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Lucid Shard CampsFollow

#1 Aug 26 2005 at 9:07 PM Rating: Excellent
1,088 posts
Which of the Lucid Shard camps (for the Vex Thal key) did you find to be the most difficult?
I have not attempted any shard camps:128 (10.9%)
Acrylia Caverns:31 (2.6%)
Akheva Ruins:42 (3.6%)
Dawnshroud Peaks:18 (1.5%)
Fungus Grove:149 (12.7%)
Maiden's Eye:399 (34.1%)
Scarlet Desert:6 (0.5%)
Seru / Katta:38 (3.2%)
Ssraeshza Temple:257 (21.9%)
The Deep:50 (4.3%)
The Grey:14 (1.2%)
No answer:39 (3.3%)

(Note: You must be a registered user to vote in a poll.)
#2 Aug 27 2005 at 1:35 AM Rating: Decent
ME hands down Friggin HARD AS HELL!!!!! stupid see inis, love to spawn near camp, friggin love to be in groups, love beings shades for add mobs....GRRR I ****IN HATED ME!!!!!
SSRA shard wasn't very fun either!!!!!!!! why hello thar PBAE GROUPS for NO EXP!!!!!!!!
only thing worse than this were the com keys =/ hell anguish shards were easier than this =/(lord that was the first thing I thought of........VT again =/)
#3 Aug 27 2005 at 3:26 AM Rating: Default
Ssra was the most difficult for me. Pull one skeleton and end up with about 50! All of the other camps were just long.
#4 Aug 27 2005 at 6:37 AM Rating: Good
1,257 posts
Well I havent finished them yet..
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#5 Aug 27 2005 at 6:40 AM Rating: Decent
15 posts
Harder then all the shards is emp key parts.. way to rare to spawn commanders with guilds looking for parts. Maidens eye shard is same way had folks train,charm and down right out dps you for shard. Bottle necks keeping alot of folks out of content needed for progression. Bah then you got guilds farming emp for horses..
#6 Aug 27 2005 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
ME was mind-numbingly long and boring and took me MANY different times camping it. Stupid named mobs would never pop for me. ME was the first shard I started on and the last one I got. I would rather have to get 2 of each of the other ones than one ME.

Of course after I had mine I would see the frigging nameds up almost every single frigging time I would cross the zone on my way to the VT raids. GAHHH! I would get so mad lol.

Ssra would be second just because the stupid thing took a long time to drop.

#7 Aug 27 2005 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
52 posts
For me as a rogue, the ME camp was the most difficult based mostly on the spawn times. I spent a total of eight hours camping here before the mob spawned.

Ssraeshza Temple was the second most difficult, due to the linked mobs. Like a previous poster stated: pull one, get 50. ;)

Tied for third would be FG and The Deep. While getting to these isn't difficult for a rogue, getting a group of people through the hordes of mobs hoping that their invisibility spell/potion doesn't randomly drop or otherwise fail (a mob that sees through it) is
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#8 Aug 27 2005 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
SSRA shard is really easy... when keying up a guild, take a small raid force a bit into the caves, (there is a spot where you can pull from about 4 directions) and pull tons of them and ae them to death... we got 12 shards in an hour while trying to get SGM. Only got 2 SGM tho, =/
#9 Aug 27 2005 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
I was able to solo every shard EXCEPT SSRA, IF you can get a couple of groups and level the caves continually, sure, but solo or single group, SSRA is by far the most difficult...
#10 Aug 27 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
151 posts
Ssra remains the hardest for me.

Harder then all the shards is emp key parts.. way to rare to spawn commanders

Be sure that no commanders are on track. Only 1 can be up at a time, and sometimes it spawns behind the locked door on the way to assassin. If none are on track, then you should have a decent chance at spawning a comm; this reflects my own experience. I have spent multiple 10+ hour days camping comm 2, but without a tracker. For all I know, a comm was spawned somewhere preventing the comm 2 to spawn.

In regards to ME,

I'm 4 for 4 on named kills and shards obtained, but only at 1st and 2nd camps from DSP. I've camped the two spots nearest Akheva Ruins and Umbral Plains. Never saw a named at the camp near Umbral, and killed a dozen or so named nearest AR without a shard drop.

If you do go after the 1st and 2nd camps (my recommendation), before pulling 2nd camp, be sure to trigger all the traps along the way first and get those mobs killed. Kill a few roamers that could possibly add as well.

