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Classes who needs nerf / boost!Follow

#1 Dec 29 2005 at 5:59 AM Rating: Default
So....? In your experience, what classes needs a nerf and what classes needs a boost?
Im going to tell you my oppinion, let me know if something is simply wrong or you just dissagree.

Remember this is based from a raiders perspective. I would like to see a few posts from casuall perspective's aswell.

Theese oppinions are based on reading alot of class forums, veteran lounge, allakhazam forums, parses (some of which can be found here: ) and talking to people ingame and in guild.
They are oppinions, remember that. Some might even be straight down incorrect since much is based on hearsay. I havent played any other class then Wizard really so..

Beastlord - Boost
Basicly they are a DPS class, sure they can solo very good and have pet tank, plus they have a few utilities. However their DPS is extremly poor and needs a boost more then any other class.

Monk - Boost
They are the best pullers but basicly have become more and more obsolete because its the only thing they can do. Most people prefer a puller that can bring something more to group then just pulling. And many camps dont even need a puller, like PoFire, RSS statue etc. They need a boost in some form, and I would prefer it would be in DPS.

Shaman - Leave as it is
Some say they are abit overpowered and I mostly here that from shamans themselfs. I hate the nerfbat and love shamans tho so I say leave em as they are.

Ranger - Leave as it is?
Their DPS is not the best but they have a few utilities and can tank pretty good with decent gear. Mby a very small boost?

Zerkers - Leave as it is
Theese guys are pretty overpowered imo. They can do sick DPS from any angle and with so many mobs that you cant corner theese days they outdps rogues often. They also have snare and alot more innate HP then any other chainclass but once again I hate the nerf bat.

Rogues - Small boost
No class has to work as hard as the rogues imo. They have to have perfect positioning all the time to do max possible DPS. Their gear scales very good from casual to highest end raider. (Before DoDh casual rogues had some DPS problems but with new group drops etc its fine I think.)
But since I didnt want to nerf zerkers I say give rogues a small boost so they outdamage zerkers abit more often.

Druid - Leave as it is
Good healers, decent DPS, nice utilities, can solo good but still not overpowered in any way imo.

Cleric - ???
No clue what to do about clerics, not really that much better healers then druids. They are pretty balanced I suppose but still something needs to be done to make the class abit more fun imo.

Warrior - Leave as it is?
Their DPS might need a small nerf. They outdamage "real" DPS classes from time to time. Before DoDh a CoA geared wizard had worse sustained DPS throughout a creator run then a timegeared Warrior. And yes, the wizard had alot more AAs.
But since DoDh.. hmm.. Im not sure.. They still outdamage DPS classes from time to time.. Mby a very small nerf?

Bard - Keep as it is
Some people say they are overpowered. I say there DPS is abit underpowered considering they are half rogue - half something else. But they can add so much to a group and raid it evens out imo.

Paladins - Small boost?
Good tanks, uber agro, some util. However, their stun spells needs abit of a boost. It was mby overpowered in the past but nowadays all mobs are lvl 70+ and thus unstunnable so basicly they use stun as a taunt only. One stun, with semilong recasttime that effects lvl 70+ mobs mby?

Shadownights - Leave as it is
Very good tanks, good pullers, some util.

Magicians - Leave as it is
Casters got alot of nice things with DoDh. It boosted mages up to where they are supposed to be with DoDh pet, new focus etc.
They have abit of the same problems as wizards tho. Itemazation.
Get the new spells and you are very good DPS. Manapres, nukefocus, petfocus isnt an uberupgrade in DPS, sure when you add them up plus get a decent manapool the dpsincrease will show. But mainly casters get our DPS upgrades from getting spells. A 60% fire focus is NOT 60% dps increase. From the DoN bought fire focus to the best in the game you gain around 5% increased sustained DPS. (Cant find link put its been parsed and calculated).
Wru spellstrikethrough, Crit focus, nuke accuracy etc?

