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What's the dumbest thing you've done in EQ?Follow

#1 Aug 13 2005 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
It's funny, I've been playing the game since the begining and I'm always careful but today is a different story.

I logged on my necro to buy some new gear. I made good money off a sale so I figured what the hell. I see this shield that I've been eyeing for a while and decide to buy it. I buy it and run down the hall to try it on when I look in my inventory and see that it's not there. It took me a second before I realized that this character only had Hand Made Backpacks which only hold large items. Yup, you guessed it, the shield is giant size. I start looking all around the trader but there's nothing on the ground so I sent in a petition.

Time will tell if I get the shield back but if not I'll just deal with it.

Update: While I am waiting for a gm I decide to finish the 8th part of the Demi Lich Scullcap quest. I had just gotten the last drop. I open up the Flaxen Hilt, (it's a combinable container used in the quest), and guess what I found. It appears that the Flaxen Hilt can hold giant sized items. /whew

Edited, Sat Aug 13 19:42:48 2005 by Grimleaper
#2 Aug 13 2005 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
drown in crushbone when my ranger was like level 40
#3 Aug 13 2005 at 9:57 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
It appears that the Flaxen Hilt can hold giant sized items.

Nice save, you don't always get that lucky in this game :)
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#4 Aug 13 2005 at 10:15 PM Rating: Decent
I once was talkin to some friends in Misty Thicket having just ported em there with me when they decided I needed donation for the ride. I tole em to take it back and they wouldnt, so I zoned into RV got 100,000 copper and zoned out to /split 0 0 0 100000 well not sure if it still happens but used to drop to death on zoning if overweight or landed on someone ( WC port was a ***** for this when EC was the sell zone) Anyway long story short I zone in fall for 10k or 20k whatever it is and then I couldnt move if I looted it all so I had to take like 5k at a time back to put it in bank. I dropped it oun groud and a newb came and picked it all up too and was /shouting that he couldnt move, I parted up and moved it after that.
#5 Aug 14 2005 at 12:34 AM Rating: Good
I can certainly contribute to this.

- Using a shiny brass idol to Divine Aura camp. In Uqua. As a warrior. Before any clerics lived. (yeah, complete wipe. did I mention I was only an app at this point?)

- 20king constantly for a week

- actually admitting in guildchat, in the #1 guild on the server, that I had just died in fungus grove. Worse than that, I had a blonde moment, and said 'greenies just swarmed me in echo caverns 8(' instead of FG.
#6 Aug 14 2005 at 1:03 AM Rating: Default
9,395 posts
A guy once tricked me into thinking it was his last day on EQ and that he'd let me kill him and I'd get all his crap(the guy was lvl 55 with some awesome items) when my Ranger(now Lvl 30) was just above lvl 10. He killed me and then I stupidly let him drag my body and he hid it. Took me an hour to find it. Aparrently the guy had been doing that all day to people just above lvl 10 all day in Greater Faydark and Butcherblock.
10k before the site's inevitable death or bust

The World Is Not A Cold Dead Place.
Alan Watts wrote:
I am omnipotent insofar as I am the Universe, but I am not an omnipotent in the role of Alan Watts, only cunning

Eske wrote:
I've always read Driftwood as the straight man in varus' double act. It helps if you read all of his posts in the voice of Droopy Dog.
#7 Aug 14 2005 at 3:18 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
This was back before we had shadowrest or guildhall. Anyways I had been out drinking and came home and decided to play some eq. At the time I had a 65 druid which decent gear around 64ish AA's, epic 1.0. Anyways I was in feeroot and seen a guild having trouble with POF raid. Well stupid me decides "Hey I can kite, maybe I can help." Well I learned exodus doesn't work in POF that night, and I ended up staying up late trying to get my corpse back with the rest of that guild.
#8 Aug 14 2005 at 3:20 AM Rating: Decent
Managed to kill myself with my new 70 lich first time I used it.
Went AFK to eat dinner came back and was in guild lobby, spent 5 minutes trying to figure out what had killed me.
#9 Aug 14 2005 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
187 posts
Accidentally using exodus at random times. Sometimes during raids. During boss fights.

Gating out of an ldon by accident.

Buying stuff in the bazaar my alts cannot use because they are not high enough level.

Dieing in Kedge Keep trying to solo the corrupted seahorse.

Dieing in PoFear with a bunch of noobs trying to do a cr for their friend. Needed a GM rez for that one.

Edited, Sun Aug 14 09:19:40 2005 by TheGreatSieg
#10 Aug 14 2005 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
97 posts
-Running towards Kael in EW on autorun with no lev (while going afk quickly for a drink)----PooF! 20k fall dmg over the ledge to Kael Zone In.