I used a mage for all my pulling. Inivised, sow'd, that way when I trigger a trap, the mob probably won't see me (some do), and use pet to pull. Will still get a few adds from mobs assisting, but you'll get fewer adds by being invis.

When it comes time to pull the 2nd camp, my (68) mage had no problems getting 2 instead of all three, by sending pet on the mob spawned closest in the direction of Umbral Plains. The 3rd mob (that didn't agro) is the named/ph spawn.

Edit 1: spelling
Edit 2: I duo'd and trio'd the ME camps with Mage/Mage and Mage/Mage/Chanter, respectively. Mage levels were 68 and 63. Chanter was 60 at the time. The 68 Mage used lvl 65 earth pet, while 63 used lvl 61 air pet. I multi-boxed them all. Mentioning this just to show alternative group possibilities (no holy trio).

Edited, Sat Aug 27 13:08:37 2005 by tchzarmok

Edited, Sat Aug 27 13:21:03 2005 by tchzarmok
#11 Aug 27 2005 at 12:02 PM Rating: Default
Maiden's Eye sucked the worse by far, I killed the 2 goranga camps near AR for an entire night until I got it, was the first tim eI sat for more than 3 or less spawns before that I would just give up after a few but finally had everything but that shard ready for combine so I just sat and did it. And I never ever intend on doing it again :)
#12 Aug 27 2005 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
I would have to say the Grey. This is usually considered the easiest camp, next to DSP. In fact, I was told that I would have it in half an hour tops. 6 hours later a shard dropped. A shard. I must have cleared the camp a few dozen times. Meanwhile about 12 epic 1.5 pieces dropped, and a shaman came by and completed a task involving the slaying of revenants. To add insult to injury, this was my second time camping this shard, last time it dropped in 5 min but I lost the roll. A guild raid started and I had to go.

Edited, Mon Aug 29 18:25:09 2005 by Hoppie

Edited, Mon Aug 29 18:21:31 2005 by Hoppie
#13 Aug 27 2005 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
574 posts
Lol unfortunately for me it was Scarlet Desert, spent about 6 hours there killing every sun revenant I could see. It was only on my way to GE to solo Grieg that I realised you could get to the top of the mountain in the middle. Felt a bit retarded when I worked it out.

Solo'd ME mob on server up and got easy, then on my way back from the grey shard camp I bumped into an FG group and got that one in 20 minutes. Deep I got from an open raid on burrower beast. Although I wasn't too fond of the Emp key parts since I did it with a guild rotation and they kept moving me to other camps so i'd be at the back of the queue.
The Real Iksar

#14 Aug 27 2005 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
As a bard, challenged myself to do them solo. most where pretty easy. Lots of tricks with lull and charm. The Grey, AR and ME was easy cause i could swarm all the mobs. Scarlet desert, Sanctus Seru=chant kite. The Deep took awhile, but past the invis bridge they are more common, camping the shrink wand you see so many rot. SSRA was hard just do to the mobs huge agro range. But lull helped, and using charm to have a few adds killed then run around a corner and fade off agro to break the camp works. Toughest i guess was FG. Couldnt charm level 62 mobs, couldnt meelee them effectively either. Well, not back then. Near the big bug thing in the very center, pulled a mob into the tunnel. Charmed a pathing bug in the tunnel which was charmable. Took 2 pets to kill a bug. That is the most memorable/toughest shard I experienced
#15 Aug 27 2005 at 5:05 PM Rating: Default
I never had any problems with any of the shard camps really (except ssra, that one is a b*tch trying to camp it solo, everythings sowed and super close together, died several times from trains heh), but I found fg to be the longest. I took me something like 3 hours to get a drop from it, it was just lame, and that was after the change to make shards more common. I got madiens eye shard on my first kill of a goranga, it wasn't really that hard imo heh. Easy to single the mobs using lull or fd split, and its not to hard to avoid adds ethier. So for diffculty I definately think its the ssra shard, for rarity fg wins in my book :/
#16 Aug 27 2005 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
SSRA. And as a forenote, this is from the perspective of a 65 cleric, this was before i had Ward proc, I had about 5000hp/1250AC/5k pool virted, zealoot, kei. And 75(?)ish aa's. My thoughts on some trouble spots:

ME: It really isn't -that- bad if you play your cards right. At least, some of the suffering can be averted. I camped the old fashioned way for a while. Got tired of it, and tried something simple. I just parked my level 42 ranger on the hill (invis of course) near one of the camps, near the middle of the zone. Log in every day, see if a named is up. It took time--it didnt take any trouble. Saved a lot of tedious camping.
Also, ME can be easily navigated with invis potions, heck even IVU. You just have to know what you're doing and be attentive. Con everything, and avoid accordingly. I think a lot of people wouldn't believe how easily you could bend the absolutes of this game; the two examples of absolute death running through me, and absolute pita camp being two good ones.