Wizard - Boost
Im not saying this cause I am a wizard! >.<
In dodh we got a band-aid when we needed a full bandage. We dont have all that fancy util that mages and necros have. Sure we have some, like snare, but its a very crappy snare. Gets resisted over and over and when it finally stick we have time to do one nuke on groupmobs so our DPS is lower then the tanks DPS. Snare is something we dont use unless we are the only snareclass in the group. We need to outdps mages abit more then we do on most encounters and we need to be closer to rogue DPS on the average encounter, I would say we should be on par with zerker DPS. No other class is so dependent on so many other classes for buffs and debuffs. No other class is so random DPS. GoM = random, Crit = random, Pyro = random, focus = random, resists = (somewhat) random, reflects = (can be) random etc.
Dont say crits are random for melee aswell, its not the same thing. 2 more crits can be 35-40k more dmg.
Wizards, mroe then any other class needs spellstrikethrough, Crit focus, nuke accuracy etc to scale better through progression.

Enchanters - Boost?
So many encounters dont need chanters theese days and they can be replaced by a bard in 99%. Mby they need a boost in fun factor for thoose encounters when they are not mezzing / charming? I hear it gets better in DoDh raids tho with lots of mezzing etc.

Necros - Nerf!
This is the only class that really needs a nerf.
They can rezz, summon corpses, Feign death, they have pet, they can slow (undead), they have a buff all in raid gets, they can twitch, they can mindwrack, they can snare, they can solo 5 AAs in 10 min w/o lotd, and they might have the best DPS of any class.
I dont mind there utilities and solo abilities. But when they do so incredibly high DPS AND have thoose utilities, something is wrong imo.
Its hard to varify there dps since only themselfs can parse the DoTs and they are very secretive about there parses but doing close to 2k dps is not extremly unusuall.
#2 Dec 29 2005 at 6:52 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
My Berzerker is level 23 and the amount of DPS he does is absolutely incredible!

I have twinked him with a haste belt (31%) and an acrylia greatsword. I have also purchased some nice armor pieces and his strength is 255.

Last night in PC, he double attacked for 148 each time and frenzied 3 times for 40 points each in one melee round. Thats like 420 points of damage in one attack at level 23. Thats serious damage to me since my main is an enchanter.

Can't wait till he hits 50 to see what damage he does then!
#3 Dec 29 2005 at 6:57 AM Rating: Decent
From what I read about zerker DPS I think it is like this:
low to medium lvl = good dps
high level casuall gear = very crap dps
high level raidgear = extremly good dps

This is true?
#4 Dec 29 2005 at 8:17 AM Rating: Excellent

Cleric - ???
No clue what to do about clerics, not really that much better healers then druids. They are pretty balanced I suppose but still something needs to be done to make the class abit more fun imo.

Haven't played a high level cleric much, have you?
#5 Dec 29 2005 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
318 posts
BumbiRagnar wrote:

...alot of stuff

So much information, so much of it is wrong...
#6 Dec 29 2005 at 8:46 AM Rating: Excellent
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Yeah, sounds like info picked up off message boards posted by whiney people.

I play a Wiz. Does it have it's downside? Sure, unless I put up a dozen various runes and shields I squish like a bug. Could my DPS be better? Sure, I have fun trying to make it better - that's MY challenge.

I quit reading the boards over at Graffes wizard site unless I'm looking for specific information because of thread after thread all saying "we've been nerfed", "we suck".

All classes have pluses and minuses if they didn't they'd all be the same. The challenge of the game is to find ways to overcome your weaknesses and enhance your strengths, to find ways to succeed at your task with the classes and skills you have available.

There is no underpowered class only lackluster players.

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#7 Dec 29 2005 at 9:17 AM Rating: Excellent
615 posts
My Smiley: twocents to the devs... Stop messing with the classes.

