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Classes who needs nerf / boost!Follow

#77 Dec 31 2005 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
And just to clear my take on SoEs views..........

Look and demiplane gear and tell me SoE doesn't love necros =p Hell it looks like it would be class specific gear FFS =p

Ya..and we had a huge hand in the designing of the itemization there. In fact, 2 years ago the itemization for endgame loot was number 1 with stars on it on out top 10 list. For someone in're quite angry. Maybe take a break from the game, 6 hours a day can really ***** up your perspective. That or you're clueless.

The last item with a disease dmg focii before the ture belt was the keledrix shoulder. No necro in their right mind would wear the ture belt after seeing the Hanvar one. I'm glad focii are more common now, and you should be to.

You guys missed this for what it was, it was a cleverly written thread designed to whine about the class being played while ******** about a class that he thinks is too powerful.

Only one character type (in his mind) definately needs a boost...the one he plays...and only one needs to be nerfed, that being the one he seems to have a passionate dislike for.

That's about what I thought(besides the *cleverly* thing) for the brainless f*ckwit that started the thread. I was pretty shocked that people supported him/his(her/hers) views. *god, is a doornob, follow me to your salvation, but sign your homes over to me first*(worth a shot...).

If you don't like playing a wizard...don't. If you're crying for days on end about game mechanics, agro limiting your dps. Lack of survivability, DPM sucking. Being 2nd on DPS(as far as casters go). LOOK TO FIX YOURSELF. Not hurt another class. That is an intelligent and mature reaction, and the reason necros are so good. We don't call for classes to be nerfed. We simply call for our class to be fixed. It's been that way for years, and I hope it always will be that way. (It seems to work).

What happened to bards made me sad. They were quite powerfull and definetly out of line. If they stayed that way..several other classes would be in line with them right now, and this game would be more fun. Almost worth playing for the content and not just playing to be with your so many of us do.
#78 Dec 31 2005 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
It's not that the foci are more common it's the fact that sony grouped all silk casters togatehr with the azure line of armor and put mostly necro based foci on them when they should should have done it like they did Anguish GoD and PoP you get a turn in for a class specific item.....
#79 Dec 31 2005 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
That's a different topic altogether. It also has NOTHING to do with necromancers. Their utility or dps. It's simply a mistake that has been brought up BEFORE, in correct venues. I think you'd be hard pressed to find many people that are happy with the itemization in BoD.
#80 Dec 31 2005 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
The problem with necros in raid situations is that the utility spells are by now way obsolete. Twitching is ridiculously inefficient and the amount given in a single cast is rather worthless - it's only useful if it's being chain-cast, which cuts into DoT stacking. You're giving up a large amount of DPS for minimal healing (because, face it, we're not going to twitch anyone except clerics chain-healing). Our slowing is irrelevant because there is a marked lack of undead mobs in the upper tiers - same thing applies to our mezzing and lulling, which is undead only over 55. Emergency rezzing and corpse summoning from a bad location are moderately useful but expensive in reagents. Snares are short in duration and the damage component breaks mezzing. Group buffs? DMF. Big deal. Buff slot increases means that necros can stack DoTs without being blocked, but resist issues can cripple their usefulness just like it can affect a Wizard's damage. Mindwrack is nice for mana, but it's still a bit lacking and requires a buff slot and a target with mana.

So, in all, in raid settings Necros can potentially do massive damage, provide a bit of mana, and have other limited utility. If we're nerfed in any capacity then we'd need our utility upped or else we'd be relegated to second-grade DPS which is supposed to be our specialty.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#81 Jan 01 2006 at 4:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,047 posts
BumbiRagnar wrote:
From what I read about zerker DPS I think it is like this:
low to medium lvl = good dps
high level casuall gear = very crap dps
high level raidgear = extremly good dps

This is true?

Pretty much. The highest-end zerkers come close to, and rarely exceed, rogue DPS - fights in the 3 to 5 minute range favor zerkers because they have more discs to use than rogues, and mobs that can't easily be cornered can also favor the zerker, depending on the skill of the rogue.

