Just imagine if they made A high lvl instance version of bb/shudder just imagine falling in the pit if the Pirahna could summon.......
...is what the Castle Mistmoore revamp should have been (and should still be available as). Messing with old lowbie zones that work (whether 95% empty or not) to make them high end zones does not make a lot of sense when other things can or need to be done.
You would almost think it would be a cheap gimmick to repackage old programming as new stuff with high level mobs and new drops. I am not convinced I like this gimmick but maybe it is harmless anyway.
I have to agree with people that have said instanced content hurts the community feel. To my thinking, instances make sense for quest end mobs. Completing the steps of the task to get my mob up makes sense. Instancing it to make it my group/raid's business makes sense.
Instances for popular Raid events is reasonable as well. In these 2 areas it is not harmful, probably a good thing. For regular xp grinding or dungeon hunting I feel the negative beat the good.