I am a 66 monk and I am really sick of joining the "Family Guilds" that have 100 players from lvl 1 to 50. I want a guild that does more then talk to each other in guild chat. So I have started useing the new LF guild tool. Every guild I have found that looks half way decent requires you have EP flags or better. Now how the SDF# are players supposed to get to EP without a decent guild? My current flags are simply POJ and BOT. I never see any pick up raids for MB or any other flagging for that matter. It is just so blasted annoying how strict and nasty players are getting with requirements for there guild. So I guess any somewhat newer player that enters the game is just SOL? I guess they want you to join a guild that does flagging then leave them and go to theres??
Anyways I just had to get that rant out of the way. I am really sick of feeling like a reject. My monk compared to most my level is severely underequiped. I got mainly bazaar bought gear and 13 aa points. My charactor is fairly new, but I am not some newbie that doesn't know anything about the game. And as anybody knows you can not expect to get flags, epic 1.5's/2.0 or any decent no drop gear without a good guild. It just seems like a endless loop though cause you can't get a good guild without the good loot and flags and such?
Any suggestions?