On the low end of the level 70 scale (gear and AA-wise) however, berserker are pathetic, with sustained DPS barely exceeding warrior DPS. Same skill caps IIRC, Frenzy (1-3 swings at base 26 damage, not modified by weapon damage) instead of Kick, and Volley - the level 61 version adds perhaps 30 DPS, I have not been able to test the 69 one on my zerker alt yet. I just dinged 70 on my zerker, with 6 AAs and epic 1.0 (almost done with 1.5, but zerker 1.5 is not that great), and I'm a bit embarassed to join pickup exp groups with him, knowing he will almost certainly be the lowest-DPS person there (after the cleric). And I can't even disc in groups because I would run out of endurance in 2 discs and not be able to Volley for a long *** time - likewise if I have to snare or stun very much.
#82 Jan 01 2006 at 5:37 AM Rating: Decent
515 posts
Or you could spend the aa's for Origin.

Got it. STILL not the same thing. Got Thurg Gate potion, too. STILL not the same thing.

Let me spell it out for you guys. Gate takes you to your BIND. All these other things take you someplace else. Origin takes me to Surefall Glade, for example. Pretty much a waste of AA. Gate is versitle. These others are not.

You guys missed this for what it was, it was a cleverly written thread designed to whine about the class being played while ******** about a class that he thinks is too powerful.

Only one character type (in his mind) definately needs a boost...the one he plays...and only one needs to be nerfed, that being the one he seems to have a passionate dislike for. mean like my original reply? Except I play four classes, and called for a nerf of all the rest? Maybe there was a madness to my method?

#83 Jan 06 2006 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
BumbiRagnar wrote:
So....? In your experience, what classes needs a nerf and what classes needs a boost?
Im going to tell you my oppinion, let me know if something is simply wrong or you just dissagree.

Remember this is based from a raiders perspective. I would like to see a few posts from casuall perspective's aswell.

Theese oppinions are based on reading alot of class forums, veteran lounge, allakhazam forums, parses (some of which can be found here: ) and talking to people ingame and in guild.
They are oppinions, remember that. Some might even be straight down incorrect since much is based on hearsay. I havent played any other class then Wizard really so..

]Necros - Nerf![/u]
This is the only class that really needs a nerf.
They can rezz, summon corpses, Feign death, they have pet, they can slow (undead), they have a buff all in raid gets, they can twitch, they can mindwrack, they can snare, they can solo 5 AAs in 10 min w/o lotd, and they might have the best DPS of any class.
I dont mind there utilities and solo abilities. But when they do so incredibly high DPS AND have thoose utilities, something is wrong imo.
Its hard to varify there dps since only themselfs can parse the DoTs and they are very secretive about there parses but doing close to 2k dps is not extremly unusuall.

I just want to know where this camp is that would allow ANY necro to get 5 AAs in 10 minutes. At that rate all us Necs can have Max AAs in around 4 -5 hours ( give or take).
I guess I must be special because I get to see tons of Nec parses.
Nameless Server

Nameless Server ( and member of the ultra secret Necro Parsing Society)
#84 Jan 06 2006 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
EVILNOK wrote:
BumbiRagnar wrote:
So....? In your experience, what classes needs a nerf and what classes needs a boost?
Im going to tell you my oppinion, let me know if something is simply wrong or you just dissagree.

Remember this is based from a raiders perspective. I would like to see a few posts from casuall perspective's aswell.

Theese oppinions are based on reading alot of class forums, veteran lounge, allakhazam forums, parses (some of which can be found here: ) and talking to people ingame and in guild.
They are oppinions, remember that. Some might even be straight down incorrect since much is based on hearsay. I havent played any other class then Wizard really so..

]Necros - Nerf![/u]
This is the only class that really needs a nerf.
They can rezz, summon corpses, Feign death, they have pet, they can slow (undead), they have a buff all in raid gets, they can twitch, they can mindwrack, they can snare, they can solo 5 AAs in 10 min w/o lotd, and they might have the best DPS of any class.
I dont mind there utilities and solo abilities. But when they do so incredibly high DPS AND have thoose utilities, something is wrong imo.
Its hard to varify there dps since only themselfs can parse the DoTs and they are very secretive about there parses but doing close to 2k dps is not extremly unusuall.

