I saw in a post earlier a site called eqecon.com that i didn't know about before a couple days ago. So this got me thinking about starting a post for everyone to get a good reference to good EQ websites.
So i dont get flamed (or banned) ALLAKHAZAM is THE BEST EVERQUEST WEBSITE around IMO!! that being said...
1. Casters realm (eq.crgaming.com) - Good for class info, Good AA database, Epic Quest's, some good guides.
2. EQRankings.com - see where you rank in Everquest
3. Magelo.com - Put your Character online and look at everyone elses.
4. eqtraders.com - Everything about tradeskills.
5. everquest.station.sony.com - BOOO!!! no im just playin, sony website.
6. eqecon.com - The economy of everquest bazzar for (almost) every server. crazy.
7. eqinterface.com - Change your interface to something good : )
8. rpgexpert.com - good guides on everquest along with some other RPG's
I play a shammy, so here are a couple Shammy websites...
1. crucible.samanna.net - The spirit realm. good forum.
2. eqshaman.com
There is my list, anything im missing?