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Which Class takes the most skill to play.Follow

#1 Apr 07 2006 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
Now first I would like to say I am not bashing warriors at all. It just seems like when I played my Warrior it was stand there get hit and press taunt over and over again. Conversly with my necro I had to have hotkeys placed all over my keyboard so I could get my spells off in time and/or command my pet. What class MUST have a skilled player at the keyboard to play?
#2 Apr 07 2006 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
79 posts
Let the Arguements begin.....

My main is a Druid- Difficult when soloing but not the toughest

I would say Necro is = to druid in difficulty

Personally I think Chanter is the most Difficult. CC Sucks

Edited, Fri Apr 7 12:59:00 2006 by RBro
#3 Apr 07 2006 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
286 posts
I guess it really comes down to what you define as difficult. If you mean what class takes the most concentration when playing, I would agree that Necro and Chanters would IMHO tie for first (Bards pre song macro would be up there too). Now if you mean which class is hardest to play with regards to understanding their role in groups/raids, I would say Chanter hands down!
#4 Apr 07 2006 at 12:27 PM Rating: Default
A post which is prodding arguments will probably be less than constructive, especially when the argument is inherently flawed to begin with.

You are making the assumption that it actually takes a lot of skill to play any class to begin with, and I know from experience, that you don't have to be super skilled in your class to get by, and play well.

Each class is met with it's own skillset which is basically comparing apples to oranges.

Honestly, I doubt anyone has an answer to this question, unless they can play every class in the game flawlessly, and even they can't truly say which class takes the most skill, because what may be tougher for them might be easier for another.
#5 Apr 07 2006 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
218 posts
Depends on what you mean by Hard. If you mean hard to find a group it could apply to a majority of the classes.

If you mean Hard, as in a difficult class to learn and master, I would have to go with a Bard.

Trying a Bard is even harder after you have played other caster and melee classes in EQ for years. It works on completly different concepts.

I've just recently started trying out a Bard after years of playing most all other classes. It is proving very difficult to learn.

As far as my personal expierence, here is my list of easiest to hardest classes to play (I've never tried a Berserker):

1. Druid (easiest)
2. Beastlord
3. Ranger
4. Shaman
5. Necro
6. SK
7. Warrior - mainly hard for me because all I do is solo.
8. Rogue - see above explanation about warrior.
9. Bard - whole bunch of buttons to click frequently! (hardest)

I rarely died solo with my druid. In an emergency, snare/root mob and run screaming like a school girl. Same concept for the Ranger. With the Beastlord if I got in trouble I always had a pet to take aggro while I went running screaming like a school girl again (see a pattern here?).

Necro, SK, Warrior, and Rogue are pretty straight forward in the learning curve.

The Bard is really giving me a challenge after playing all those other classes.

**EDIT** I left out chanter, wizard, cleric, and mage. Chanter I never got past level 2, mage was the same, and I took a wizard to lvl 30 pretty quick and it was very easy. Nuke, nuke, nuke, sit and med for next mob. I never tried a cleric out.

Edited, Fri Apr 7 13:35:42 2006 by ZatxWoopyoax

Edited, Fri Apr 7 13:36:50 2006 by ZatxWoopyoax
#6 Apr 07 2006 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
329 posts
Necros are very difficult. You have so much that you can be doing at any given time, and so many "styles" to fight in, if you aren't a decent player, you aren't going to come close to the max potential that character has.

SK's aren't exactly "easy," IMHO, either. Not only are you dealing with a pet and spells, but your primary function is to keep the mob focused on you, while giving him the smackdown the whole time.

I've been told that a Bard is the hardest char to master, but cannot confirm - I deleted mine after 6 short levels.

