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Taking the servers down for a roll back?!?!Follow

#1 Jan 19 2006 at 10:51 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, I'm miffed! I generally am not a ranter or a raver. I am one of the cooler heads here I feel. BUT, when they give you some lame **** unintelligible MOTD about a roll back and THEN without so much as a <<Warning server coming down in 10 Minutes>> message would have been nice! It was SLAM! Your LD!Especially in prime time!! Argh.... WHY would they be this stupid? What could be soooo critical that it couldn't wait for a regular update? So someone bought some stuff off of some vendor, (just the rumor I heard) that they werent supposed to put up in the first place!! This is very poor planning and even worse execution!

Im in business for my self and I am appalled at the level of poor customer service they have shown to cover a mistake that they made in the first place!!

Bert came down at 10:30 EST tonite... the only server that is down. Surely they could have picked a better time....

What in the heck are they thinking!!! Really! I would love some sort of intellegent explanation by someone and I feel an appology is in order!

With my fur fully ruffled,
#2 Jan 19 2006 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
At least your sever was taken down - The Rathe just had rolling LD's for a CA blackout in the summer.

Most guilds where raiding, and suddenly about 9 to 20 people where gone, and as they came back more would go...


Oh, and you didn't even have to be the one that bought from the merchant...just had to have traded with someone that traded with someone that traded with someone that traded with a person who did...

Edited, Thu Jan 19 23:04:36 2006 by Bacardii
#3 Jan 20 2006 at 12:55 AM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
I think SOE took it abit too far this time. On POVAR they are rolling back people at random and not only rolling back certain toons but in some cases entire accounts. 1 guildy has been rolled back 3 times today. I have also heard from people who are having their entire shared bank wiped out.

The problem is you didn't even have to be logged in when the merchants were around. If someone bought an item from one of the merchants and later sold it, that character and PP would become "tainted" Anyone that the tainted player gave the tainted plat to, whether it be from an item purchase or a donation for a buff, is now tainted as well. Now each of these tainted players goes and buys an item or donates for a buff and those people are now tainted.

I have had to explaine to several guildies now why they were rolled back and their epic drops or whatever is now missing.

Great job on turning a simple screwup into an absolute nightmare sony.

Edit: A guildy just asked a good question. What if someone put a tainted item into a guild bank or donated a tainted item to the guild tribute?

Edited, Fri Jan 20 01:03:28 2006 by Raolan
#4 Jan 20 2006 at 1:20 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
A guildy just asked a good question. What if someone put a tainted item into a guild bank or donated a tainted item to the guild tribute

Acccording to Kyth, such item would be removed from guild bank or the guild tribute awarded for the tainted item would be removed.
#5 Jan 20 2006 at 1:48 AM Rating: Decent
157 posts
I think they did apologize...
#6 Jan 20 2006 at 1:55 AM Rating: Decent
Smelleye wrote:
I think they did apologize...

Smurf that surfing smurf of a smurfing apology.
#7 Jan 20 2006 at 4:23 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
The safe thing to do at this point is for nearly anyone who has played recently to probably cancel their accounts because the entire reason for playing has vanished. All those people on the soe forums ******** that they would quit if rollbacks didnt come most likely will be rolled back as well, because the fact of the matter is, nearly every character in eq will be tainted for an undetermined amount of time since tainted items, pp, and tribute will be float throughout the economy. Thus, there is no reason to play anymore. One of the driving forces behind eq is the opportunity to advance your character. But, unfettered rollbacks eliminate that force. What's worse is that without any due process, soe has summarily eliminated millions of hours of gameplay for their truly remarkable *****-up. Further, most people involved are innocent purchasers or sellers. In fact, I don't think people understand just how colossal this debacle is. Think of it this way:

Soe erroneously places an uber item on a vendor for sale and only one person buys it. After 10 minutes, Soe learns of said item and removes it, but they dont roll back the buyer for 5 hours. Prior to his rollback, the buyer sells the item to another person in the baz who equips the item. With all that new found pp, our original buyer purchases 5 things from 5 various pc-sellers, tainting the sellers in the process. Fast-forward 48 hours. Nearly the entire server is tainted (maybe entire guilds as mentioned above) as players interact with the sellers and others. The amount of rollbacks and multiple rollbacks needed to remove the poison of 1 item that reaches the economy after a short time is phenomenal. Now think of it in terms of hundreds or thousands of items entering the eq world from dozens or maybe hundreds of players for hours and hours before anything is done. At some point, Soe will stop these rollbacks, but the fact of the matter is, the fruit of the poisonous trees soe planted in pok is so expansive and widespread that the items will never disappear.