I just want to know where this camp is that would allow ANY necro to get 5 AAs in 10 minutes. At that rate all us Necs can have Max AAs in around 4 -5 hours ( give or take).
I guess I must be special because I get to see tons of Nec parses.
Nameless Server

Nameless Server ( and member of the ultra secret Necro Parsing Society)

There isn't a place. If there was it would be kept secret and this player wouldn't know about it. If he did he'd be taking a group or even duo-ing the spot to get that kind of experience. If SOE found out about it they'd probably nerf it. If this is the case it could also be an exploit which makes it moot because you can't count exploits as uber xp.

Basically he's talking out of his ***. He's blowing it way out of proportion to justify his reasoning. He just has a hatred for necros cuz he thinks wizards should be better dps.
#85 Jan 06 2006 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Anyone who wants to gate, can, don't be ridiculous. There are plenty o ways too. Do I need to list them?

Edit: oops, should have read page 2 before responding...

Edited, Fri Jan 6 16:30:31 2006 by Dothammer
#86 Jan 06 2006 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
NEcros might be overpowered, but who is the ones who get invited to groups first?

1 - Cleric

2 3- Slower and Tank

4 5 6 random DPS classes.

#87 Jan 07 2006 at 12:56 AM Rating: Decent
That's b/c people do not understand how powerful a necro is.......
It's true though necros do get screwed over when it comes to groups(well not mine I love having a necro along ideal group is war/zerker Cleric Shaman Wizard Bard Necro)) hell FFS most people pick a mage over a necro for groups =/

#88 Jan 07 2006 at 2:17 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Fallonn wrote:
Let me spell it out for you guys. Gate takes you to your BIND. All these other things take you someplace else. Origin takes me to Surefall Glade, for example. Pretty much a waste of AA. Gate is versitle. These others are not.
Where are you getting bound at that you can't get to in a minute's time by hitting the book in GFay (Tolan's BP), Great Divide (Thurg potion), Overthere (Worker's Sledgemallet), PoK (Summoned mage necklace), Innothule/Ferrott/FoB/Everfrost (shaman potions), etc?

Hell, if you HAD to go to bind, there's even storebought and shaman made Gate potions. But there's also a host of reusable options to at least get within a zone or two of almost any melee bindable location. I don't understand why it's an issue with you.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#89 Jan 07 2006 at 5:49 AM Rating: Decent
Warrior - Leave as it is?
Their DPS might need a small nerf. They outdamage "real" DPS classes from time to time. Before DoDh a CoA geared wizard had worse sustained DPS throughout a creator run then a timegeared Warrior. And yes, the wizard had alot more AAs.
But since DoDh.. hmm.. Im not sure.. They still outdamage DPS classes from time to time.. Mby a very small nerf?

gonna have to disagree on you there as being a warrior myself.
we are so gear dependant class it isn't even funny at 70, having 10k hp and 2k ac isn't enough to tank the new crap with.
we have to litterallt have the best gear in the game to tank some of the new stuff thats out there. max aa's stuff like that, some of us are bearly getting by.
it's absolutly insane.

and those of you saying nerf our dps, are you willing to take agro and tank then? cause i mean we rely on our procs and damage to keep agro mainly.

also if you nerf warrior's you are going to really offset the balance on tanks and make the warriors who are being told daily they don't have enough hp and ac to tank sought out less than they already are.

they need to get like a serious AC boost or something to make them a little better.

Edited, Sat Jan 7 05:59:47 2006 by Turlisk
#90 Jan 07 2006 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
Nerfing a class is wrong. It is the used car salesman bait-and-switch tactic (used quite well in expansion releases --monster mission "fixes" were all oversights? C'mon don't buy that line.)

I agree with the person who said upgrade a class if it is lagging behind. Many caster classes had old spell lines dropped (as in not upgraded past 60). Do necros really want a better twitch or improved twitch aa??? My chanter would love improved feedback (low level chanter damage shield).