The Deep: 1 groupable. This one is really not hard at all, if you can kill the mobs, you're golden. Much harder solo of course, due to see invis and mob proximity, but you won't be going into vt alone--so bring the others who need shards.

FG: When i camped these it took a while to drop for us, but the mobs themselves were like any other mob. After kos, invis to the camp. True, even with good pulls you could get wandering adds, but you could note repop time, or just do whatever you do with adds. The fortunate thing is that the adds are not certain here.

I did seru for the seru/katta one. Before you're kos, its just another camp. Just walk away from Optios. After you're kos, just manage your space wisely. You'll get adds for sure, but again, that's to be expected in a group.

Etc: A lot of the others were just simple camp-jobs. Kill stuff, and keep at it. Some longer than others of course, but they were all doable.

Now, ssra... yes you could take precautions. But there were a lot of factors here and you couldnt necessarily knock them all out alone--even grouped, it could be annoying. Of course, with a group that could take the other shards, this one could be done too, just with a bit more difficulty here and there. Alone it's pandora's box waiting to happen. Only 1 real camp spot besides the hall entrance, and there are 2 you had to keep cleared there. Plus, the agro range ensured if you didnt have snare or a quick stun, you'd have more really fast. That made it hard to paci too--you have to paci a lot of them to get them solo, if you are doing the camp inside the cave where the two are, you could paci 4 or 5 and still get an add. Not to mention paci's cast time and short duration. And that's assuming you could IVU a few feet out to target the ones around walls. Not to mention they summon (a lot do anyway). And they aren't junky mobs either--for a cleric with my stats, a challenge, and for lower levels, a real fight. I'd hate to be level 55 and pull 6 of them.
Even after that, it still is a matter of the shard dropping.

In my experience, some of them were long, some were dangerous, but SSRA had the most potential to defeat your planning. Not to say some weren't bad--but I thought ssra was worse. I finally got it there, with a group of me and 3 ubers (rogue, pal, nec) hunting a pally epic drop. They pulled the entire cave and pally tanked with group heals. I guess if you can do that, the camp isnt so bad, but then, if you can do that you probably arent going to VT ;)

Think that covers about all i can think to say.

Edited, Sat Aug 27 18:28:04 2005 by Airport
#17 Aug 27 2005 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
I got lucky...ME shard on first kill...stayed there forever helping guildies, but for me...Ssra was the worst. Blasted skellies...exp was decent, but took forever to get the drop.
#18 Aug 27 2005 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
530 posts
OMG Seru I killed so many it is not funny, then on way out like 2 more dropped cruel i say cruel
#19 Aug 27 2005 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
I solo'd all of them back when I was lvl 65 in the PoP era. Doable for a necro but some were very challenging. Ssra was definately the toughest, I barely managed it. FG, akheva, and the deep were also challenging solo. The rest were easier but some just took forever. Maiden's eye really sucks, waiting for those named and sometimes even the named don't even drop it, and back then especially lots of people camped them and would try to get them before you the instant they popped.
#20 Aug 27 2005 at 9:54 PM Rating: Decent
Be sure that no commanders are on track. Only 1 can be up at a time

This is untrue...Have many times had Comm1 and Comm2 up at same time.
#21 Aug 27 2005 at 11:07 PM Rating: Decent
160 posts
I agree whole-heartedly. Ssraeshza Temple is, by FAR, the hardest Lucid Shard to acquire. Difficult, because I can't see many occasions in which this shard could be solo'd or duo'd. The Soriz skellies are VERY social and they add together about as fast as the mobs add in the Plane of Fear.

