Stromm was the last "new" server that I remember being created and there was a ton of people on there in the beginning making a fresh start for themselves. They did open it up for server transfers (back in the days when servers used to get over crowded and they needed to reduce populations - now they have to merge servers to keep populations high enough).
I think pretty much server you go to it will be hard to find true new players, but there are still some new people out there.
** Visit **
Romen Orgi of Sojourners / Magician, Brell Serilis (Cazic Thule) server
magelo Romen of Fippy's Revenge / Magician, Fippy Darkpaw server
Fiella / Magician, Firona Vie server
Mentas of Cursed Asylum / Magician, Test Server
magelo [EQ2x]
Aphalia of The Bronze Age / Wizard
Darkaura / Warlock, Scarlet Crusade