well, I can't really comment on the SK part, but add my 2CP when it comes to the untwinked discussion and half a cent ot raiding.
what is untwinked? untwinked is, when yer character doesn't start the game with e.g. the custom cowl of mortality and HP/mana items. does that mean your character will try to survive on gear aquired through quest/mobs you killed yourself? no. so, use the bazaar, and you will most likely be on par with about 70% (guesstimate) of the players, when it comes to gear. it might take ye a bit longer, but eventually you will get there.
as to raiding, well, depends again of what you define. is raiding the occasional EPIC mob fight for yer guildies and friends, or is it the biweekly time raid? if it's the latter, then it can get tough. and for the EPIC mobs I hope ye have yer "infusion of the faithful"
Still a noob. :-P
Characters on Drinal, Povar, EMarr, Firiona Vie.