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Lucid Shard CampsFollow

#27 Aug 28 2005 at 7:13 PM Rating: Good
45 posts
I love how many times folks use the word *friggin* when talking about the ME shards. Sony - in case you don't know , thats utter frustration ME sucked to get shards. The Kill Stealers are the worst inthat zone - let alone the randomness and rarity of named gorangas spawning. Its downright ridiculous. However i had to vote for Fungus Grove. While ME is a headache , FG is somewhat complicated by a few factors. NO ONE goes to FG. There are no clerics in that zone , chanters, one. U die , your pretty much on your own. Oh also , dont forget the fact in ME you have a couple of different camps to go find yoru shards at. FG has one. One camp .ONE!!!! hahahahhahah - so if you have , ooo say a guild that wants VT access , have fun here. 1 camp, and ....5 mobs is it? They all have ridiculous Luclin hit points and the drops are so rare that camping there with a group of people who all need a shard could be a loooong looong process.
Now , i don't mean to get off on a rant here....but
it's along the same lines as SSRA camps mentioned below by another poster. Its ridiculous that an entire guild has to try and kill one named form every floor , and they only pop every so often- and forget about several guilds working on the same thing at the same time. That just cant happen. Go ahead and try to camp Comm2 when someone else is already running all over the second floor trying to get one to pop. You wil get your head bit off.
I wouldnt know about anguish access as i have not yet begun to delve into that , but it sounds like Sony did a MUCH better job allowing people to find the mobs for signets alot easier , and alot less time consuming than VT ever was.
By the time i created a VT key , the dungeon was outdated. No one even wants to deal with the 1 million hit point mobs that drop loot that's remedial at best , compared to whats available now.
I wil be the first one to stand up and say quit revamping zones (like paw and mistmoore) but VT is one place where the loot table definitly needs an upgrade to even be comparable to what people can get in newer expansions.
FG shards are the worst imho. ME is a close second - and the whole process of gaining access to VT is so entirely worthless now that i cant see anyone willingly going thru that kind of torture for a dungeon no one wants to step foot in anymore.

#28 Aug 28 2005 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
All soloable by a 70 druid my top 3 would be Acrylia, Akheva and the Deep you are better off with a friend;)
#29 Aug 28 2005 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
I'm surprised nobody's complained about AC's shard camp yet. Its a pain in the behind to get to, a truly royal pain to CR in. And was the longest camp by far for me...I sharded up 3 chars @ once, so had to do each camp long enough to score 3 shards and EASILY the longest time I spent anywhere was AC. FG was the quickest, also by far.

Toucan Tanksem
of Vallon Zek, Sebilis, Venril Sathir, Antonius Bayle, and now Toukan of Povar
#30 Aug 28 2005 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
When I read this I read it to mean 'shards'. I read above that some are saying Ssra cause you had to get the emp key then get the piece fro the emp pleas the orb, blah blah.. Yes if you look at all that is needed FROM Ssra then yes hands down it was the hardest. But since the title says "shards" I think he might just mean the shard that drops in the caves from the skellies. If that is the case then it was not hard at all.
I found FG the worse as the bugs were hard to pull without getting several, getting the camp was a ***** since if your invis wore off very few safe places to recast.
#31 Aug 29 2005 at 4:20 AM Rating: Decent
Well, from helping friends camp the shards, I would say ME was worst for them, but since I got it on lvl 4 when someone announced it in the market channel, was pretty easy! Worst for me had to be AR, just because I had no clue what dropped it, so was already down about 6 hours before figuring it out and spending another 12 hours looking for it, lol. Aside from the Orb of Lucinite, everything else was soloable.
#32 Aug 29 2005 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent
151 posts
I read above that some are saying Ssra cause you had to get the emp key

I think you are misreading. The shard from Sssra is hard unless you have a small raid force or a group designed around farming these, because of all the possible adds. The mention of emp key parts was independent of the ssra shard.

