Morning everyone,
Logged in last night to take advantage of the good ole 30 double exp buff.
I had camped in Dulak Harbor and immediately formed a small group with a Pally and a Beastmaster. Pulls were slow. Pally wanted to be the puller and I really wasn't in that much of a hurry so I didn't mind. Then we added a rogue and she started pulling. No problem. I can easily handle double pulls. EXP bar was slowly moving along. Finally a Warrior and a Necro came by and joined.
The War Hero (Warrior) was a badasre and started pulling multiple mobs (3 or 4) and then asked for a heal. This all happened within 15 seconds of joining. I gave him a rune and that lasted a few seconds. Then he realized that he wasn't getting a heal and trained to the zone.
The next statement was something along the lines of "Why the $%^^$# didn't the cleric heal me?"
I memmed Gate spell, gated to POK, and logged. I was laughing the whole time...
Moral to this story: Make sure you know the capability and classes of your group before you get stupid.
I love eq!