You're trying to get down to the Castle area then?
If so.
zone in Grimling.
Take first right (actually only right)
Take second left. ( you'll go by a passage on the left and one on the right)
Follow this passageway around (it curves right then left IIRC)
You should come to a gate that raises up and down when you click on it.
Go through the gate and then through a doorway. Once through the door go immediately left and hug the wall around. You can invis to this point. You should pass between the wall and a building.
There are a number of skele's up on a small platform. Pull and kill them then proceed to the platform and turn left.
In the room ahead there are 4 Grimlings. (one in each corner if you attack and pin them in the corner they dont aggro each other) kill these and go straight through to the next room.
Keep right along wall. there should be a door in the right wall. Through that door there are a number of Grimlings and the Statue you click on to go to the castle.
Be aware that there are roaming mobs, sometimes more than one in the area you get ported to in the Castle.
Hope that helps and was what you were looking for.
-700 150 in the room west of where the Blood Priest spawns.
Edited for loc.
Edited, Thu Jul 28 14:36:36 2005 by DamthebiTch