Knowing when to succor is part of being a good druid. You should be able to gauge your groups abilities after a few pulls and by then you won't be waiting for a call to succor you'll know exactly when it's needed.
Lord xythex hit the nail on the head. Succor/Exodus is a skill that is learned over time and part of playing your toon well. There is no formula for succor such as:
(2 players down) x (druid at 25% mana) + (daytime in Norrath) = evac (lol)
As you progress through the levels you will develop that gut instinct for when to succor. As a general rule groups get pissy when you evac when not necessary. On the contrary, they also get pissy if the group wipes with no evac cast. You will do both in the learning process; just learn from your mistakes.
There are also other uses for exodus. I have evaced myself on a bad pull (me pulling and not to group yet), sparing the group the hassle. I've seen played run in and evac just another person that's in trouble (rare, but happens). Sometimes you're also faced with the decision of WHO to evac. Kite groups can get spread out like crazy. You then must position yourself next to the other players that can rez, thus reducing your downtime for recovery greatly.
As a general rule evac is a last resort. In rss grp with only one toon capable of tanking, evac goes as soon as that person goes down. If your in a different situation where there are alternate methods to kill the mob (kite, someone else tank, etc) you need to hold off longer and think what's best to keep grp alive without evacing. And then some fights just have to be fought out. Everyone has had that solo fight sometime in the game when they defeat the mob and have 1% health to spare. As mentioned above some fights deep in a dungeon just need to be fought to the death, since the time taken to get back would be similar if you died (and had to summon to GL), or if you evaced and had to fight through the whole dungeon again.
Just abusing my 2 cp's worth, hope this helps =)