I'm currently with a guild that has been doing quite a bit of LDON grinding lately. I belong to a family style guild, where most of the people have all of the new expansions. We're looking at trying out DoN adventures or possibly a couple of OOW expiditions. I've heard from two other players that OOW expiditions are "open" in attendance format, where players can enter and leave the group while the instance is going on.
1) How exactly do DoN and expeditions work? Do you need to do any pre-flagging (like you had to do with LDON)?
2) What are there level restrictions within the groups for both OOW and DON?
3) Once the instance starts can other people enter and leave the group? Is there any restrictions on level or number of players if this happens?
4) How exactly do radiant crystals work? I know you can purchase items with them (similar to LDON favor points). I assume the type of adventure you do (good/evil) will grant you an ebon or radiant crystal?
5) For DoN is there an faction hits taken by doing a certain type of adventure.
Off the subject there appears to be some solo quests out there as well. Are these worth the effort?
Edited, Mon Sep 5 14:04:12 2005 by Valzarius