The shard in Maiden's Eye is the most "frustrating", but not the most "difficult" to acquire. Frustrating because:
* Not everyone knows where the shard mobs spawn (for those first working on the ME shard)
* The infrequency of the spawn for the shard mobs
* Just because they spawn doesn't mean the shard will drop
* Add all this together, and then you bring a group with you to camp for the shard and the drop rate is SO infrequent, sometimes you only see one drop in 6 hours and you lost the roll to get it, so you end up coming back and camp with a group for another 6 hours to see it go to someone else and...

#22 Aug 28 2005 at 2:36 AM Rating: Decent
151 posts
Have many times had Comm1 and Comm2 up at same time.

I will stand corrected then. It was mentioned to me that only 1 can be up at a time, and in all the countless hours camping/tracking, I've never seen more than 1 up at a time. So, it was a natural progression to go from 3rd hand information to solid 1st hand information. But, it seems it was all coincidence.
#23 Aug 28 2005 at 3:31 AM Rating: Decent
ME can be a pain in the butt, but honestly isn't all that bad. At least for me it wasn't too bad, but i'm a druid :P I just either bound myself out there, and would run through the zone checking track, or just port to DSP and run through ME tracking a few times a day. It was MUCH easier to find a named up this way than camping for hours. I got at least 4-5 of my toons ME shard this way, and a few others for friends/guildies. It was also easy for me to fight them because i would just pull the named one to the North/Northwest area where the roamers don't go, snare them, and egress. By the time you get back, they are single, and the only real problem you worry about is them gating. In those cases, you just pull the 2 surrounding ones, snare/root and kill them. Hope that helps yall who need it.
#24 Aug 28 2005 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
Boy all these votes for ME, I must have gotten really lucky, zoned in, saw named on track. Ran to mob and got to see mob die to a camping druid just as I crested the hill. A bit of chatting and discovered the druid was after drops not shards and let me loot it!!! :)

Seru on the other hand took me several days camping several spawns for a few hours a day. When it finally dropped got a second one for someone who was in zone looking for shards also in a matter of minutes.

Fungus grove was a P.I.T.A also, 8 hours to get 3 shards. I guess I dont even recall Ssra at all, must not have been to bad then. Scarlet took some time also. Took friend there warning him of how long mine took only to have his drop almost immediately!!! Grrr!!!!! :)
#25 Aug 28 2005 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
187 posts
The wacky thing about shard camps is that it is gonna be different for every person.

For me the easy camps basing on level of mobs and drop rates were katta, ME, Dsp, AC, SSra(we farmed these with a raid force while we farmed named for the ore for bane weapons), and the grey.

The tougher ones for me based off drop rates, mob levels, etc were SD(5 hours before I got my shard), FG(really low drop rate here), deep, AR(rouble rousers have a billion hp and the named has even more + plus low drop rate).
#26 Aug 28 2005 at 1:35 PM Rating: Good
147 posts
Most of these camps took a few hours time. I also assisted many others in finding and killing shard dropping mobs so they can aquire a key. I made some observations doing this that I think helps explain the best way to hunt shards.

Observation 1 - Team up with at least 2 others hunting shards if possible. Why? Because when they begin dropping, there WILL be multiple drops (typically 3) inside a 30 minute time frame, then they 'run dry' for hours again. This proved true in Ssra Temple, Ahkeva Ruins, The Grey, Dawnshroud Peaks, Scarlet Desert, Fungus Grove, and Acrylia Caverns. The other 3 zones (Sanctus Seru, Maiden's Eye, and The Deep) do not follow this drop pattern.

Observation 2 - Some mobs are much better than others for the drop rate. In Sanctus Seru, for example, a Legionare of the Hand seems to have a very high chance of dropping a shard. I tend to camp the guards at the Marus Seru side for shards. In Maidens Eye, just camp the Seer. He tends to pop more often then any other name in the zone. I spent 50+ hours here for myself, and I never saw the Prophet or Battlemaster. I HAVE seen the Seer pop back to back once (EVER).

For me, Ssra was the most difficult camp, (adds aren't just possible - they're manditory on all pulls, even using pacify), and ME the most annoying camp by miles and miles (getting a name to pop is like finding moonrocks lying about on earth - you can, but good luck).

As a 70 enchanter, I was able to solo most of the shards, save Ahkeva and Ssra, with FG being VERY hard to solo, but possible. The Deep is actually quite easy if you hunt by the illusionary bridge, but you will only have access to about 5 possible shard droppers there.
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