Edited, Thu Dec 29 09:22:24 2005 by JoltinJoe
#8 Dec 29 2005 at 9:30 AM Rating: Excellent
703 posts
Elinda wrote:
All classes have pluses and minuses if they didn't they'd all be the same. The challenge of the game is to find ways to overcome your weaknesses and enhance your strengths, to find ways to succeed at your task with the classes and skills you have available.

Nicely said, Elinda.
#9 Dec 29 2005 at 9:44 AM Rating: Excellent
2,496 posts
My Smiley: twocents to the devs... Stop messing with the classes.

I'll second that.

Edited, Thu Dec 29 09:46:03 2005 by jchapin
#10 Dec 29 2005 at 9:52 AM Rating: Good
1,166 posts
You pay money to play the game, month after month.

If you really want to change the game...or are not happy with the game the way it is, why do you still pay money to play the game?
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

Barack Obama

Laen - 105 Dru
Haam - 105 Sk
Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard
#11 Dec 29 2005 at 10:11 AM Rating: Excellent
6,760 posts
Every time you "boost" or nerf a class, you risk unbalancing the rest. Leave them alone already.
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
#12 Dec 29 2005 at 10:19 AM Rating: Excellent
4,596 posts
All I can speak too intelligently is the Rogue

Fixing Rogues is easy, itemization. Raid Rogues are fine, they are still top of the pile in DPS, however, casual Rogues have slipped very far behind zerkers, wizards, and even monks in some cases and it's all due to poor dagger itemization. Make better daggers available at all levels and you will see rogues pull back to the front of DPS line again across the board.

They used to shoot for rogues doing 10% more sustained DPS than any other class if positioned correctly, the trade off was aggro management. Rogues have one of the lowest damage mitigation ratings of any class regardless of armor type, that and their close proximity to the mob ensured that they would only be doing top damage in very good groups with very good aggro management, if they got agro... splat! Well somewhere along the line a few expansions ago that got lost, We still have the terrible mitigation but now we are outdamaged by zerkers that can attack from any angle and even tank on occasion with very little risk.

Why invite a rogue when you can get a zerker with more DPS, utility, and you don't have to rez him when the MT goes down?
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#13 Dec 29 2005 at 10:19 AM Rating: Good
My Smiley: twocents to the devs... Stop messing with the classes.


Necros - Nerf!
This is the only class that really needs a nerf.
They can rezz, summon corpses, Feign death, they have pet, they can slow (undead), they have a buff all in raid gets, they can twitch, they can mindwrack, they can snare, they can solo 5 AAs in 10 min w/o lotd, and they might have the best DPS of any class.
I dont mind there utilities and solo abilities. But when they do so incredibly high DPS AND have thoose utilities, something is wrong imo.
Its hard to varify there dps since only themselfs can parse the DoTs and they are very secretive about there parses but doing close to 2k dps is not extremly unusuall.

If someone says Nerf Necros One more time... I'm not going to twitch or MW any more LOL

Actually if you want them nerfed so bad take away twitch and MW I would not mind at all.

Edited, Thu Dec 29 10:25:07 2005 by LorinarMaraxus
#14 Dec 29 2005 at 10:47 AM Rating: Default
The One and Only Frakkor wrote:

Cleric - ???
No clue what to do about clerics, not really that much better healers then druids. They are pretty balanced I suppose but still something needs to be done to make the class abit more fun imo.

Haven't played a high level cleric much, have you?

As I stated in my first post, no I havent. But I do know half the clerics being used on raids are bots cause so few want them as mains. Thus I make the conclusion alot of people find them boring. And they really are not that much better healers then druids, there is one of the top 5 guilds I think who relies more on druids then clerics on raids. Not 100% sure it was top 5 guild but atleast some guild that currently are killing Demiplane.

Cilrail wrote:
BumbiRagnar wrote:

...alot of stuff

So much information, so much of it is wrong...

