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Best MoB AmbushFollow

#1 Jan 19 2006 at 11:11 AM Rating: Good
112 posts
Something happened last night that got me thinking of a neat potential thread.

Was minding my own business on the shore in Cobalt Sea, chillin with the otters, listening to their own cheery form of reggae, tossing back a few ales and fishing for my stock of Cobalt Cod. Had Fluffy's goon compass set to "on" in case a siren or trigger happened to come by for some hand to hand action, but generally was juggling 5 /tell windows and having a good old time.

Noticed Fluff go on point towards the ocean, so I close down some windows and gaze intently towards the surf. I don't know how much movement I actually noticed before the attack, but almost immediately found myself trying to beat Kyloric'Dar to death with a fishing pole. Neither Fluff nor myself were buffed, and I'm getting stunned into next week. Some creative pet management, a change of weapons (and underwear) and running around screaming resulted in him losing me. A druid and cleric buddy of mine came to salvage what was left of me...druid got to me first, cast a couple of heals and said "where is he?" As I was typing the response, this thing comes out of the surf and nails both of us...looked like that scene from Deep Blue where the shark eats Samuel L. Jackson while he's giving a speech.

Adds are one thing, but MoB ambushes are in a class by themselves. Would be interested in hearing from others about their close encounters.
-Blackfive 85 BST of Terris-Thule (Prexus) Hand of Ka
If I tell you a mosquito can pull a plow, don't ask "how?"....HITCH HIM UP!
#2 Jan 19 2006 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
You, Sir, are a wonderful story teller and I enjoyed this account very much! I have not been so fortunate (unfortunate?) to have such an encounter, but promise to share should one arise!

Thanks for the entertainment!

#3 Jan 19 2006 at 10:47 PM Rating: Good
36 posts
very good story :)

I was on my 49 wiz the other day, just playin with my ports, poped into GF..nothin, peeked in on CS, cold as always. EJ ahh, quiet forest..but too mant skeeters.

WL, i havn't gone around to killin giants much in kael on this toon, and wasn't much thinking of what threats lie in wait...but ouch! Woushi was just siitin there on top the dragon port, waitin for any inocent explorer to come by....

i didn't last but 15 seconds =D

[got revenge with my beasty tho :), Woushi didn't last over 3 mins when i got there ]
#4 Jan 20 2006 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
157 posts
My favorite has to be velketor gettting lose and smashing most of velketors.... i just sat back and watched with a finger on gate button or that ogre bouncer sitting at the zoneline to cazic...
#5 Jan 20 2006 at 1:52 AM Rating: Decent
Most memorable ambush for me was way back when I used to camp Cognoggin in Lfay. I would get jumped by Equestrielle the Corrupted every so often.

I hate that horse.
#6 Jan 20 2006 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts
Griffins in NK. I was still somewhat new, and xp'ing my monk (my first toon) on wisps with the concordance turn-in a nice bonus for added xp and plat.

On countless occasions, I would be rifling through my bags to find lightstones for turn-in and wouldn't see a griffin approach and trash my monk in a matter of seconds. I forgot the name of the Named, but got jumped by him more than a few times in the gypsy camp.
#7 Jan 20 2006 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
My cleric got smashed on a raid in Kael. I was medding up well behind the melee to not attract aggro, and attracted the attention of a wandering giant. I was only lvl 39 so the first hit stunned me and I was headed back to PoK before I got turned around to see what was happening.
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone that life has given vodka and have party.

This establishment does not serve women. You must bring your own.
#8 Jan 20 2006 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
#9 Jan 20 2006 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
LOL a month or so ago i was sneakin around in ruins of illsalin (DoD zone) tryin to finish the mapping quest and was invis and sneaking. well i got too close to someone while sneaking who saw thru invis and i died in 2 seconds lol he hit me for 1k each and didnt have a chance to react. i guess it wasnt much of an ambush...instead i was just being stupid lol

#10 Jan 21 2006 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
3,212 posts
Well this happened to my ranger, still dont know why.
He was running around in Qeynos Hills at 20-22, travelling back from SFG when I hit track and Haddon was up. Then a younger player decides to pull him, getting Axe and the Enchanter, from the lake as well. Of course the lower level gets charmed, and the next thing I know Haddon, Axe, and the charmed player are sending me to my bind spot. I had taken no hostile action on any of them, so it was a true ambush.
#11 Jan 21 2006 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
112 posts
Wow, ambushed by MoBs and a charmed player?! That's outstanding! Has a kind of psyops feel to it. Spy is corrupted and turns assassin against his own team. It has happened enough to us that I have been given weapon stats by my guildies. At last discussion (and a trip to WoS) I had achieved status as being a 1HB 20/15 with proc "Screams Like a Little Girl" (it's a debuff).

