I was just wondering if anyone else who has more than one system has noticed this problem.
I have 3 computers all on the same DSL network. I have built all of my computers. I will call them system 1, 2, & 3 to make this easier to understand.
If you type a group message on #1, what you see on #2 or #3 make come out different. It will have typos and spelling errors. It is usually system #2 or #3 that originate the text that looks different. We only noticed it because I would pick on my sons (19 & 23, one being an English major) about their bad grammer or spelling. They would then show me what their screen said.
System #3 is the oldest but still has a 3000+ AMD processor but is not a DDR board. System #1 is DDR with a 3200+ AMD, and system #2 is AMD 3500+ AMD with HTT.
Anyone have any ideas?