A poster on another thread was nice enough to clue me on on the necro skullcap series of quests.
But what I see is that almost the whole thing has to do with nothing but the Iksar race, and I already found out the hard way I'm KoS in Cabilis. (their guards are suprisingly efficient)
I am a DE Necro.
Can anyone reccomend a way that I can get started on this line of quests? DO I have to start with the level 1 portion of the quest? Seems lik eit.
Also, if I need to work up faction so that I can talk to the relevant NPCs without getting waxed, and be able to do turn ins, who/what should I kill in order to work up said faction?
Basically, if you were a DE necro and wanted to do the skullcap quest, or already did.. what did/would you do do get the ball rolling initially? I am pretty good with figuring stuff out once I get going. Just not sure about the faction question.