My guild would say that my biggest blonde moment was when I asked them to help out a Bard Friend of mine with killing Trak when we were in our 50's. Everyone wiped within seconds due to bad info :(

Lady Lendi
70 Enchanter
Luclin's Eclipse
#11 Aug 14 2005 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
So many...can't think of just one in particular...

I've taken flying leaps off of the gorge in EW and the cliff in EJ, several times each.

Once left my cleric AFK up the wall in OT (near Frontier zone) and stayed away for about 3 hours. Came back to find myself literally waist-deep in corpses in EW near the Ry'gorr fort. Looted about a dozen before I realized that...I AM A CLERIC and could have rezzed several. So I arranged the remaining corpses into a smiley face, took some screenshots and rezzed them.

Then there was the time my cleric died in Sebilis with a group. I kept asking them if they could move my body to zone-in, but never got any responses. I started messaging a guildie about how messed-up they were, but accidentally sent it to the group. They really didn't want anything to do with me after that. Smiley: blush
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#12 Aug 14 2005 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
my favorite was back in the days when EQ was young and had no shared bank slots. i needed to transfer some things so i dropped a copper in an out of the way place and logged on another toon, it was still there so i thought nifty, i can transfer the items ok. log back on toon number one, dropped 4 bags of armor and items and went to log on toon number 2. then the servers went down......
#13 Aug 14 2005 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
This is not so much the dumbest thing I've ever done, but it takes the cake as the most consistent.

I'll run around doing errands, only to run back to PoK or the bank, or wherever, when I could have gated.

#14 Aug 15 2005 at 5:38 AM Rating: Good
136 posts
Rooted myself in PoV under 3 mobs because i forgot i was on the druid and was trying to FD
Smiley: oyvey
#16 Aug 15 2005 at 7:54 AM Rating: Decent
Rooted myself in PoV under 3 mobs because i forgot i was on the druid and was trying to FD

.. due I have totally done this. I can attribute at least ten deaths to me snaring myself while kiting the outer cave in POV.
#17 Aug 15 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
329 posts
2 things spring to mind:

1.) I have a macro on my druid, so that every time I turn right, it invokes an autoforage / autoinventory. I have this set as hotkey 2. I didn't realize that the macros were across all charachters, I thought they were per toon.

So there I am, after defeating Lucan as my paladin (for the Soulfire quest), turning in the blade to Valeron. I do the hand in, get the item back, turn right, and wind up auto-bashing him.

Loading...Please wait.

2.)Full group, in The Grey. We had finished for the night, so I say, "Inc, port to PoK."

Wasn't until after I was standing in PoK, reading my groups chants of "man, what a newb," and "lmao...good job!" that I realized what had happened:

I loaded RING instead of CIRCLE.

They STILL get on me about that...
#18 Aug 15 2005 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
138 posts
Good Thread!

Two things come to mind for me. (I'm a 53 Shammy BTW)

1. Was pissed for a while cause my pet sucked so bad...then i realized i was casting a lower level pet than the latest one i had : (

2. My SK friend had given me his Horn of Hsagra for use in PLing my rouge brother. While i was giving my brother the horn i didn't see my ghostly pet standing through him....gave my pet the horn by accident!!! Thats a 30 K weapon on my server. I was scared my friend was gonna kick my *** but a GM gave it back before he woke up :) I tell you what though, my pet was putting out some hella damage for about 1/2 an hour!!
#19 Aug 15 2005 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
Running from a mob in EW I once ran right off the cliffs next to the Kael zone.

"You were hit for 10000 points of non-melee damage."
"Loading, PLEASE WAIT..."

Aside from that, I don't know.. trying to play a Druid for a week?
#20 Aug 15 2005 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
1,907 posts
Playing my DE necro, remembered something I needed in Neriak, took the pok stone to Nektulos, headed to Neriak zone, but I wasn't REALLY playing my necro, I had switched to my shammy. Bam Bam Bam dead. The really embarrassing part was having to hire a young DE to drag my corpse away from the guards (no lobby then). He was kind enough to only laugh for 5 minutes or so.