As I stated over and over again in original post is that most are oppinions gathered on forums and such. Alot is based on hearsay so it could be straight down incorrect. I also asked that you let me know what is wrong / what you think is wrong.
I didnt ask for a crapspam post like that with no feedback.. :/

Elinda wrote:
I play a Wiz. Does it have it's downside? Sure, unless I put up a dozen various runes and shields I squish like a bug. Could my DPS be better? Sure, I have fun trying to make it better - that's MY challenge.

Good for you. I usually do the same but after seing parse after parse it triggered this post. I want to know how you other feel.

Elinda wrote:
I quit reading the boards over at Graffes wizard site unless I'm looking for specific information because of thread after thread all saying "we've been nerfed", "we suck".

And why do you think people keep saying that? :)
When warriors do better sustained dmg then a wizard I think something is wrong. We are afterall a "DPS class".

Elinda wrote:
All classes have pluses and minuses if they didn't they'd all be the same. The challenge of the game is to find ways to overcome your weaknesses and enhance your strengths, to find ways to succeed at your task with the classes and skills you have available.

True. And this post isnt ment to be some kind of petition to SoE to nerf or boost classes. I was just curious what all others thought about the topic. What class do you think is useless? what class do you think its overpowered? Im sure there are as many views as there are players. I just want to read a few of them :)

Elinda wrote:
There is no underpowered class only lackluster players.

Not really true. It all depends on situation. A warrior is kinda underpowered in a kitegroup but not in a normal group or raid enviroment. A beastlord is defently underpowered on raids but in a group or solo he does fine.

alwayslost wrote:
You pay money to play the game, month after month.

If you really want to change the game...or are not happy with the game the way it is, why do you still pay money to play the game?

I pay cause I love the game and play 6+ hours per day =)
There are flaws for sure, think we can all agree on that.
Im really not out to change the game, im pretty pleased as it is. But if I where king for one day!! ;)
As I said, I started this thread not to change the game but merly to see what your thoughts on the matter is!
I have had groups saying they dont want a wizard because they are not good DPS, I have had groups where they only wanted paladin tanks cause they are overpowered in there oppinions. Now I want to know what you guys think? Any class you "Have to have" in group because that class is so frigging great? Any class you dont want in group because he sux?

Kakar the Vile wrote:
Every time you "boost" or nerf a class, you risk unbalancing the rest. Leave them alone already.

The Dev's have said on many occasions that classbalancing is a on-going-never-ending issue. And that I have to agree upon. In such a huge game as EQ its just not possible to make everything perfect. And with new content every 6 months (spells,lvls,effects,gear,AAs,discs etc etc) its natural that there will allways be an ongoing class balancing.

xythex wrote:
All I can speak too intelligently is the Rogue

Fixing Rogues is easy, itemization. Raid Rogues are fine, they are still top of the pile in DPS, however, casual Rogues have slipped very far behind zerkers, wizards, and even monks in some cases and it's all due to poor dagger itemization. Make better daggers available at all levels and you will see rogues pull back to the front of DPS line again across the board.

They used to shoot for rogues doing 10% more sustained DPS than any other class if positioned correctly, the trade off was aggro management. Rogues have one of the lowest damage mitigation ratings of any class regardless of armor type, that and their close proximity to the mob ensured that they would only be doing top damage in very good groups with very good aggro management, if they got agro... splat! Well somewhere along the line a few expansions ago that got lost, We still have the terrible mitigation but now we are outdamaged by zerkers that can attack from any angle and even tank on occasion with very little risk.

Why invite a rogue when you can get a zerker with more DPS, utility, and you don't have to rez him when the MT goes down?