As always, all classes bring their own uniqueness to the table, and it is going to vary depending on the person playing.
#7 Apr 07 2006 at 12:36 PM Rating: Default
seems that as i get higher in level it gets more and more difficult for the tank to keep agro. not sure if i'm playing with lame tanks, other lame groupies or if the mobs just get more finicky at this level - they do last longer and maybe that's it. given that, i'd say that tanking is the hardest job and i'm glad i don't have to do it.

as for class technicality, i've heard bards are a handful.
#8 Apr 07 2006 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
196 posts
I'm not speaking from experience here, but I've always just assumed that bards were the hardest to play.

Okay, no flame here, but please except this half tongue-and-cheek rant instead.

If you think a Druid is hard to play solo, try soloing a paladin in his 50's. Every stun has to land just so, every HoT has to be timed for best effect. And fights are not short. Better train up that bind wounds skill, because you'll need to med in order to to take on the next mob, and you'll be ending a lot of fights with low hp aggro. And if you use LoH now, you better not need it again for 90 minutes. How many times will you have to root park the mob while you heal back up? How many adds can you keep root parked at the same time before you're over whelmed? Pally root breaks fast, and we have no appreciable DPS. If you're going to solo as a paladin, you have to use every tool in your ******** and a lag spike can make the difference between victory and a CR. It requires patience, stubborness, and willingness to try anything.

I remember grouping in Dragon Necropolis with my guild. Thoryndar, who was playing his druid wanted to try a phase spider, solo. We're not a high pressure group, so we didn't mind. He finished it of easily. After a bit, I asked if anyone would mind if I tried to solo one. After a couple of minutes, it was clear that I would beat it in the race towards negatives, but the group begged me to allow them to end it. (To which I gladly agreed.)

That being said, compliments on a good thread. I'd like to hear about the difficulties of playing other classes. None of my alts are over level 40, so I'm kinda curious.

Edited, Fri Apr 7 13:43:50 2006 by BellamDreamguard
Maurna <The Dark Arrow Legion>
41 Warlock <Undead> - Twisting Nether
Baron Bellam Dreamguard of Brell Serilis (Cazic Thule) <Retired>
"I will not be stamped, filed, numbered, briefed, or debriefed. I am a man, not a number!"
#9 Apr 07 2006 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
Here is a slightly different view also.

Situational Awareness - Besides knowing what your class and your specific character can do, some classes must be highly aware of their situation.

Clerics must know who to heal and when and what size heal to throw and will they gain agro.
Shamans must get their slows and cripples and Dots on.
Chanters must be aware of all manner of things, adds, cc, nukes, roots etc.

SK/Paladin - Get and Keep Agro! Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate! Snare, offtanking

Warrior - Pound that mob into the dirt and never lose its focus. While pounding it make sure you puss it the right way and that you don't turn the mob the wrong way.

These are the classes I have played. My thought for the others, most of which are casters, stay alive.

I figure the bard is going to have it rough with twisting but also knowing 'what to twist'.

The other casters, don't steal agro, spot heals, root/snare, pet control.

All the classes are different and every situation can be different. Some folks are just able to play certain character types much better than others.
#10 Apr 07 2006 at 2:04 PM Rating: Good
32 posts
Okay, I have played many classes. 67 CL, 62 Bard, 56 Ranger, 53 Necro, 51 Mage, 51 Rogue, 40 Ench, 34 Druid, 30 Warrior, and Paladin, Shaman, Beastlord in the teens, Monk, SK, Wiz and Berserker less than ten.

My comments on anything over 50, plus the enchanter and rated from playing and observations in soloing, grouping and raiding:

