I started a thread similar to this and I have seen a few others. I'm not sure why, but not many people are responding to any of these threads posting information.
Normally, when peeps sit on info they are trying to reap the benefits of their knowledge without competition from others, but in this case the info requested is for instanced zones, so there is no competition. From what I have seen, most everyone I know are running through the same 1-3 missions over and over to farm exp (either exp or AA exp). I can't remember how many missions ago I have seen anyone actually want the toy in the chest anymore, as everyone has been through the mission enough times to already have it (or are playing a toon that can't use it)...
I know there is a brownie mission, but I have no idea what drops for doing that mission. I know there is a mission just outside entrance to guk, but no idea what prize drops in that one either. Surely there are more than the 2 missions in Nek forest, 1 in BB, 1 in Lfay, 1 in lavastorm (become naggy!), 1 in Guk and the one that used to be in West Commons before they pulled it. The expansion says the missions are spread over the old world zones. No one has found any others they are willing to advertise??????