Edited, Mon Aug 29 15:49:31 2005 by tchzarmok
#33 Aug 29 2005 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
FG was a nightmare for me it wasnt that it didnt drop much but that i spent 5 days being beat out by people who joined us and then left after they got theirs. I say never again but hey i am a glutton for punishment. However the one i will NOT go back and do ever is The Deep * mumbles something about stupid invisible bridge * that zone is the worse. Oh and i agree those emp key pieces are just as bad.

Sharil Angelsheart
68 Druidess of Tunare
Leader of Storm Over Norrath (Tunare Server)
#34 Aug 29 2005 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
Hardest was prolly ssra bcs of danger. Longest, most annoying to get, despite getting a system to clear 3 ph spawn points down pat, was ME.

I swear that I never saw the shard mobs ever spawn. I only ever found them up after someone else had given up on it and it popped on the next spawn.
#35 Aug 29 2005 at 2:41 PM Rating: Default
I had 2 different experiences for the shard camps.

The first time I camped for shards as a rogue (when LUCLIN first came out), I spent 10+ hours at each camp for the darn things to drop (ME and DS being the worst at over 40 hours per camp). I'd be at a camp going on 10 hours and get to hear how a guildmate got the stupid thing with first spawn. I was about to give up, took me a few months to complete the shard camps.

The second shard camp run, for my enchanter (Just recently. I must have gotten extremely lucky. All I got all 10 shards in the matter of 10 hours of game play. All were solo camps except Ssra basement, where I 2 boxed a rogue (2 deaths, but shard dropped relatively quickly).

I also think the second time around was faster due to all camps being open, there were no bottle necks or KSing taking place.

70 Rogue
#36 Aug 29 2005 at 3:36 PM Rating: Good
1,087 posts
I forgot which one was hardest for me. thinking that zone where you have to walk an invisible bridge, the deep, right?

took me a lot of soloing hours there.
#37 Aug 29 2005 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
Wow, everyone will hate me for saying this, but oh well.

ME was actually my easiest shard. I get a tell from a guildie saying that there is one rotting right by the DSP zoneline. I spent a total of 5 min on a 4+ hour shard.

SSRA was also pretty easy. My guild got a small raid force together and got a total of about 5 shard in an hour.
#38 Aug 29 2005 at 9:06 PM Rating: Good
Although ME was boring if you stood at one part of the zone you could clear three camps and get a good chance at a spawn. I rate this second in hardest jsut because it was kind boring and if you did pop a named it didnt always drop the shard.

SSRA is hard if you are talking about soloing, but if you are doing this with a guild (As you shuold since vt is useless solo) you got to get a group with chanters a MT cleric and a few wizzies. I used to pull the whole tunnel at once and get a shard or two per pull. Got most of the guild's SSRA shards at one time, including a good sum of green metal.

Now the worst is FG. The shard is as rare as the ME shard but you only got about 6 mobs that can drop it. With about 20 mins respawn it took forever to get a whole guild with FG shards. We would be there all day sitting looking at the wall for the warriors and royals to pop.

Com camps are the worst but the coms are not that rare. You HAVE to make sure the coms are not up or you can easily waste your day clearing for nothing. I have at the worst gotten comm2 and comm1 to pop about 4 times in a 12 hour period. At best i have gotten them both 10 times in 12 hour period. Best place (If the comms are not up) to camp is right tube. you can clear the bottom and top at the saem camp and dont ahve to move around that much.

The insigna was awful doing it as a guild. Needing about 50 of them and spenind about two nights killing those boring trash mobs with too much HP (Should have gotten used to it since in vt the mobs have a horrendous amount of HP). Then every other emp kill having to sit there and get about 5-10 more signas before going and killing emp.

All and all i am so glad i did it (Twice i hydra><). My guild was made when PoP came out and we couldnt handle even grummus so we back tracked and did vt. Now we are time flagged and going strong. I am glad we did, not only did i form some of the best eq friendships from all the suffering =P, but VT is one of the funnest zones to go through, eq would have not been the same if i hadnt experianced it.
#39 Aug 30 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
Worst six months of my life between VT and Emp keys. I had nightmares about snakes and shards. I will never key another toon of mine for either one again. But, ME was by far the hardest shard, took me 5 out of those 6 months to get it I think. Ever other one dropped in like an hour or less for me.

