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What's the dumbest thing you've done in EQ?Follow

#27 Aug 16 2005 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
The dumbest thing I ever did was when I was playing my wood elf ranger in a group on Vallon probably low 30's. We had a dwarf pally who was pulling and the group was doing really well.....I had to do a quick bio, so I waited til the pally pulled a rygorr centurion then I snared, doted and hit the attack key and then went to the bathroom. I had targeted the pally instead of the NPC. When I came back all of the rest of the group was laughing at me.....except for the dead pally. He actually it took it pretty well.

Bring, the Ranger

Yes I have snared myself many times

#28 Aug 16 2005 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
My wizard Dings 49 during the middle of a quad kite in EW. I root the one remaining mob and load up my spiffy new Ice Comet spell (back when the spell did like 1200 damage).

Cast the spell for the first time and Bam! Loading.....

I nuked myself.. right in front of a raid that was forming. At least I got a quick rez and raid buffed :)

More recently, I was on a raid that was going poorly. I was asked to TL someone to PoK and accidently ported my group out instead.

#29 Aug 16 2005 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Snare/Root self

LoH the Mob

Run off the platform in Kelethin, thinking I was levitated.

Have yet to HT myself though...but not ruling it out for the future...

Edited, Tue Aug 16 14:15:03 2005 by Dothammer
#30 Aug 16 2005 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
Although the dumb things I've done in EQ are myriad, one that stands out recently was one of my early exploratory trips to the Bloodfields. I ported in with my mage (two-boxing) and fired up my tracking to see if any named were about. Once I got one in my sights, I ran off the bridge to go find it. The only trouble is, I'd forgotton to levitate myself. SPLAT!

#31 Aug 16 2005 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
i was camping to rathe lake with a freind we where doing druid epic 1.0 so we where in teh underwater tower and she whent afk and her EB wore off but i cast it so it told me it did and when she came back i told her to watch going afk while underwater with EB on because she might die then a few mins later i go afk and m EB wears off and im dead bahhh lol
#32 Aug 16 2005 at 1:57 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Dothammer wrote:
Have yet to HT myself though...but not ruling it out for the future...
I've gotten my bard down to 10% by attempting to chant kite myself.

The sad thing is the time involved in doing that before I noticed what was going on.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#33 Aug 16 2005 at 2:54 PM Rating: Good
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
I've done the standard idiotic things, like liching my necro to death (was still very low level for this) and Complete Healing mobs by mistake (I have a tendency to toggle between MT and target mob) even though it's announced.

Debalic tells the group, "a mature wurm will be COMPLETELY HEALED in 10 seconds!"

And don't even realize what I did in time to cancel.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#34 Aug 16 2005 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
Dumbest thing I have ever done besides Leaving EQ for WoW for 2 months? Im an Ogre warrior, so I am the utmost of perfection, my alt on the otherhand is a HE Pally... She's pretty dumb.

Worst though has to be about the 14th or 15th time I tried to run into Qeynos with my bard and forgot my AE damage song was playing... well any zone with big powerful monsters who would otherwise ignore a lowly L10 bard but like to squish them when they play AE damage.

I had good faction with the guards in Kelithin on my Ogre... so I decided I needed to bank really badly, A shammy had shrunk me a while before that... so I went banking. 3-4 minutes later I was happily re-arranging my bags and doing some tailoring sitting in th ebank when low and behold I wasn't little any more. I couldn't get out of the bank. THis wa slong beofre the return home button, my guild was all asleep in bazaar, my friends were offline, zone was dead except a couple newbies.
I did what comes natural to an Ogre, got my bow, targeted the nearest kelithin guard I could see and drew back a shot, "your target is out of range you can't hit them from here" SO I attacked the banker with a bare fist and waited a while for him to slowly pummel me to death. Loading please wait.... Fortunately you can summon your own corpse through tiny doors and attacking one banker doesn't seem to make you public enamy #no1 in Kelithin.
#35 Aug 16 2005 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
239 posts
Quite a few dumb things here...

1. Burning through nearly all my mana nuking, complaining to my group that I keep getting resists, then realizing I kept nuking my charmed pet.

2. Farming Siren's Grotto, thinking it would be faster to bind in WW and use my sledgemallet to proc out to sell, then gate back. Bind myself in WW at zone, open inventory to equip - sledgemallet is in my bank...

3. Raid wiped, with only one group of four left fighting. They announce evac, I slow the giant, evac goes off...oh wait...there's two groups left and I'm the only person in one of them...