Mage. Send pet. Nuke once in awhile. Easy. Easy. Easy.
Necro. Difficult in a group only because you are at the center of this bizarre spider web of mana, hit pts, outgoing mana, outgoing hit points, controlling your pet, dotting...I wish my necro had 8 more spell slots. Easy. Medium. Easy. (Necro has a more clearly defined role in a raid.)
Rogue. Don't steal aggro from the tank. Difficult at high levels. (Hard to get a backshot when soloing.) Easy. Easy.
Ranger. Easy all-around. DPS machine that can root and shoot and even has spells to reduce aggro.
Bard. Easy to solo with, especially with the melody command. (Probably saved a lot of us from premature arthritis.) Easy. Easy. The bard DOES take concentration, and song set up is vital, especially in a group/raid situation. Ex. When you run across a caster, you need to change your twist to a resist song, and hot keys are a must.
Cleric. In a raid last night, I was responsible for keeping myself alive, and of course, if I could do that, keep my group alive. I somehow managed, although in one fight I was getting hit almost the entire time. In between healing my group and myself I was spot healing the SA and even people in groups who had no healer and were screaming for heals. In a group, when the cleric dies, everyone else usually follows. However...
I think the enchanter is the hardest, and here is why. When I heal someone, I can push F2 on my keyboard to target the tank, and then number 7 for my Complete Heal button, or 0 for the fast heal. Unless my groupmate is dead or out of range, I can heal him or her. The enchanter sees an add or adds, has to target them, and when they make the unpleasant discovery that some mobs are not mezzable, they get pounded. Clerics can take a beating a lot better than enchanters can. Chanters get my vote for hardest class to play. Can I get C6 now?
#11 Apr 07 2006 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Not bashing but just wanted to point out that this is bad:

It just seems like when I played my Warrior it was stand there get hit and press taunt over and over again.

I have a few tanks and know a few good ones. There is a bit more to it than that. High end Warriors need to know when to use disciplines, conserve endurance, etc. in order to keep mob focused on them.

I think the person who said they all [classes] have different skill sets said it best. You can utilize all your abilities (which is hard to do) on any class.

Which class requires the most frantic keyboard action? hehe depends. I have had an easy time as a cleric, when everyone in group was doing their job, and a hard time (when people were not!).

Are you pulling? That might make one class harder. Special jobs require more skills. If I am the 3rd DPS/utility player and just happen to be a bard and not pulling, might be easier than if I was the sole person hasting, slowwing, pulling (tanking? hehe).

#12 Apr 07 2006 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
Melee and bards are harder on the wrist, seems to me.

Pulling is hard for those positionally challenged, like me.

#13 Apr 07 2006 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
329 posts
I remember grouping in Dragon Necropolis with my guild. Thoryndar, who was playing his druid wanted to try a phase spider, solo. We're not a high pressure group, so we didn't mind. He finished it of easily. After a bit, I asked if anyone would mind if I tried to solo one. After a couple of minutes, it was clear that I would beat it in the race towards negatives, but the group begged me to allow them to end it. (To which I gladly agreed.)

Pull with Epic. Root. Stinging Swarm. Drones of Darkness (free clickie). Sit. Watch as mob bleeds to death, feeling the pain of a Thousand Stings, and Nature's Wrath. Say short prayer to Tunare to take this spirit into her womb. You have Gained Experience!

I had forgotten about that. IIRC, we were camping the PSC, which, EVENTUALLY dropped. That was funny, man, but everyone in the group seriously did not know if you were gonna make it the whole time, and I had my mouse over my heal spell, just waiting for you to call it out, had you needed it. I gotta admit, I was impressed.

If you think a Druid is hard to play solo

IMHO, anyone who thinks a druid is a hard class to solo isn't "playing one properly." I've soloed everything from Crushbone to PoI, done it with mana to spare, and usually, not bleeding too badly. It's not THAT difficult. RAIDING, yeah, our jobs become less focused on one thing, and we wait to be told what to do.

Not bashing but just wanted to point out that this is bad:


It just seems like when I played my Warrior it was stand there get hit and press taunt over and over again.

... There is a bit more to it than that.

I was going to say that originally, but I figured I would wait for Groogle to step in.
#14 Apr 07 2006 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
They are all about the same and all require skill, true a chanter and bard are harder as a first toon but after that they are all the same.
#15 Apr 07 2006 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
oops misstell

Edited, Fri Apr 7 18:41:49 2006 by MuddfootBogstomper
#16 Apr 07 2006 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
I've played pretty much everything at 70, in highend raiding and grouping situations.