70 Prelate
Rise of the Forsaken
#40 Aug 30 2005 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
As I tell every person in my guild that I help get VT keyed...

Forget which camped you've heard is the longest/hardest. While some camps have better drop rates than others, all are on random tables and your experience will vary from every other persons. As an example, ME was, by far, the easiest for me while DSP caves was the hardest - not your typical experience.

Having said that, SSRA caves really require 2 to 3 people (if not a group), but the drops come quickly enough due to the sheer number of the MoBs.

70 Druid

Edited, Tue Aug 30 11:12:58 2005 by Shogunman
#41 Aug 30 2005 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
ME by a mile, drop rate sucks.

One trick to the Seru one tho that I found worked for many an occasion is just go to Katta in the big room there with Rallos in, kill the guards (kill in TM or Nathyns house to remedy faction if you care about Katta faction), and the shards dropped there for Seru very commonly.

Other than that, probably FG was the rarest.
#42 Aug 30 2005 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
I still have 4 to go! 8P
so far tho, ssra has been the tuffest. was pretty easy the night i got mine tho. we just made a raid out of the basement with mezzers and dps casters AEing all of them at once while the melee chiseled away on them... 8D
(we're currently keying our guild for VT)
#43 Aug 31 2005 at 2:56 AM Rating: Decent
Gawd fungus grove took me FOREVER !!! i was down there everyday for 3 weeks for 4 hours at a time before i got mine i hated that zone by the end of it all
#44 Aug 31 2005 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
The shard from Sssra is hard unless you have a small raid force or a group designed around farming these, because of all the possible adds.  The mention of emp key parts was independent of the ssra shard.

The way our guild worked around this was to camp the shard while we were also camping the green metal for Emp bane weapons. Besides it was a ton of fun pulling 15-20 mobs into camp for an AE death. =)

ME was just a pain due to its rarity of a shard dropping spawn. I still help out our newer guildies with Comm camps and shards. Emp key is nothing, We have pouches rotting everytime we do the Cursed cycle, and we kill the insignia mobs for peeps just before we head up to kill the Emperor. We've had a raid force entrenched in VT for a few months now, and have killed AHR twice. Not bad for Al`Kabor....the Mac server that somehow keeps surviving. Into our 3rd year of existance now...and with no PC transfers. Ya gotta have a Mac to play, but it's a free download and key code. Come on peeps! Grab a Mac and join us in a Classic Environment (we have up to Planes of Power only) where the community is the best!
Utdaan Twoswords
65 Forest Stalker of Al`Kabor, Macintosh server
#45 Aug 31 2005 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
I did not find that to be true, atleast not for me. I went there with 3 others and we got the 2 shards needed in around 30 mins. It was Cleric, shaman, ranger and SK we all were about 58-60 at the time and this was before PoP came out so we were in ToV armor.
I would assume with the randomness of the drops and such each person would find a different camp hard.
#46 Apr 28 2009 at 10:26 AM Rating: Default
Seru/Katta Not hard at all to get shards. I just hate destroying my faction. Come to think of it, many years on I am still KOS in Seru.
#47 Apr 29 2009 at 4:47 AM Rating: Decent

Wow. Bump of a nearly 4 year old post.

It's moot now. You can get into Vex Thal based on level now instead of doing the keys/flags.
#48 May 19 2009 at 8:33 AM Rating: Decent
642 posts
i have the scepter IIRC, and paid DEARLY--4 deaths--to get it.

now you say it's level controlled? gah!

and thanks for the necro post, i've changed my mind from an hour ago--think i'm coming back after a 2 yearish absence.
#49 May 21 2009 at 7:04 AM Rating: Good
Bumps of mummified polls, especially when irrelevant, are teh fail. I'd rate you down but I let my account expire so I'll just hate from a distance...
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