Here's a hypo: I have 2 accounts. I bought 30 backpacks of artisan's seals splitting them between my accounts. I wait for one to be rolled back. Then I switch the tainted items after the rollback, leaving me with 15 backpacks of artisan's seals. Then, the char without any artisan's seals gets rolled back. I can play this switching game for a great deal of time all the while I can be poisoning other characters in the bazaar selling and buying and ping-ponging items between accounts. Perhaps, eventually soe can catch up to me, but I will have repeatedly poisoned hundreds, maybe thousands of times exponentially tainting the entire server.

In conclusion, if soe is attempting to remove even a great deal of these items and their subsequent fallout, it will take more than a few days. It may be weeks. If they are not looking to remove a great deal of the items, then this is all for not and a huge waste of time. Thus, if you dont wish to be subject to any more grief and possibly multiple rollbacks from this very idiotic and illogical attempt to remedy an unsolvable problem that should never have happened in the first place, then many players should cancel their accounts or, at least not play for the next few weeks if not longer.
"Citing your sources isn't spoon feeding, it's basic 101 if you're making an argument."-Jophiel
#8 Jan 20 2006 at 5:05 AM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
I don't agree with the canceling of the accounts but most of what you said is correct. They did not roll back everyone at the same time. It came in waves and their was enough time between the waves for people to change or hand off tainted items.

Their were at least 2 people in my guild alone who were rolled back more than twice today. I have also talked to people who were rolled back all the way to tuesday morning.

Instead of SOE fixing the problem immediatly they decided to wait for (give or take) the entire server(s) to be effected whether it be directly or indirectly.

SOE has really backed themselves into a corner this time. If they finish what they started then they are going to have to do several more rollbacks, in turn ******** over more people who have been indirectly effected by this. If they plan to leave it how it is now then they just alianated(sp?) the majority of people who were effected indirectly and rolled back.

I hear alot of people bi[/sm]tching about the people who took advantage of this and the more I think about it I really can't hold these people at fault. When the npcs first appeared in PoK their was no way for anybody to know it was an exploit or even a bug. Whos to say it wasn't a short term event to promote tradeskills? From what I have heard the majority of the items were TS items wern't they? (Wasn't on at the time so I don't know) So when the first person clicked on the vendor the damage had been done. SOE put the vendors there creating the problem and then promptly removed them but didn't bother removing any of the items that had been purchased. Instead they allowed the items and the profits from said items to spread across the server over the next day and a half before attempting to remove them.

SOE screwed up and they screwed up big and to tell you the truth I think they are going to feel it this time.

For anyone who has not logged in since the patch, DON'T. Wait a few days for this mess to clear up. If your one of the fortunate ones (like myself) who has managed to avoid this mess, I would suggest waiting a few days before doing anything you aren't willing to lose.

Edit: I just saw a systemwide message saying that the rollbacks are complete. I am sorry but the time between the "waves" of rollbacks was more than enough for a large portion of the items to be passed off. Looks like SOE just screwed a whole lot of people who had nothing to do with this. Well done yet again SOE.

[sm]Edited, Fri Jan 20 05:11:15 2006 by Raolan
#9 Jan 20 2006 at 5:21 AM Rating: Decent
This is a copy of the thread that I posted on the soe site. I dont know if it will do any good but I figure if anyone wants to post this somewhere and the community uses it as a petition feel free to.
I want to preface this by saying that I work as an operations manager in the service industry so I am quite familiar with how customers should be treated when a business makes a mistake. In my industry (restaurant) if we have a customer that orders a steak medium rare and they get it well done we recook that steak and pay for it as well. That type of action ensures a certain level of hospitality and respect for the customer that patronizes our establishment. That said I have to say that SOE has commited one of the worse customer service mistakes that one can make. The company made the mistake by placing a beta string code source into a live server, people bought from this vendor for whatever reason, and instead of saying ok folks we made a mistake we are sorry, those of you that purchased the items have on us and let it go. Lets look at it from a pure business standpoint. How many people actually bought these items ? How much could the people that bought these items really affect the economy of the game. And why the need to rollback the game just to make sure that these individuals didnt profit in any manner from the sale of these items. First point all the people that purchased those items are exisiting customers with sony that have paid their subscriptions so it isnt as if these are people that found a way around the eula and were playing the game for free, what does it hurt if a few people out of the thousands of people actually got an item from a vendor that the programmers put into the game to begin with. Second point yes there was a general announcement that said if you purchased anything from those vendors you were going to be rolled back to the time period prior to when the vendors appeared in pok. Well as most of you know that turned out to be a nightmare I was sitting in the guild hall when the rollbacks started in our guild people that hadnt even bought anything from those vendors or from the bazaar for that matter were rolled back. There were 40 people in our guild hall when the rollback started and I watched all of us get rolled back. People that hadnt been in the game since our raid on Tuesday night got rolled back. Suffice it to say a heavy handed tactic was used to fix a mistake that was not the fault of your customers and you as a company should be ashamed with how you dealt with it. Blaming paying customers for a company mistake is the worst customer service policy that you could have ever come up with. A lot of people may not cancel their account but they are going to think differently about your company and your products. I believe as a company that you owe the community that actually supports you an apology for the rash and heavy handed action that you took with your customers on this day. And you may want to think about reversing the rollback as a show of good faith to the people that are your customers. I was rolled back yes but all I lost was a little experience and a few aa's that I can grind again in a fire experience group. You have customers out there that have lost epics,bodies, loot they paid for with their hard earned dkp, and much much more. Ultimately the biggest thing that you lost was the faith that your subscribers had in you as a company and you may never get that back.

