This is a start and needs to be updated (I think), cause all of these work through 70 spells:
There are seven Planar Focus items. Note that all Planar Focus items now come with a suit of Phantom Plate pre-equipped upon summoning.
Diamond Prism of Companionship (Summoner's Boon) - Bought in the North Ro Wayfarer's camp for 760 adventure points. Focuses 59 thru 65 pets, including epic. This is a first magnitude planar pet focus, and provides a first magnitude increase in level, maximum damage, midigation, and HP.
Gloves of Dark Summoning (Minion of Darkness) - Dropped by Thall Va Kelun in Vex Thal. Focuses 59 thru 65 pets, including epic. This is a second magnitude planar pet focus, and provides a second magnitude increase in level, maximum damage, midigation, and HP.
Symbol of Ancient Summoning (Minion of Eternity) - Dropped by Bertoxxulous in the Plane of Time. Focuses 59 thru 65 pets. This is a third magnitude planar pet focus, and provides a third magnitude increase in level, maximum damage, midigation, and HP.
Flamestone of the Arcane (Minion of Eternity) - Dropped in the Ikkinz raid Chamber of Transcendence off the Guardians of Trascendence, and Vrex Xalkak Nixki. Focuses 59 thru 65 pets. This is a third magnitude planar pet focus, and provides a third magnitude increase in level, maximum damage, midigation, and HP.
Ruby Ring of Embellishment (Minion of Eternity) - Dropped in Yxxta off the Primal Insect. Focuses 59 thru 65 pets. This is a third magnitude planar pet focus, and provides a third magnitude increase in level, maximum damage, midigation, and HP.
Cherished Companion Shard (Ritual Summoning) - Dropped in the Rujarkian Hills Time-level raid. Focuses 61 thru 65 pets. This is a fourth magnitude planar pet focus, and provides a fourth magnitude increase in level, maximum damage, midigation, and HP.
Jennu's Sandals of Creation (Ritual Summoning) - GoD Muramite boot armor for Magicians, drops in Qvic and Inktu`ta. Focuses 61 thru 65 pets. This is a fourth magnitude planar focuses, and provides a fourth magnitude increase in level, maximum damage, midigation, and HP.
Gemstone of Dark Flame (Minion of Discord) - Dropped in Txevu off Zum'Muram Tkarish Zyk. Focuses 61 thru 65 pets. This is a fifth magnitude planar focus, and provides a fifth magnitude increase in level, maximum damage, midigation, and HP.
But, basically, unless you are raiding, you have three choices.
LDoN augmentation - Diamond Prism of Companionship
DoN Range Item - Required level 70
RSS Drop Range Item - nodrop from a zone thats level 69 to zone into.