crap that they feel is necessary in games now a days does not beat out the tried and true mechanics of their predecessors. AC1 still, to this day, has about the best customizable character creation templates in any game I have played. No one has taken a queue from that and I have no idea why.

EQ1 vs EQ2? How many people left EQ2 to go back to EQ1 because EQ2 is a barren ghost town of a game. I ran around in Freeport for well over an hour without seeing another single person. It might as well be a single player game.

I'll admit that WoW had me for a few months but once I reached endgame that thing just got as sucktastic as all the rest of these games. No strategy. Raids were nothing but a Zergfest. It didn't matter if you had a priest because you had a druid. It didn't matter if you had a warrior because you could let the shaman tank. WTF were they thinking when they were supposed to be defining class roles. At least EQ has this one right for the most part.

I have tried just about every MMORPG game there is out there save for D&D Online (which I didn't even need to beta because the reviews on it were so dismal that I didn't need to even pick up the box and read it). Guess what game I am still playing? Yeah, Everquest, since November of '99. It's rare that someone gets it right the first time. AC1 and EQ1 have managed that. Some of these other companies should really take some notes and do some homework on things that work.

#22 Apr 12 2006 at 9:16 AM Rating: Good
56 posts
I must disagree with Snarl, WoW was / is a pretty good EQ killer. I personally did not like it but how many do. Where did all those players come from....90% were from EQ. I expect Vanguard to do the same, tons will move on (some will come back) but player base will see a large drop. Add Warhammer to the mix in 2007 and EQ will need another server merge.

Will EQ die? Not for a long time. They have a huge core of die-hards who will alway be there. Will EQ see new blood? I don't think they will see many truly new players. Vanguard will not be the stealer of new blood as much as Warhammer will be. Warhammer has a large player base now who look forward to MMORPG version of the game. To me like DAOC if you are not a PvP person it holds no appeal.

#23 Apr 12 2006 at 9:17 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
His Excellency Snarlfang wrote:
*LOL*... each and every time one of these new "EQ Killer" games is released everyone swears they are leaving EQ for good because the newest game on the block RUL3Z!1!!! It was done when Anarchy Online came out, it was done when Guild Wars came out and it was done when World of Warcraft came out. Where do you stand as far as those games are now?
Regardless of whether or not EQ is "dead", both FFXI's and WoW's subscription numbers completely blow away what EQ had at its peak. And EQ ain't at its peak any longer. That's not me saying "FFXI/WoW rule and EQ sucks!" -- just a statement of fact that EQ didn't hold the top tier against them in the same fashion that it defended itself against Asheron's Call, Dark Age of Camelot, Anarchy Online, etc etc. Everquest is a 4th tier game now against WoW, Lineage and FFXI which is still very impressive for a game of its age but it ain't the 800lb gorilla any more and never will be again.

I personally think a lot of people will try Vanguard. It has excellent buzz with a lot of people, both hardcore gamers and more casual gamers who still have a "purist" attitude. I think a lot of people see it more as the "real" EQ2 than SOE's second Everquest could have ever been. But how many will stay with it? That really depends on how good it is Smiley: wink2 People have a lot of starry-eyed expectations of it and so it'll be easy to disappoint their inflated dreams. But I think it'll probably suceed at least as a solid niche market for people seeking a grittier gaming experience than "You can get lvl 60 in a month!" WoW.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#24 Apr 12 2006 at 9:23 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gaflack wrote:
I must disagree with Snarl, WoW was / is a pretty good EQ killer. I personally did not like it but how many do. Where did all those players come from....90% were from EQ.
WoW has 5.5mil active accounts. Everquest, at its heyday, had a half million.

If only 10% of WoW's subscribers came from EQ, there wouldn't be a soul left on Norrath.

Making the assumption that people play one game primarily which I know isn't always the case but I'm just illustrating a point here...
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#25 Apr 12 2006 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
56 posts
Jophiel wrote:
gaflack wrote:
I must disagree with Snarl, WoW was / is a pretty good EQ killer. I personally did not like it but how many do. Where did all those players come from....90% were from EQ.
WoW has 5.5mil active accounts. Everquest, at its heyday, had a half million.

If only 10% of WoW's subscribers came from EQ, there wouldn't be a soul left on Norrath.

Making the assumption that people play one game primarily which I know isn't always the case but I'm just illustrating a point here...

Well I undersold the point was trying to make. WoW was a huge EQ killer when it comes to player's accounts.

Gaflack 70 Druid 222AA Sleeper
Bredon 70 Cleric 120AA
Zimrathon 70 War 200AA
Minastan 70 Enchanter 123AA
Mesalar 58 Mage 5AA

Retired Fennin and FV: Gaflack 70 Druid, Ministan 70 Enchanter, Minastan 66 Enchanter, Zimrathon 60 Enchanter, Zimrathon 60 War, Bredon 62 Cleric, Breredon 62 CLeric, Mesular 62 Mage, Mesalar 57 Mage
#26 Apr 12 2006 at 11:10 AM Rating: Good
2,015 posts
I will likely try Vanguard at the least. I tried EQ2 and it did not grab me like EQ did. Only half tempted to try WoW but I think I have seen enough without playing to not pull up stakes in EQ.

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