It's very easy to play an adequate bard. It's very hard to play a good one.

Enchanters can be very difficult in situations where the CC is hard - but there are pretty few of those nowadays.

Raiding warriors require a decent amount of skill (or really, practice) to be adequate with positioning, and to develop a sense of aggro.

raiding paladins, sks - same holds true as for warriors, but to a lesser extent, as there will almost always be another offtank standing by if you **** up - and even if a mob gets loose, it's less devastating than a raid named getting loose.

almost everything else just requires a pulse, and some common sense.

Situational Awareness - Besides knowing what your class and your specific character can do, some classes must be highly aware of their situation.

if you don't have excellent situational awareness in a tough group or raid situation, you aren't doing your job. period. it doesn't matter what class you are.

It just seems like when I played my Warrior it was stand there get hit and press taunt over and over again.

this comment indicates that you have absolutely no idea how to play a warrior.

Edited, Fri Apr 7 21:07:18 2006 by Groogle

Edited, Fri Apr 7 21:09:04 2006 by Groogle
#17 Apr 07 2006 at 10:24 PM Rating: Default
Speaking from massive experience:

-The harder you play any class, the better you'll do. You can do things most people think are impossible playing it well enough.

-Innately, Bards are the hardest class to play. This isn't true when it comes to objectives.
#18 Apr 07 2006 at 11:43 PM Rating: Decent
Being a necro as my main, I am biased and think they are one of the most difficult to play or at least the one that can have the most going on. Like I said, biased. Completely depends upon the group and classes I am with. In a raid, I do not just want to be the mana battery to the healers. I have pet damage and clicky item damage that I also expend. Doing these while watching for who needs a feed. As a necro I have played, puller, cc and dps all at the same time. I have been just dps. Situational circumstances. Yes you can get by being a mediocre player, but if you learn to stretch a little...

Bards imho, you just suck or you excell exceptionally.

It all comes down to how much you put into it. Do you ever see a clr MH and CC? I have. How about an offtank Ench? I have. Every class can be extremely complex or utterly simplistic.
#19 Apr 08 2006 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
Being a necro as my main, I am biased and think they are one of the most difficult to play or at least the one that can have the most going on. Like I said, biased. Completely depends upon the group and classes I am with. In a raid, I do not just want to be the mana battery to the healers. I have pet damage and clicky item damage that I also expend. Doing these while watching for who needs a feed. As a necro I have played, puller, cc and dps all at the same time. I have been just dps. Situational circumstances. Yes you can get by being a mediocre player, but if you learn to stretch a little..

how is a necromancer difficult?

cleric tells you "oom"


oh, mob incoming! /pet attack, /clicky dots, /dot.

FD pulling gets a little tricky, but that's mostly nullified at the higher end anyhow - most situations where a necromancer can pull you'll either have a bard/monk/sk (fm/no cast fd/same fd, but more hps,) or the group will be able to handle a mistake. There are certainly still highend places where it's useful, but in most of those it's pretty simple.

kiting is simple.

I mean, sure being a necromancer has a little more to it than being a wizard, but it still has to one of the easiest classes in the game...

It all comes down to how much you put into it. Do you ever see a clr MH and CC? I have. How about an offtank Ench? I have. Every class can be extremely complex or utterly simplistic.

if your enchanter is offtanking, he's either a momo, or you should stop hunting in west freeport.
#20 Apr 08 2006 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
Sir Groogle wrote:
It all comes down to how much you put into it. Do you ever see a clr MH and CC? I have. How about an offtank Ench? I have. Every class can be extremely complex or utterly simplistic.

if your enchanter is offtanking, he's either a momo, or you should stop hunting in west freeport.

Someone's rather testy today!

Buddy, I've been hunting in groups before where I'd find someone, partially one Druid I can remember quite well, who we found to be a superior tank to the current one, such as a Warrior at that time. If you haven't encountered a time when a class acted outside the norm, well, you're missing out.