"ShadowHunter ambush! And he's using B5 as his offhand weap!!"

-Blackfive 85 BST of Terris-Thule (Prexus) Hand of Ka
If I tell you a mosquito can pull a plow, don't ask "how?"....HITCH HIM UP!
#12 Jan 21 2006 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
Fekking goons in OT. I still take pleasure in ganking their asses when running through OT.
#13 Jan 23 2006 at 1:48 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Way back in the day

HG stomping on my level 8 head in EC.


Biltene Flaymestryke
65 Wizard
#14 Jan 24 2006 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
I rember way back when they did the first skellie event in EC and butcher and few other places. Well anyway I was a lvl 23 bst or something close to that and I was taking atvantage of a small pathing glitch that let me get that extra little nuke in and all of a sudden a skellie comander pops up out of the ground allong with 100 other friends and feares me into the same pathing glitch and some sort of knockback spell put me in it again and then I died.

Edited, Tue Jan 24 20:29:11 2006 by Syntazia
#15 Jan 26 2006 at 2:00 PM Rating: Good
329 posts
I was a young, foolish druid, not even close to greatness, but talking the steps to get there. I had not even heard about the Scimitar of the Naturewalkers, and had barely enough mana to root/rot a single mob. It was going to be a long journey, indeed.

I had heard of "charm kiting", and without much in the way of protective cloaks and skins for myself, I figured it would be worth investigating further. After all, I WAS a druid, a follower of Tunare, surely, my Lady would bestow the power of command to me.

The animals, while in sybiance with me, were also lower on the food chain, and I would become their master, in order to aid the greater cause. A perfect symphony of harmonious balance.

The air was crisp, and the sky was clear that lovely day in Southern Karana. I sat, quietly, in contemplation of the beautiful land that Mother had granted to us. My thoughts were suddenly shaken, as was the ground about me, by a yellow-tinged wooly elephant.

I asked Tunare for her guidance as I spoke the words and made the somatic gestures with my staff, for the very first time.

By Tunare's blessing, the incantation had worked, and the great beast asked to do my bidding.

Pleased with myself, and with my new friend, I decided to help him out as much as I could in terms of speed, strength, damage shields, resists, everything I would normally put on myself.

Mother Tunare, it seems, is not without a great sense of humor.

She granted me ability to charm the creature.

She did NOT grant me the wisdom to know that charm eventually breaks.
#16 Jan 26 2006 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
Excellent tales.

As for myself, I remember being a young troll running through the same whacking little froggies on the head...hehehe...When out of nowhere this man in bright silver armor would insult me and then slaughter me as I tried to run away.

Once I became a little older and had reached the far side of the swamp. These "men" that you could pretty much see through would kill me and since i was still young I would have to wait for my vengence.

As I continued to get older I moved to the southern edge of the desert and there were new things to jump out and attack when I really was meaning no harm to them... Ghouls, orcs, dervs and the occasional giant... while trading with a merchant.

Once I made the Oasis though the number of ambushes jumped through the roof. Apparently everything there seemed to either feel my presence or was extremely bloodthirsty. The only execption to the bloodthirst would be the giants as they just stepped on everyone they could.

Nowadays when a critter jumps out I do not feel quite the fear or worry as I am growing quite strong. Yet there will always be times when running away no longer is an option since puddles of goo go nowhere unless you are a mob.

#17 Jan 26 2006 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts
i still kill brownies every time i see one.....

little buggers
#18 Jan 28 2006 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
112 posts
Brownies...ah yes. The quintessential ambushers. Thankfully, you can now make excellent chocolate creme out of them. Serves em right, the tiny backstabbin'...

-Blackfive 85 BST of Terris-Thule (Prexus) Hand of Ka
If I tell you a mosquito can pull a plow, don't ask "how?"....HITCH HIM UP!
#19 Jan 28 2006 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Equestrielle, that blasted unicorn in LFay, has long been one of my least favorite mobs. She's a nuisance, all right.

