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What Sex ?Follow

#1 Mar 31 2006 at 5:48 PM Rating: Default
264 posts
Someone created a post in here about what Race do you prefer, and what I read, there seems to be some good answers. But the question posted another interesting question. What is the racial sex you prefer to create? If you are a guy, do you only make male toons and if female, vice-versa? Or do you mix up the genders?

Most of my toons are male...hence i am male. But there are a few female toons on my accounts as well. Like my female DE SK. When she was created, I created her ( in her form, I wanted an SK anyway)to test a theory a friend told me. My friend, a high level female enchanter (she is female btw) told me that most people would prefer to get buffs from a female toon and would give their "junk" to a female newb before a male newb.

I couldnt believe that it was like that ( not being nieve, but hopeful) so I created my female DE sk. Within the first hour, while I running around NEk forest ( ah the days before Tutorial) some high level SK had given me almost a full set of armor ( i think it was darkforge, not sure anymore cause I passed it on to someone else later cause i felt bad for taking it when i could easily afford to twink her)and was using a centi ss.

Now as for people preferring the buffs of a female over a male toon, I notice that seems to be true. I notice whom the casters of enchanter buffs are, cleric buffs, shammy buffs, etc.. and while there are quite a few male toons that do, on my server it seems the huge majority is female topns doing all the buffing.

But after playing the Female DE SK, I couldnt delete her. I didnt have the heart. She was fun to look at ( since i play in diff view than standard) and by the time my "test" was through, she was already involved with my girlfreind's female half-elf warrior ( lesbian married role-play...very fun)
#2 Mar 31 2006 at 6:21 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
Let the flame wars begin...

Female playing female mostly, but I do have a couple of males.
#3 Mar 31 2006 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
489 posts
There was a poll a couple months back about this subject here

#4 Mar 31 2006 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
I've been playing EQ off and one for the past three years. My main is a DE female cleric. I'm a guy. I've never had anyone that wasn't in my guild just come up and offer me gear, I've never had anyone try and cyber with me, and while I don't usually sell buffs in PoK when I buy them I could care less what sex the toon is casting them.

I've heard of the things the OP said, but I've never experienced it.
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone that life has given vodka and have party.

This establishment does not serve women. You must bring your own.
#5 Mar 31 2006 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
239 posts
Now as for people preferring the buffs of a female over a male toon, I notice that seems to be true.

I have found that female characters tend to be the ones who most often respond to requests for buffs, esp. if you send them in tells. I think people get a feel for who will and will not be willing to buff them and when they look to see who is around in say, PoK, if someone who buffed them last time happens to be around, they will ask that person first. So, over time, females end up doing alot of the buffing. No data to back this up, just an observation that may or may not be true. I also see less females with roleplay or anon on as well, which may be another contributing factor.
#6 Apr 01 2006 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
My Wizard(main) is a male so is my necro
My bard and SK are females

oh imma guy

now my bros main was a female shammy while his monk alt was a male
#7 Apr 01 2006 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
811 posts
I think you mean gender instead of sex

#8 Apr 01 2006 at 10:36 PM Rating: Decent
It's very true that there is a lot of sexism. Your character being female is much like having a massive +faction modifier on your character's chest, and a lil on the back, below the back itself.

We males are stubborn. We'll accept allies, generally, but not hand outs. When we do, we do so grudgingly or moreso as business contracts. If this cute girl walks up and buffs you, then it's a gift.

On Drinal, one "Theclericgirl", a male in real life, made this point excedingly clear in a story I haven't time to tell.

(rant)As one who has spent a great deal of time power leveling, I can tell you that I was affected by a noob's gender when I saw myself as generally biased. One female Wood Elf in Crushbone wouldn't quit following me around. I'm a sucker for clingy girls. After a while, I agreed to let her marry me in game. Yes, this is going to be funny.. anyhow. About three months into the marriage (this was on Zek, btw), I realized she was the only girl on the Internet, on EQ or otherwise, who hadn't asked to cyber with me. There was something wrong with this! So I asked her about it, and then thought about it a little while.. well.. she, it turns out, was a he.
The scammer didn't walk away with too much. Thirty-some levels of powerleveling and some raid-class equipment, true, but I had her KOS'd by most of the guilds I ran on different characters (to which end I'm rather surprised no one ever connected my different personas.. I was rather sure, at the time, I had given up the secret. Turns out no one cared why I KOS'd her at the same time other guild leaders did, or even why I asked them to slaughter one person repeatedly.) Her account, along with its alts, were effectively banished from Rallos Zek for a time. Still, the point remains he got me.(/rant)

All my characters have always been male; I couldn't get into character as the opposite gender. My female side was never that strong; I've always been fiecly competative, dominant, and quick to violence.. logic is the end-all for me. Females, while given benifits, are also expected, to some degree or another, to display submissive behavior. Nonsubmissive females tend to be labeled a term which would be inappropiate for this board, though I'm sure you can guess it.
#9 Apr 01 2006 at 11:08 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
I realized she was the only girl on the Internet, on EQ or otherwise, who hadn't asked to cyber with me

Um, if you don't mind, please add me to that short list also.

Thank you.
#10 Apr 02 2006 at 1:39 AM Rating: Default
264 posts
Not to bore you all but the story reminded me of one I had myself. When I was an leader of a guild, I was contacted by a young toon who needed my help. I was on my shaman at the time, and the help they needed was they needed a port out of someplace, I forget where.

I was curious to know why they asked me, clearly I was in shaman mode. They told me that someone in the guild had given them my name and said i was a good friendly wizard as well and would help. That was true, so naturally i dropped what i was doing and logged into my wizard.