If getting lost counts as dummmmmmm, I have about a gazillion stories. Or falling into or off things, my toons are all uncoordinated for some strange reason. I think it's a bug.
#21 Aug 15 2005 at 3:30 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
After a late night HoT raid in Temple o' Veeshan one night, I decided to just camp my bard outside HoT and then use my Singing Steel Helm/OT Hammer to get out in the morning. The next day, I log in and go off to run for the zone-in foyer where there's no mobs. Complete brain cramp and I run into HoT (why the doors weren't a hint, I don't know), down the "stairs" and into Dozekar's room. And ran through a Doze raid to do it. While they were prepping the attack him Smiley: dubious

I arrived at bind with a dozen tells in my window all saying "WTF??" Apologized profusely and pretty much laid myself low for my obvious stupidity. They had their monk drag me out, rezzed me and I played AE mana for their clerics for the kill Smiley: grin
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#22 Aug 15 2005 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
On my human monk, I was leading a "raid" about 6 years ago (remember this was *way* before any official raid tool) and we were coming from HHK to the Karanas when I hollered out, "Follow me!" Being blind as a bat, I ran with SoW speed right off the cliff edge at the *top* of the mountain leading down into East Karana...LOADING PLEASE WAIT. Everyone laughed their *** off =P

I was hunting in wolf form for an epic drop on my druid near the top of the stairs in EJ when I noticed far in the distance a "naked" human running towards me with what appeared to be SoW speed. He gets closer...then closer...I say, "Hail"...nothing...I say again say "Hail" thinking he's not in range or just rude. BAM...Serverilous (spelling?) hits you for 300... BAM BAM BAM...LOADING PLEASE WAIT. I had no idea that, at that time, it was a common graphic glitch for the dragons to load as naked a human.

Rooting myself umpteen times in Trakanon hunting/fighting the forager cycle MoBs in search of the regen breast peice...LOADING PLEASE WAIT.

Dying many many times of asphyxiation in the Grey hunting Shissar Organs for an EB item that I (obiously) didn't have EB spell would wear off and I wouldn't be paying attention...LOADING PLEASE WAIT.

The biggie, however, was when I was leading a TT raid a couple years ago when 85ing was new (and bugged). Took 72 of us over an hour to get everyone into PoN(b) buffed and ready and another 30 minutes to engage TT. I had our MA and SA and 3 CLR's in my group. I thought I would go ahead and MGB SoTW3 when TT was at 25ish so no one would die (the raid was going flawlessly) and, instead, I hit Exodus...the raid wiped...Man, I thought I was gonna be sick. Strangely, though, everyone to the last person was cool about it =)

70 Druid

Edited, Tue Aug 16 10:16:01 2005 by Shogunman
#23 Aug 15 2005 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts
MA for one of our early Vindi raids in Kael. Forgot I had OT port hammer equipped. It proc'd, I ported out leaving a very confused raid.

#24 Aug 16 2005 at 5:40 AM Rating: Good
1,906 posts
Hunting in The Overthere with my BL in his late teens/early twenties. Inventory was full, when some kind of skin dropped (maybe an Excellent Sabertooth Tiger Hide). I didn't want to let it rot, but couldn't use the PoK-stone with the hide on my cursor. So I decided to put my mixing bowl on the ground around the corner, run to bank in PoK, get rid of some items, come back and take it up again.

When I came back, the mixing bowl was - of course - gone. I didn't know at that time that items that you drop on the ground may poof. The zone was full of players (it was the 6th anniversary celebration time), and I suspected that someone had taken it. Smiley: mad So I /ooc'd "Anyone found a mixing bowl near PoK stone?", but only got some laughs. Then I thought that the thief may have gone to PoK, so I went there /ooc-ing, same result.

When I realized that I would have to buy a new one, I went to the baking merchants - and felt like a complete idiot, when I found out that a mixing bowl only costs some silver... Smiley: banghead
#25 Aug 16 2005 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
Give a gaming company $3000.00 over 6 years for items that aren't real, never will be and, once they turn the servers off, gone forever just like my money.

Other than that, when Emme was a mere tot and riding the boat to Butcherblock for the first time, yes back when they worked, she got the bright idea to jump off the boat as it zoned in and fall through the world for 10k damage and have to have a GM retrieve her corpse. Twice in a row. Dumb blonde that she is.

70 Prelate
Rise of the Forsaken
#26 Aug 16 2005 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
61 posts
When doing my druid epic, I figured the run to LOIO was so long and the camp for the Barracude such a pain that I'd bind close by so I could gate there any time. Works great until you get the mob, he's pissed and you are dead, and dead again, and dead again, and again until some friends come help.

Other was a young druid saying to myself "Hey I've never been to the Wakening Lands and I have this nifty port". Saw graphic of about 3 dots from Wushi and then had to find a nice Nec to run thru Kael to summon corpse. Was about 3 hours of down time trying to get that worked out (long before the guild lobby summoning).

Edited, Tue Aug 16 13:34:54 2005 by Therac
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