Hesrpera Biensoliel

wizard of 70 seasons


#10 Jan 20 2006 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
The only vender purchase that i have made in the last 2 weeks has been the merchant in ls to buy DoN gear.I logged in 2nd acct for first time in 3 days and ran several mm's and that was all. Now last night....while sitting in guild hall chatting....was hit on both accts w/ the rollback.I lost 3 days on my primary....which included gear from completing several hard spell misssions. and nearly 30 aa's. 2nd acct came back naked. Have been unable to retrieve body via corpse summoners or vet reward and body isnt in Shadowrest either.I guess I am the unfortuneate one.....for noone else in my guild has been affected thus far....but while sitting in pok awaiting a reply to petitions.....a good 40 some odd people were complaining in ooc about simular problem. My biggest curiosity is that has anyone been given back their lost aa's/xp/gear from this or is sony merely bending us over and saying that we have too like it???/

Tyresis Godsfury
70 Cleric of Tunare
7th Hammer
#11 Jan 20 2006 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
came back naked

This happened to one of my guildees. Oddly he says he hasn't logged in until raid time today and hasn't bought or sold anything on his account in the last 4 days.

Maybe this is a marketing ploy to get us all to quit playing EQ1 and move over to EQ2?
#12 Jan 20 2006 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
I haven't logged onto my main account due to work since before the patch. I'll be damn pissed if I log on and find myself naked!
#13 Jan 20 2006 at 7:26 AM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
I wasn't naked nor did I have my bank account wiped out, but I got rolled back 4 AA's. I must have buffed someone who gave me a donation or something because I didn't do anthing else.
#14 Jan 20 2006 at 8:30 AM Rating: Default
8,619 posts
Christ i have never come across a bunch of whining in all my life.

they said that it would happen, they even told you HOW it would happen. they appologised and that if anything was lost of significance they wold re-emburse on a /petition.

One of my guildies lost 40k and her petition has been processed and she will have all her lost stuff restored by the end of the week.

If you want to start pointing fingures, point them at the CHEATS who should have known better than to buy items off beta vendors, i bet a months wages that most people knew they shouldn't be buying off them and did it anyway in hope of getting away with it.

If you want to quit over somethuig like this you are really and truely pathetic, and yes Addikeys it's you i am talking about, please cancel your account it will do all of us a fovour.

#15 Jan 20 2006 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
they said that it would happen, they even told you HOW it would happen. they appologised and that if anything was lost of significance they wold re-emburse on a /petition.

Your right they did say it would happen. They said they would roll back anyone who purchased an item from one of the vendors but they went way past that. They rolled back anyone who made any type of trade with anyone who had any contact with a vendor.

Guy A bought something from a vendor and sold it for a profit then donated to guy B for a buff. Guy B then purchased something from guy C while he was in trader mode. Guy C then logged his main, guy D, and gave a donation to guy E for a buff.

Guy A,B,C,D and E were rolled back but the only person who had anything to do with the vendors was guy A. Guy B,C,D, and E played because they had nothing to do with the vendors and figured they were safe but got nailed anyway. This is the problem.

One of my guildies lost 40k and her petition has been processed and she will have all her lost stuff restored by the end of the week.

She is one of the very few. Ever guildy of mine that has petitioned at this point has been told "tough shi[/sm]t" The only items being returned are epic drops and raid flags.

I also heard about a friend of mine who had his lvl 70 war completly deleted and wasn't even on while the vendors were around. As far as I know he has yet to hear from SOE.

