On the subject of the denizens of Paludal Caverns, I completely agree, this is why camping the shik`nars from levels 16-23 (any class can do it if you're at least half-geared, get a partner otherwise) is absolutely crucial. The shik`nars hit for less than the recondites, have less HP, have lower AC, are all single pulls, respawn extremely fast, give about the same exp per kill, and there's always enough for literally nonstop killing. Just turn off or filter all general chats to somewhere else and you're in happytown, population: you.
Edit: Two seconds after posting I remembered why I brought this up: this section of the zone in the far north is completely secluded from the rest of the zone and you will almost never encounter anybody else in here. Most of the whiners are too lazy to get in that far even though you can get to the shik`nars without any sort of invis if you simply know how to avoid the fungus aggro.
Edited, Mon Apr 10 15:37:48 2006 by Brudish