Actually.. (talking high end here) Same lvl of gear and AAs a rogue will outdamage the zerker 95% of the time.
Regarding agro.. A good rogue never dies.. (nimble/evade).. Sure there mitigation sux but they have around 3k more HP then silkcasters so they will live longer. Also nuke agro is alot higher then melee agro. I once had a parse where wizard did around 100k dmg and rogue did 170k dmg, yet when the MT went down the mob turned on the wizard, not the rogue. And if you raid you will see that this is the case, most often if MT dies its a wizard who gets summoned, not a rogue. And there are not many targets where wizards outdps rogues so make the calculations yourself ;)

Professor LorinarMaraxus wrote:

Actually if you want them nerfed so bad take away twitch and MW I would not mind at all.

Actually, twitch is one of the reasons necros shouldnt get nerfed imo :P
twitching clerics throughout an entire raid must be the most boring thing to do ingame.. I pitty you necros, thus no nerf! ;)
#15 Dec 29 2005 at 10:48 AM Rating: Good
329 posts
As someone who plays a necromancer...

If memory serves, the reason necromancers were given the utility spells was to make them more group friendly. For the longest time, they were more or less a "fifth wheel" on raids. Mind Wrack, rezzing (with the requirement of an essence emerald, it's NOT like a cleric/paladin rez), and the "twitch" line of spells was included to help. Even with these enhancements, I don't see people clamoring for necromancers (unless sustained DPS is needed).

As for DPS...yes, necromancers can pump out hideous DPS. However, this is done over time. It's not instant like a Wizard critting with a spell, or a rogue backstabbing. More often than not, a mob is dead before my dots wear off. I haven't achieved full DPS potential because the critter is long dead.

Slowing undead. Yes, at lower levels this is great. At higher levels it is resisted too much to be worthwhile. I'll use it in a place like Howling Stones when messing about, but certainly wouldn't rely on it as I would a Shaman or Enchanter slow.

The pet. Mages and Beastlords have much better pets. At higher levels our pet cannot tank. Mobs just eat them alive too fast. Most necromancers use them like an additional DoT and don't have them go toe to toe with a mob.

Therefore, as has already been said...leave the classes alone. They're fine as is. Especially wizards played by Elinda...they tend to crit too much...
#16 Dec 29 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
Marres Esquire wrote:
As someone who plays a necromancer...

If memory serves, the reason necromancers were given the utility spells was to make them more group friendly. For the longest time, they were more or less a "fifth wheel" on raids. Mind Wrack, rezzing (with the requirement of an essence emerald, it's NOT like a cleric/paladin rez), and the "twitch" line of spells was included to help. Even with these enhancements, I don't see people clamoring for necromancers (unless sustained DPS is needed).

As for DPS...yes, necromancers can pump out hideous DPS. However, this is done over time. It's not instant like a Wizard critting with a spell, or a rogue backstabbing. More often than not, a mob is dead before my dots wear off. I haven't achieved full DPS potential because the critter is long dead.

Slowing undead. Yes, at lower levels this is great. At higher levels it is resisted too much to be worthwhile. I'll use it in a place like Howling Stones when messing about, but certainly wouldn't rely on it as I would a Shaman or Enchanter slow.

The pet. Mages and Beastlords have much better pets. At higher levels our pet cannot tank. Mobs just eat them alive too fast. Most necromancers use them like an additional DoT and don't have them go toe to toe with a mob.

Therefore, as has already been said...leave the classes alone. They're fine as is. Especially wizards played by Elinda...they tend to crit too much...

With the new spells you have you can do decent dps on mobs that die fast too.
I dont say your utility's are great or the best. But you have alot of them, alot more of them then wizards and alot more usefull then wizards. You out dps (burst and sustained) wizards and have alot more/better utils. I dont call it fair. However, its not gamebreaking so I wont quit over it. If it ever comes to the point where raids dont want wizards, then mby I will quit. But tbh I dont think thats about to happen, do you? ;)
#17 Dec 29 2005 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
I deleted my initial post because, reading back over what you said about each class, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about. I guess if some one was going to make a thread like this, it'd be some one like you.