If you want to start pointing fingures, point them at the CHEATS who should have known better than to buy items off beta vendors

How is anyone who hasn't played on the test server supposed to know what these vendors are? Even if they did, how were they supposed to know they shouldn't use them? The vendors were lined up in PoK, not buried in a wall or something. Can you honestly tell me that if you were traveling through a zone and saw a NPC that you KNEW wasn't there before you wouldn't stop to check it out? You wouldn't stop to see what items that NPC was selling? I agree the people who knowingly scammed the vendors should be hit but this time I completly blame this on SOE. It was SOEs screwup that caused the problem and because they took their sweet a[sm]
ss time to fix it the problem spread serverwide very quickly and people who had nothing to do with it or even knew about it got screwed.

I have been posting long enough for most people to know I will jump all over someone who is whining for no reason but this time I think people have a valid complaint. I think the OMFG I AM CANCELING MY ACCOUNT!!1!11!1111! crap is abit much but if this is the way SOE is going, DDO and Vanguard are going to be getting alot more of my attention than I previously planned.
#16 Jan 20 2006 at 10:02 AM Rating: Good
1,876 posts
Yep, it sucks. I myself got 2 days rolled back. (Only about 4-5 AA and 40 DoN crystals) Appearantly, one of the potions (Gate, SoW, EB) I bought in the bazaar, or the money given to my trader from selling some random crap (all legal) was tainted.

While I'm not heartbroken over it, merely annoyed, I can see the reasoning behind some people's remarks.

SoE handled this very poorly. In an effort not to bring all the servers down after a patch, they instituted this maddness. In theory, "We'll just go through and rollback the characters this affected, rather than bringing everyone down" sounds good, but now we see a huge flaw in that thinking. It was allowed to propigate (erm..spelling?) down to players who would not have even though of using said vendors, without their knowledge, nor any way to check the validity of the items they were buying (off of bazaar or even other merchants).

The blame does lie on SoE for their reaction. This is what happens when you just do a "workaround" rather than a fix. Hopefully that will have learned from this and go the proper route next time they mess up.

Maybe this is a marketing ploy to get us all to quit playing EQ1 and move over to EQ2?
I would hope that SoE wasn't THAT stupid. A mess like this puts player angst on SoE, not on EQ. It would be more likely to push them to WoW, FFXI, GW, or DDO/Vangard (in the future). Not likely to push them to another SoE game.

I will also be petitioning in this, moreso to let them know that they did not do this right and get my voice added to the list of affected people who did not do anything they shouldn't have. I doubt I'll get any sort of compensation, but to at least let my voice be heard.
#17 Jan 20 2006 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
tarv of the Seven Seas wrote:
Christ i have never come across a bunch of whining in all my life.

they said that it would happen, they even told you HOW it would happen. they appologised and that if anything was lost of significance they wold re-emburse on a /petition.

One of my guildies lost 40k and her petition has been processed and she will have all her lost stuff restored by the end of the week.

If you want to start pointing fingures, point them at the CHEATS who should have known better than to buy items off beta vendors, i bet a months wages that most people knew they shouldn't be buying off them and did it anyway in hope of getting away with it.

If you want to quit over somethuig like this you are really and truely pathetic, and yes Addikeys it's you i am talking about, please cancel your account it will do all of us a fovour.

By far the most stupid post I read today...
SoE screwed up. People who had NOTHING to do with the vendors is effected, people who havent been online in several days got rolled back and naked and whatever.
About everyone who was online took advantage of the vendors. It was not cheating, it was taking advantage of a misstake by someone else. There was no external program here or anything like that.
SoE forgot to make a backup before patch so they couldnt do a rollback for everyone when thats what they should have done.
They fecked up, they should have rollbacked everyone and brought server down as soon as they found out.
Instead they said rollbacks was not an option, when I read that I continued playing. Gettging flags and a few rare drops for BiC. Two hours later they change their mind and I lost everything..
A simple excuse wont make up for the many hours of lost playtime for thousands of people.
Heck, we couldnt even raid 2 days in a row because of rollbacks... SoE fecked up bad and need to fix it and compensate us with more then an excuse.
How brown is your tongue really Tarv? /shrug
#18 Jan 20 2006 at 10:46 AM Rating: Default
8,619 posts
How is anyone who hasn't played on the test server supposed to know what these vendors are? Even if they did, how were they supposed to know they shouldn't use them? The vendors were lined up in PoK, not buried in a wall or something.
Oh please, if you saw a trader selling high end drop only tradeskill items Surely it would look at a LITTLE suspicious, there where /ooc galore saying not to buy off them the entire evening on AB.

My guildie got rolled back about 15 mins after they did the serverwide MotD so she is probably up at the front of the Que.

Personally i didn't buy ANYTHING that wasn't usually for sale in PoK because COMMON SENCE told me that something was wrong.