My Chanter offtanks, btw. With a 3000-point insta-cast run, self-runes for nearly 2k, group runs for 1.5k, Mind Over Matter, Berseker-line spells, slows, and the ability to lose agro as soon as it gets ugly, it's alright. This isn't to say that Chanters are ideal tanks, by any means- just that it's doable, it's funny, and it works. Sure as hell burn through the reagents, though.

I have to tell you, though.. when hunting in one group, shortly before DoN came out, on my Druid, we found the other Druid (who was obviously more ubber than me) was able to outtank the Warrior.. not just by a little bit, but by a wide margin. He was raid geared with nearly 1000 AA's, and the Warrior.. wasn't. Druid was even able to heal itself. I nearly fell out of my chair laughing, wondering why we wasted so much time with the Warrior as MT.
#21 Apr 08 2006 at 12:28 AM Rating: Decent
Someone's rather testy today!

Buddy, I've been hunting in groups before where I'd find someone, partially one Druid I can remember quite well, who we found to be a superior tank to the current one, such as a Warrior at that time. If you haven't encountered a time when a class acted outside the norm, well, you're missing out.

My Chanter offtanks, btw. With a 3000-point insta-cast run, self-runes for nearly 2k, group runs for 1.5k, Mind Over Matter, Berseker-line spells, slows, and the ability to lose agro as soon as it gets ugly, it's alright. This isn't to say that Chanters are ideal tanks, by any means- just that it's doable, it's funny, and it works. Sure as hell burn through the reagents, though.

I have to tell you, though.. when hunting in one group, shortly before DoN came out, on my Druid, we found the other Druid (who was obviously more ubber than me) was able to outtank the Warrior.. not just by a little bit, but by a wide margin. He was raid geared with nearly 1000 AA's, and the Warrior.. wasn't. Druid was even able to heal itself. I nearly fell out of my chair laughing, wondering why we wasted so much time with the Warrior as MT

offtanking as a druid or enchanter isn't a class ability, sorry.

offtanking as a druid or enchanter is only something that happens when you hunt in zones that you're way too geared for.
#22 Apr 08 2006 at 12:29 AM Rating: Good
Being able to out agro a warrior has nothing to do with tanking........ANY class can out agro a warrior(infact that's where skill comes into play with agro management).
#23 Apr 08 2006 at 12:34 AM Rating: Decent
Being able to out agro a warrior has nothing to do with tanking........ANY class can out agro a warrior(infact that's where skill comes into play with agro management).

log on some time, fool!
#24 Apr 08 2006 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent
You're being rather immature this evening.


Go out and experience a little more, and quit trolling the forum.
#25 Apr 08 2006 at 1:25 AM Rating: Decent
You're being rather immature this evening.

Go out and experience a little more, and quit trolling the forum.

You're right. I am. I have the flu and am in a horrible mood.

but you're still wrong =)

offtanking as a druid or enchanter isn't a class ability, sorry.

offtanking as a druid or enchanter is only something that happens when you hunt in zones that you're way too geared for.

Edited, Sat Apr 8 02:26:11 2006 by Groogle
#26 Apr 08 2006 at 2:00 AM Rating: Decent
Sir Groogle wrote:
You're being rather immature this evening.

Go out and experience a little more, and quit trolling the forum.

You're right. I am. I have the flu and am in a horrible mood.

but you're still wrong =)

offtanking as a druid or enchanter isn't a class ability, sorry.

offtanking as a druid or enchanter is only something that happens when you hunt in zones that you're way too geared for.

Edited, Sat Apr 8 02:26:11 2006 by Groogle

At least you admit it, I suppose.
Just.. quit thinking so much inside the box, alright? Druids and Chanters can't tank on raids, but, com'n, they're hella funny and interesting tanks for grinding.

And, yeah, grinding should be done in areas you're far too geared for! Wherever the EXP is best.. EQ's all about the risk vs reward system, so use it! Don't forget to have some fun and hug an Iksar, though.
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