When OOW came out you could take a good shammy friend go to NC and duo nameds at the Drunt/agressive camp and get level 66-68 spells that were very useful..
NOW with DoDH for 1 level 68 spell you need to do 5 missions for a barely useful spell.. I am level 70 with over 630 AA's including ALL tanking AA's and I can not tank half these missions!!! Sooo although I would like to get my level 68 and 69 spell.. Looks like I will simply live without until SOE comes to the senses and makes a way for those of us not time/Qvic geared to get them..
I resent that getting around these new zones not ONLY takes being invised at all times, but also requires some form of flying.. and of course paladins have no way of doing either..
I go LFG these days and over 75% of the time when I AM invited to a group it is for a Creator DON. Now most of the time the ones asking me are just as SICK of doing them as I am, BUT for those of us not UBER (and I still think I am a decently equipped paladin who plays well BTW: I buff to 12k/2200AC), where else can ya spend 45-90 min and get over 1 AA XP, get the means to buy something useful (still have room for 3-4 more augs), get a shot at VERY USEFUL/VALUABLE trade items and even the random rare item drops are good..
Edited, Mon Oct 10 11:31:24 2005 by thurvok