Maybe thats the problem, maybe SoE is expecting people to act with common sence when clearly half the players in the game struggle to tie thier own shoelaces, and would use every opportunity to take advantage of an exploit.

I think anyone who bought anything of the toons has no reason to even petition for items/xp lost in the rollbacks, those sideswiped in the melee having been in contact with damaged goods will probably be fully restored with patience.

#19 Jan 20 2006 at 10:59 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
I agree with Tarv.

If the power goes out, do you go and loot the local Circuit City?

I personally won't but there are a crapload of people who will and think they will be able to get away with it.
#20 Jan 20 2006 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
They should of just bit the bullet on this one. Instead of rolling back accounts, characters, etc.....Seriously, how much dameage was done by these NPC's being there for 1-2 hours?

Im thinking more damage was done with the blatant rollbacks, especially for the community as a whole, than was done by the NPC's. Typical Sony fashion, nerf now ask questions later, oh and not respond. hehe

It was their mistake, not ours. So we should not get punished.

And BTW, some people didnt know that these were beta NPC, and were oblivious to the exploit, if you can even call it an exploit.

#21 Jan 20 2006 at 11:15 AM Rating: Default
19,369 posts
I 100% agree with Tarv. And the rest of you stop your whining, the rollbacks were finished last night, get over it. If you lost something petition, but damn suck it up already. If you're going to leave then damn leave already and stop whining and trying to drag everyone else down with you.

Maybe SOE didn't handle it the very best way, but nether did all you cheaters. So ***** all you want what's done is done. I'm here to play not listen to people ***** in chat about how they lost this and they lost that and how they did nothing wrong. Save it for the petition letters because ******** to other players is going to get all your gear, aa, and xp back.
#22 Jan 20 2006 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
MentalFrog wrote:
I 100% agree with Tarv. And the rest of you stop your whining, the rollbacks were finished last night, get over it. If you lost something petition, but damn suck it up already. If you're going to leave then damn leave already and stop whining and trying to drag everyone else down with you.

Maybe SOE didn't handle it the very best way, but nether did all you cheaters. So ***** all you want what's done is done. I'm here to play not listen to people ***** in chat about how they lost this and they lost that and how they did nothing wrong. Save it for the petition letters because ******** to other players is going to get all your gear, aa, and xp back.

You know something? I agree, the origonal people which bought from thiose vendors should of been rolled back.

But those which inadvertantly bught stuff from them, or others which bought from them, should of been left alone.

again these types of rollbacks do nothing to fix an already screwed economy, but **** off the playerbase some more.

You know you say this quit BS, but eventually when everyone leaves for reasons like this or other ways SoE pisses off their playerbase (happened many times throughout EQ) whatcha goonna do, solo?

the playerbase is already aliling, and other soon to be released games will make it worse, we dont need SOE to be further perpetuating more people quitting.

And BTW, I did not get rolled back at all, so im speaking from a neutral point of view.
#23 Jan 20 2006 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
79 posts
I was in PoK when the Temp Traders were up, luckily I didnt buy anything. I did browse through the items, and had I seen something that I wanted, I would have bought it. I had absolutely no Idea that this would be "Cheating" and I'm still not sure why it would be. Call me a newb, but I assumed it was just something new to mark the upcoming release of the new Expansion. So I'm pretty sure not all the people that bought stuff were cheating, just ignorant like myself.
Anyway, what would be wrong with people being allowed to keep the stuff they bought, I mean SoE made the mistake.
#24 Jan 20 2006 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
RBro wrote:
I was in PoK when the Temp Traders were up, luckily I didnt buy anything. I did browse through the items, and had I seen something that I wanted, I would have bought it. I had absolutely no Idea that this would be "Cheating" and I'm still not sure why it would be. Call me a newb, but I assumed it was just something new to mark the upcoming release of the new Expansion. So I'm pretty sure not all the people that bought stuff were cheating, just ignorant like myself.
Anyway, what would be wrong with people being allowed to keep the stuff they bought, I mean SoE made the mistake.

exactly, and I totally agree.

Not everyone is a tradeskill master or knows what is wotrth what, especially tradeskill items.

Some people saw KEI potions there and bought them. I would of probably done the same.

Its not really safe to assume that everyone should aoutomatically know when a new NPC shows up selling crap, you will be labled an exploiter when you buy from them.
#25 Jan 20 2006 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
257 posts
Hmm, Kinda glad i haven't been able to play in a week now lol...
#26 Jan 20 2006 at 11:46 AM Rating: Good
You're going to /petition. For the GMs to give you stuff back.
And $ony is gonna care.

Ok. That will work.

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