4. Join Mistmoore LDoN, everyone's in LFay except me in PoK and leader in BB. Leader gets adventure and starts running to LFay. I take the book into BB instead of GFay. I still do this EVERY time and never realize my mistake until I hit the BB adventure camp on my way to GFay.

#36 Aug 16 2005 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
While I personally have never done anything dumb in EQ (heh!), I did witness a pretty funny "duh!" moment one of my friends had.

Waaaay back in the day, a couple of my friends were playing EQ. We were actually having a lan party (back when people did that). I was watching them. We were pretty much done for the day, but they decided they wanted to duel for fun. One player was a warrior, and the other a bard. Remember, that this was a long time ago, and we'd all "just" started playing, so EQ was pretty new, and no one was using any major tactics. The two were just beating on eachother mostly, and since the bard was a couple levels higher, it seemed like he should have the advantage (I think he had slightly better gear as well).

The guy playing the bard, was marveling at how long it was taking. He had a couple songs going, so he figured he was good. He could dish out some extra damage, and continualy heal himself with his regen song! He'd be a force to recon with!!!

What he forgot though was that both of them were still in a group together. So his regen song was affecting both of them. It took him several minutes to figure out why it seemed like the warrior was gaining HPs at a pretty fast rate. Yeah. Good times...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#37 Aug 16 2005 at 9:14 PM Rating: Decent
This is pretty recent.

Accepted a duel from Xythex after a DoN wipe. We were medding up in the Guild Hall, and waiting for folks to rebuff.

When everyone was done, Dothammer loaded up the Lavastorm port and made sure everyong was gathered round. Of course the port went off and everyone ported to LS, except Xythex and I who were still in PvP mode staring at each other...I think we both realized what happened after 10 seconds. I bolted for the Transport pad, which was still open...he ran for Netekulous Forest Smiley: laugh

Another good one...

In my old guild, we decided to have a dueling tournament in GFay. I was dueling out enchanter, the battle lasted a long time. We were both out of mana, so it came down to clubs. Being a cleric, my melee is slightly better than an enchanters.

She started running in circles, then she bolted south. Me, in the heat of the moment took off after her! She was mine now! Little did I realize that she was running straight for Kelethin.

"You have ruined your own lands Frakkor, you'll not ruin mine!"

There I was killed in my own newb zone, by the very guards that helped raise me...
#38 Aug 17 2005 at 7:01 AM Rating: Decent
Handing a stone glowing stone of expulsion that I had just purchased in the bazaar for my husband's toon and giving it to his pet instead of him :( I was certainly Ms popular that evening. Fortunately a GM saved my marriage lol and returned it
#39 Aug 17 2005 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
First time in ThurgB, exploring in the throne room, marveling at how you can see down through the floor, I jumped up on to what I thought was a table, or pedestle....

Turns out it was the well...

Fell and was killed by a cube...

I was level 34

Never did get the gear back....

#40 Aug 17 2005 at 5:27 PM Rating: Good
Way back in the day I was doing my ranger's newbie quest for his bow, and hit up the island in the Ocean of Tears for the nut that was needed. I got off on the wrong island, and got tired of waiting for the boat, so I decided to jump on one of the rafts and make my own way over there. I got turned around (well before the maps), so I hit autorun to continue heading in one direction. Then I think to myself, (remember, I just started playing) I wonder if I can fish on the raft. So I release the helm, and low and behold there goes the raft out from under me. That was a long swim (over an hour) back to Freeport.
#41 Aug 18 2005 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
For the sake of nostalgia I've got an instance.

Way back in the day (and I mean way back) you could heal and buff mobs. I guess it was all part of the vision or something. Anyways, I'm happily playing my friend's paladin (it was my account, his char though) as he went for an afk or something. I'm fighting a lion in East Commonlands and it's getting to be a close fight. He's at 20%, I'm at 20%. He's at 15%, I'm at 15%. But... haha! I have Laying of Hands! Click, mob goes to full health, I go to dead health.

My friend wouldn't leave me alone about that all day.
#42 Aug 18 2005 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
Ldon we were on the last mobs.Things had not gone well and the nerc.leader was using pet as puller I was mending and not paying attention like I should waiting on next mob to show the puller had missed two hidden mobs the three wiped the puller his owner and the cleric who tried to heal leaving me and a Shammy we got things under control (I thought) and did away with one I told the shammy that I would take my hp down to about 20 and lay hands on my self not to worry about healing just buff and dp what she could (she was low on mana)
I get to 20% hp, one mob about 35% the other about 80ish. I go to lay hands and had not selected myself I was standing so close to the mob that the graphic look like I had healed but by the time I realized I was trying to lay hands on the MOB I was at like 5% and to late lights out. the poor shammy was out of mana and didn't stand a chance by herself so ported by the time the cleric found us the time on the ldon had ran out. This was all my fault and a really dumb thing. Had I paid attention in the first place. We wouldn't have been in that posistion. live and learn die and learn faster.
#43 Aug 18 2005 at 4:21 PM Rating: Default
Ouch... my punctuation...
#44 Aug 18 2005 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
Refer to my "Help me identify my dropped item" post....