I dont know how this person got into WW at level 15, but they was there They said they got a port to somewhere else from a druid who accidently ported to the wrong place and then went LD. (and being the days long before guild lobby) I made the long trek to WW to find this person. After nearly escaping death a few times, I found this female iksar monk running for her life towards me. Quickly I invited her and ported us out in time as I was swatted by something.

After I dropped us into nexus, she told me her sad story. I dunno, I was in a kind mood that day. I invited her to my guild, against policy. Over the course of the next few days, we became close and she asked for help in basic updating of her gear. She seemed ok to me, so i said ok. I contacted my fellow officers (back before guild bank) and they all went throug their banks (we had a guild stock spread out through several officers as im sure most guilds did at the time) and we upgraded her, and what we couldnt get from storage, I personally went to bazaar and bought for her. 2 days later, she was gone from the guild.

Not believeing that she would take our kindness and leave I asked the guild what happened. One of my friends told me that he had cybered with her, then to find out later that "she" was a gay-guy and to cover his embarrassment he booted her. I was p'od, but I thought it was funny still. I contacted her and found out the truth. She denied the whole incident and denied being a gay guy, so against my own rules, i reinvited her. (Guess I liked her). It wasnt but a couple days after that, that I found the "it" had lied and I booted her.

Now I know what your thinking, I'm a discrimating *******.I'm not, I just dont like being lied to. If she/he/it had told me from the get-go that he was a guy in womans clothing (0.o) she'd have a place in the guild still. The aire in my guild was similiar to that of the military unit, one like thhat each and everyone in the guild needed to trust and depend on everyone else without question. She lied and that was that.

Anyway.......... A few weeks later I was grouped somewhere doing something...and in the group was this upper 50's cleric. She was extremely friendly and she and I talked alot in private. We hit it off and before the group broke up she got an invite. over the course of the next few weeks we hunted alot together and talked alot..and naturally we ended up cybering.
To make the story short, she had said somethings to me about me that I hadnt told her, that I had told the monk. ( OH CRAP!!) It couldnt be a coincidence? luck? No, it was a curse and embarrassing to me. So, saving my own face, I booted "it", knowing that it was the monk from before. After that I spent alot of time anon, because I had come to realize that "it" wanted me in the worst and best way.

Too make it the story shorter( it does go on) "it" showed up in my guild once again, this time on a female ranja I think. But, this time I caught it sooner. Within minutes, she began verbally attacking one of my closest friends (and in-game concubines) in guild chat. She was calling me her wizard and her "lover" and other things that I wont mention here. Naturally, she got the boot. I decided at that point, i needed tougher recruiting rules, lol.

Ok the point is this, I guess. I have said in this thread and others that I have female toons and I roleplay them. I am all for people doing that, if you are capable of doing it. But, I never put myself or anyone in that position. I dont roleplay marriage, love-affairs, or even cyber anymore. My wizard has a wife, my female SK is married to a female warrior, as are some of my other toons are dating/married to others. The one they are invilved with are my girlfriend, whom I know to be a

That whole incident scared me out of "playing" the game how I used to. I am more careful now. I am scared for all my game-life now.

Sorry this was such a long post, but I somehow felt compelled to share that with you...not sure why...
#11 Apr 02 2006 at 1:45 AM Rating: Default
264 posts
Its funny, when i started to write that post, I didnt remember all the exact details, but as I wrote all the memories came back....

The scary thing is, I now remember the names of the person. I think I saw this person in PoK the other night, but I cant be sure, names arent original these days and many are similiar to one another.

Anyway, now that I remember, guess im gonna be peeking around corners now.....
#12 Apr 02 2006 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
3,212 posts
So you are secure enough as a male to play a female character in a lesbian relationship, but not to have a male involved in a relationship with a femme? Interesting.
Find this stuff boring so Ill simply end.
#13 Apr 02 2006 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
Kelti wrote:
I realized she was the only girl on the Internet, on EQ or otherwise, who hadn't asked to cyber with me

Um, if you don't mind, please add me to that short list also.

Thank you.

Hehe. I'd add you, if only I was more specific. Let me rephrase this..

What reofbl meant wrote:
I realized she was the only girl I'd known intimately on the Internet who hadn't asked to cyber with me.

This isn't against girls, either. I suppose I'm asking for it by getting to know girls off chat rooms and the clingy ones from MMRPG's. Nothing against you, Kelti, or other females in general, for this matter.
#14 Apr 02 2006 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
The One and Only Maktub wrote:
I think you mean gender instead of sex


Technically, it should be "Which Gender?" "What Sex" just sounds more provacative. :P
#15 Apr 02 2006 at 10:43 PM Rating: Default
264 posts
Yes I am secure enough as a male to roleplay a lesbian in a lesbian relationship. As I have said, the other in the realtionship is my girlfriend in RL, so even if I wasnt secure enough to do it, i still would do it. Im not attempting to decieve anyone for personal gain, emotionally or monetarily. It is simply role-play with my girlfriend.

#16 Apr 04 2006 at 3:10 AM Rating: Decent
Im playing Females. I am a male, but somehow playing a female appeals to me. Doesnt make me a bit less masculine....Oh wait, thats not true...Im not to macho IRL either, but Im not reeeeally a girl either
#17 Apr 08 2006 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
dieselious wrote:
Yes I am secure enough as a male to roleplay a lesbian in a lesbian relationship.

I don't know any guy in the world who isn't. Hell, I know a handful that fantascize about this!

I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body.
#18 Apr 11 2006 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
112 posts
Which sex, or witch sex? Is your toon a Shaman?
-Blackfive 85 BST of Terris-Thule (Prexus) Hand of Ka
If I tell you a mosquito can pull a plow, don't ask "how?"....HITCH HIM UP!
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