Edited, Thu Dec 29 11:41:35 2005 by SceltorEltor
#18 Dec 29 2005 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
Paladins - Small boost?
Good tanks, uber agro, some util. However, their stun spells needs abit of a boost. It was mby overpowered in the past but nowadays all mobs are lvl 70+ and thus unstunnable so basicly they use stun as a taunt only. One stun, with semilong recasttime that effects lvl 70+ mobs mby?

The current deal with pally aggro is that we still have the best *insta-aggro* on mobs. The problem is that this aggro is a set amount and doesn't really build over time. Others can quickly build more aggro due to DoT's etc. This almost forces pallys to damn near chain stun to keep up with the hate being generated by necros/shamans, etc.

That being said, in normal grouping situations this really isn't that much of an issue unless someone is purposely trying to out-aggro me.

I am however starting to see a trend where folks would rather have a warrior/sk tank than a pally simply due to the dps factor. With most mobs either 70+ or tagged stun immune, the damage mitigation pallys used to have is all but gone.

Our undead issues have been somewhat addressed with a new line of slay undead AA's and more undead content in DoDh. From what I read high end pallys can now almost reach rogue like dps against undead. Certainly gives us something to look forward to.

I am pretty happy with Paladin's at the moment.
#19 Dec 29 2005 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
329 posts
Necromancers have burst DPS? Where?

I dont say your utility's are great or the best. But you have alot of them, alot more of them then wizards and alot more usefull then wizards.

Yes, but you list the utilities as reasons to nerf necros. Therefore, a rebuttal was required. Wizards can both port and evac, two vital utilities that necros do not have. How are they not useful to wizards?
#20 Dec 29 2005 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
These oppinions are based on reading alot of class forums, veteran lounge, allakhazam forums, parses (some of which can be found here: ) and talking to people ingame and in guild.
They are oppinions, remember that. Some might even be straight down incorrect since much is based on hearsay. I havent played any other class then Wizard really so..

So you don't know what you're talking about.
#21 Dec 29 2005 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
ok,,,I agree with leaving the classes alone with one exception.

The Necro...and this would only affect the Necro Epic 1.0.

A long time ago...the druid epic 1.0 was the same as the Necro epic, it had the Dot and a snare component that was probably the most resisted spell of all! This made the Druid epic practically useless.....just like the Necro epic is now.

The Dev's removed the snare component from the Druid epic but left the Necro epic as is.

IMHO, I beleive they should remove the snare component from the Necro Epic, thus making it something that is useful rather than just a status item.

Now I realize that this is more of an item nerf as opposed to a class nerf but it's kinda close.
#22 Dec 29 2005 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
1,156 posts
For a wizard to hit burst DPS, he really just needs a single "good" nuke to land on a mob. With the dumbing down of the recast times, no need to chain two or more spells in most cases.

For us to get ahead of them, we need three entire lines to land. Many, many, raid targets these days have really high resists and deny us two even three entire spell lines.

You would be shocked to learn that the Anguish+ types have at least two of the new top ten tied up in "we are a DPS class and cannot do enough damage on raid targets.. something has to change".

Sounds like a Druid from the healing smack on Clerics. Didya know that a 70 Beastlord with all the AAs can provide more net healing over time than a 70 Druid? Touch more total DPS too.. NERF BEASTLORDS!
#23 Dec 29 2005 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Smiley: disappointed
#24 Dec 29 2005 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
1,156 posts
MentalFrog wrote:
Smiley: disappointed

What does that mean?

Yes, we as a DPS class are screwed when we can only land say "Fire" dots. While Mages and Wizards can still go full bore with a single Fire DD.

Yes, Beastlords can out heal a Druid.

Yes, nothing can come close to outhealing a cleric.

Your point is?
#25 Dec 29 2005 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
It means this whole thread is a disappointment.
#26 Dec 29 2005 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,156 posts
So sorry.. I took that personally.
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