Some classes just want some more group utility. The beastlord forums are full of wishes for group spells to upgrade many of the single versions, as well as something else to contribute to a raid. I'm sure every class could make a list of the top 5 things they need to be better and funner to play in the current game.
#91 Jan 07 2006 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I think it would be nice if ALL melee/dps classes got a DPS bonus of some sort past lvl 60. Like lets say a tank class sees a 12 bonus damage out of a 1h weapon. WEll give the DPS classes 13 at 60. Then every 2 levels past 60 have it go up by 1 keeping it slightly ahead of the tank classes. This would not ofset the game balance any. Maybe even give the pure melee (Rogues/Monks) a even higher one since we have no watered down heals, buffs, snares, etc etc. I am always grouping with tanks who out DPS me with there time/gates/omens raid gear, and I have even had plenty of casters with that type of gear who have quite a bit more HP then I do.

#92 Jan 07 2006 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
I agree. Alls any other class type has to do to get to WoS is get to a level that people may want to group with. Tanks need 60+ AAs, level 70, and gear and disciplines that are so hard to get, they would make a class that could actually build up the money to buy, cry. All tank classes have it HARDer then any other.
And the 60+ AAs is just the defensive batch you get from the first three pages of AAs. Don't forget, we also have to get the same AAs that DPS classes get, to keep up the agro.
By the way, warriors that out DPS bazaar geared rogues, monks and berserkers are probably EP+ and SHOULD out DPS them. One needs about 15-20 different raids just to get there(and will probably do quite a bit more).
#93 Jan 07 2006 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
515 posts
Where are you getting bound at that you can't get to in a minute's time by hitting the book in GFay (Tolan's BP), Great Divide (Thurg potion), Overthere (Worker's Sledgemallet), PoK (Summoned mage necklace), Innothule/Ferrott/FoB/Everfrost (shaman potions), etc?

Hell, if you HAD to go to bind, there's even storebought and shaman made Gate potions. But there's also a host of reusable options to at least get within a zone or two of almost any melee bindable location. I don't understand why it's an issue with you.

Well, for example, how about by the Sundial in Tranquility, when you don't HAVE a minute or two to get back and zone in? Time, is, well, timed. LOL. If you check the Magelo you will see I DO have Gate potions, too.

Two points.

One is, that contrary to opinion, there are still places not handy to books that it might be nice to be able to gate to.

Second is, I hate spending pp to be able to do what my other 3 characters do for free. It's the Scots in me.

It also irks me. What's the point of being one quarter Druid if I have NONE of one of the Druid class defining abilities, i.e. gating and porting.
#94 Jan 07 2006 at 4:18 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Fallonn wrote:
Well, for example, how about by the Sundial in Tranquility, when you don't HAVE a minute or two to get back and zone in? Time, is, well, timed.
Why are you Gating out of Time mid-instance and then running back in? Unless you mean you log in to find your guild in Time in which case I can't help but think that they must be able to get by while you spend a minute running in if they started the instance without you.
One is, that contrary to opinion, there are still places not handy to books that it might be nice to be able to gate to.
Not many melee bindable locations. I suppose running to Northern Karana gypsy camp is still a pain in the *** but I can't believe you bind there often nor need to gate there for special events.
It also irks me. What's the point of being one quarter Druid if I have NONE of one of the Druid class defining abilities, i.e. gating and porting.
Gate is hardly class defining. It's possessed by every caster and priest in the game. you get buffs, utility spells (SoW, Camo, etc) and some DD/DoTs. Seems plenty for "one quarter" druid.

Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#95 Jan 07 2006 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
515 posts
Why are you Gating out of Time mid-instance and then running back in? Unless you mean you log in to find your guild in Time in which case I can't help but think that they must be able to get by while you spend a minute running in if they started the instance without you.

Have you done Time? If you have, you know the answer.

As for the rest, we must agree to disagree. Besides, this thread asked for opinions. That's mine.
#96 Jan 07 2006 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
Joph time has trials that are timed. Usually you take your raid force divide by 3 then have them clear a trial each, 2 of these forces have to gate out and come back, only acceptable form of avoiding expensive gate potions for the melees on this is to make sure they are in the force that has a wizard with translocate bind.