Recently, though, the worst I've encountered is zoning into Halls of Honor. I'll get smacked up at the zone line with no mobs in sight. It's some named and another guard...occaisonally if I'm expecting it I can feign and it's all good, but sometimes there's nothing I can do as I'll be dead before the zone loads.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#20 Jan 29 2006 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
Remembering Crushbone...

My father a ranger of 21 Seasons Boloton Benior used to hunt in this interesting place in days when one could obtain Spirit of the Wolf for a small fee near a menacing looking Priest of Discord. He would tell me of the days of his Guild Order of the Wolf and how it was a joyous occasion when they were able to take down Emperor Crushbone himself.........He was severly injured in HighPass Hold and was never able to return to action....but that is another story.

Many years later, father's guild no longer exsists, I am Bolotas Lonewillow also a ranger but of 55 seasons decides to relive his fathers old days in Greater Faydark which no longer has the adventureres of the days he told me about. With an excitement in my head to relive days of my father I head away from my home in the trees and travel to Crushbone. Does not seem as menacing as my father had remembered but I could see how if could be much earlier in my training. I enter a menacing castle with an air of confidence and easily run past Orcs that know better than to make a wrong move towards an overly confident Ranger. I stride behind the throne and easily defeat Emeror Crush as my father had in earlier days and on my out I notice an Orc Messenger and decide, because I had just defeated his Emperor and Dark elf advisor I can handle this quickly and be on my way. Little do I know that this messenger is the one really running this castle and as I lay beneath his feat dying and thinking My father never mentioned this Orc before......

....I will have my revenge someday..........
#21 Feb 04 2006 at 2:00 AM Rating: Decent
On countless occasions, I would be rifling through my bags to find lightstones for turn-in and wouldn't see a griffin approach and trash my monk in a matter of seconds. I forgot the name of the Named, but got jumped by him more than a few times in the gypsy camp.

Either Grimfeather or the Silver Griffon, both of them were the cause of several corpse runs for me way back in the day.

Holly Windstalker in Qeynos Hills gets my vote, I swear she could smell my necro from across the zone.

Edited, Sat Feb 4 02:03:21 2006 by Markkos
#22 Feb 04 2006 at 2:07 AM Rating: Default
I cant believe no one's mentioned the Kromrif Death Squad so far. Theyre my favorites.
#23 Feb 04 2006 at 2:15 AM Rating: Default
hmmm which one to tell...

Zoning into Velks to find Velk standing there wasnt fun...

Plane of Fear (as has been said) that one wanderer you think had lost aggro that gets too close to fright.

or on my warrior at level 30 /flex running through lesser fay to mistmoore and ran into a corrupted brownie that not only handed my *** to me on a plate but force fed it me then made me wash up afterwards!
#24 Feb 04 2006 at 4:55 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
i am suprised no one has mentioned one little nasty bugger in Dreadlands....Veltar. Heading out pimp my old barding skills out or just fear kite a few dogs, i would zip through the open areas carefully avoiding mobs, and occasionally not bothing with invis(love a ton of SI mobs roaming a large field). As you could imagine, i would zip too close to his house, and being unaware of him at the time, due to his placement he wasn't a "pullable" mob, would get agro on him. Now, mind you, a bard can move at a pace that i like to call "faster than the speed of agro" but sometimes agro is faster. So off kiting mobs i go when BAM out of nowhere he catches up to me and turns me into street grease. nasty bastige.
#25 Feb 04 2006 at 5:43 AM Rating: Decent
317 posts
I was a young ranger in my 20's hunting for Spiders and foraging Tea Leaves in East Karana. I was very poor then (still am today). I was runnin back and forth from the big hill to the little ole fishing village, when it turned dusk out. No biggie, this ranga not afraid of the dark! Sold my stuff, decided to fish for a few and practice up my spell casting at the same time. Got bored and decided to head back up to the hill to get me some more spider silks, when BAM!!!!!!!!! DREVLON KNABNACKER! I only lasted one hit, I swear as I go down, I saw him jump on me and smash me like a cigeratte butt.
Which reminds me, he still needs to pay for that! Hmmmmm
#26 Feb 04 2006 at 7:02 AM Rating: Decent
11 posts
hehe i was in splitpaw 1day with a full group i was a bst suddenly i got charm and ran over to kill my cleric he was yell help a ambush that was fun. After that i run with the mobs in splitpaw i saw every thing in there =)
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