Here is a good one, as a newbie wizzy I was on the boat by the necro and could not figure out how to get off, in addition the boat wouldnt move for some reason. So I notice I have something targeted I start nuking....I see the HP going down and think I am "killing" the boat. LOADING PLEASE WAIT....

#45 Aug 18 2005 at 6:54 PM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
Two things one from long ago one recent.

As jonwin i accidently sold a necklace i had bought for about 300 plat. Back when I only had 900 p to my name. I then spent another 200 plat trying to merchant mine to get it back....

My ranger just recently donated his mushroom veil to the tribute master in SFG. Didnt mind the veil so much as it was during a run of donating cured silk masks to her. I did mind selling his embalming kife to a merchant when unloading a bunch of rusty daggers in gunthak however.
#46 Aug 18 2005 at 7:52 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
I've CH'ed the mob so often instead of my SK that I no longer consider it an especially dumb thing to do. And I've went AFK under water more than once and had to do a CR.

The dumbest thing I ever did was when I asked a 65 SK to help my kill a level 60 mob in Tox. To make a long story short, I took not one, but two clerics with him to Tox. And I let him die. There's no way you can explain what happened other than "I screwed up". It was also my most embarrising moment in EQ, as letting the tank die when you have two FM clerics does not reflect well upon your skill as a cleric.

The dumbest thing I've ever done PP wise was when my cleric was young. I found that if I combined the LQ skins I looted with a silk thread the merchants would give me a few gold for the leather padding instead of a couple of silver for the skin alone. So I proceeded to make stacks and stacks of leather padding and sell it all to a vendor. I must have made a couple of dozen plat in total that way.

Edited, Thu Aug 18 21:35:40 2005 by sarongor
#47 Aug 19 2005 at 12:27 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
Typing in /say I wish to travel to Luclin. Targeting a Scion, and just as I got to her I hit the 0 key which was my auto attack, instead of enter. Well I missed and she punched me for 2k, I died rather embarassingly in front of like 5 people waiting for the rings.

It was sad because only one of two people attack scions, noobs and bored uber people. I was level 52 =/
#48 Aug 19 2005 at 1:44 AM Rating: Decent
An old in-game friend brought up an incident the other night that happened to me a long time ago. I'd forgotten about this.

I was running for my life from a pack of Skeletons in East Commonlands as young Rogue, and someone shouted LOADING, PLEASE WAIT. I wasn't paying that much attention and let go of the up arrow.


Ah, fook.
#49 Aug 19 2005 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
I've done so many dumb things I've lost count; fluxing myself, "Port to Nexus, coming up" --- Loading Nektulos Forrest, etc. Two recent dumb things;

I was running through Dranik's Scar OMW to Nobles. My spouse had played earlier and I did not realize she had remapped the keyboard. Well halfway there I go to look in my inventory and **Poof** my invis drops. Well no problem I have SoW I can out-run them. I get to the Nobles tunnel and I see a bag. Ohhhh what is this. Being the curious type I have to look and I pick up the Stonewood Roots. Cool. I look up just in time to see the freight train barreling down on me.

Killed by Stonewood Roots.

I'm all ready to try kiting in Cobalt Scar. I load up my buffs spell set and buff up. Get my Virtue and KEI and port to CS. Woot! A Drake. Let the Kiting / Nukeage commece!!! I'm sure the Drake loved the Levitate I buffed him with. LOADING PLEASE WAIT...

lol Good times.

#50 Aug 19 2005 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Here's dumb for you: I still to this day forget that corpses rot or "age" when logged on another character on that account. So just a few nights ago, after dying in....Veksar? and finishing up the group, I didn't want to have to bother with the corpse and rez, so I left it thinking I'd just deal with it the next day...then logged onto my trader for the night. Smiley: rolleyes

Next day, log back in, hit the Expedient Recovery AA, get a corpse and a message "You have no corpses able to be resurrected." Smiley: banghead
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#51 Aug 19 2005 at 9:58 AM Rating: Good
I think I also tried to rez the corpse after you summoned it. I was all like.."um Deb...this corpse is like 3 days old..."
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