Most raidleaders will go balistic if you are so inconsiderate to the whole raid as to not be able to get out of the trail and back to next trial as fast as it can be done since the event is again timed.

Its the only time I can think of though (granted I aint raided everywhere) that you must have a gate potion. Really if you cant get in the wiz group or afford gate potions by the time you are raiding time then you probably shouldnt be there.

Gate potions are handy dont get me wrong but with my pally unless its like desperate or a must due his lil **** can use holy steed and OT hammer 999 out of 1000.
#97 Jan 07 2006 at 11:56 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
flishtaco wrote:
Joph time has trials that are timed. Usually you take your raid force divide by 3 then have them clear a trial each, 2 of these forces have to gate out and come back, only acceptable form of avoiding expensive gate potions for the melees on this is to make sure they are in the force that has a wizard with translocate bind.
Fair enough. Though, like you said, if you can't afford Gate potions at that point, you have bigger problems. Hell, use the significantly cheaper 10-dose shaman made Gate-to-Bind potions if you can't afford the 1k.

I don't see Time trials as a reason why rangers need Gate powers beyond the ample methods that already exist.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#98 Jan 08 2006 at 1:56 AM Rating: Decent
Erm.......For phase one just stick a wizard in each of the 3 sub raids.........

But I do agree I think any class that can cast a spell should be able to gate(honestly I think a PoK gate would be best fot this......not to bind but to PoK) but make it a longer casting time for non "gate" classes like 10 seconds

Edited, Sun Jan 8 01:58:48 2006 by elorianBLAH
#99 Jan 08 2006 at 3:45 AM Rating: Decent
Erm.......For phase one just stick a wizard in each of the 3 sub raids.........

Very wise senor, how about when no wizards show up =P
#100 Jan 08 2006 at 6:57 AM Rating: Default
hey i play a warrior if rangers are gonna get gate i want gate!...hey i play a warrior if rangers are gonna get gate i want gate!...

see the problem with your dumbass comments?

I have seen a wizard parse something stupid like 30k dps how? they nuked a level 1 mob.

Ive not seen many necro's parse close to 2k and ive raided as one for 5 years. Tell a lie i did it once when i lifeburned a moss snake...

from your parses you seem to come out as top dps an awful lot for a class thats ******** about it!

Unlike the OP i have played quite a few classes in my time albeit no other in high end raid guilds but I do have 64 warrior and 56 mage. As has been stated each class is DIFFERENT, the strengths and weaknesses vary and so you must vary how you want to play.

Did I struggle to solo as a mage? YES why? because I tried to play him like my necro.

Did I read all sorts about "warrior aggro is crap, they always lose taunt" yes, do I? NO I get compliments all the time about how well I hold aggro. My aa's 24 my aggro procs... 1 Blade of Carnage. If you play your class well and to its strengths you should not need to call for others to be "nerfed".
(PS to this I was once bugged for Brells for 20 mins in a group cos I held aggro so well the rogue thought i was a paladin!)

Did I read that you need level 70 and 600aa's to tank in WoS yes did i care? no i went and found its nowhere near as hard as other places Ive been.

The biggest problem being encountered in this thread is what im starting to call the "monster mission syndrome" players get level 70 in monster missions, have never played outside of them then try and join real groups. This lack of class knowledge is threatening to flood the player base with complete knobcheeses that when invited to a group heading into GoD say "where GoD? is that a new zone?"

Mallakith Souldefiler 70 necro
Soddof Baldric 64 Warrior
#101 Jan 08 2006 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
Smiley: banghead

The biggest problem being encountered in this thread is what im starting to call the "monster mission syndrome" players get level 70 in monster missions, have never played outside of them then try and join real groups. This lack of class knowledge is threatening to flood the player base with complete knobcheeses that when invited to a group heading into GoD say "where GoD? is that a new zone?"

Starting? I run into these idiots on a daily basis. However this thread has nothing to do with MMs.

This thread is about people wanting every class to be able to do a little bit of everthing and it's not going to happen.

If your ranger gets gate I want my dru to be able to use a bow.

Your war can duel weild why can't my SK?

See where this is going?

Edited, Sun Jan 8 08:09:27 2006 by Raolan
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