Worn HP Regen caps at 45 (level 70) AAXP does not increase your Worn cap but can increase your total regen regaurdless of gear. (IE naked and stacks with all gear/spells)
Best one I found in my 45 sec of serching was
Discusses other caps as well.
Ability | cap at 70:
+Attack | 250
+Avoidance | 100
+Damage Shield | 15
+Mana Regen (Flowing Thought) | 15 (20 with AAs)
+Regen | 45
Misc. Others: Shielding, Spellshielding, DoT Shielding, Strikethrough, Stun Resist | 35
Named (non-%) Effects: Avoidance, Cleave, Dodge, Ferocity, Ripost, Sharpshooting - highest each, no stacking
Those all look correct to me.
Worn Mana Regen caps at 15 increaseable via aaxp to 20. You can use aaxp to increase your natrual mana regen by 3 more (4 if you are a bard but they get no spell/song mana regen at all, just natural and worn)
Just wanted to clear that up. MAX WORN MANA regen is 20. The 23 number is after increasing your natral regen. It DOES NOT increase worn cap to 23.
That make sense?
*Corrected per Neolith, he of course is correct I was thinking too many things while I typed. Thanks.
Edited, Wed Aug 10 12:09:28 2005 by sbs