Either one you pick wont make that big of a differance at lower levels, but at higher levels the choice you make is really going to stick out.
For offense Clerics seem to be better at melee and Druids seem to be better at DoTs
I have never played a cleric but the last thing you want is to have a cleric CHing the group and then running into melee range. This is a quick way to get one dead cleric. Every time I hear the term Battlecleric I load my healing spell set.
For defense it's plate vs. leather, does either class have an inherent benefit over the other defensivly?
At higher levels the plate vs. leather arguement means little. Neither class is designed to take damage for an extended period of time.
For other stuff it's SoW, buffs and ports vs. heals, HP buffs and rez's.
Druids have abit more to offer than that. You are forgetting about a very important spell called a Damage Shield, as DPS is an issue every little bit helps.
Druids also have the ability to do some makeshift crowd control.
Clerics have the upper hand when it comes to undead but in the same aspect druids have the upper hand when it comes to animals.