I ran into a Dark Elf NPC I wasn't familiar with near the Gunthak stone. I was on my level 60 halfling ranger, but when I hailed, he gave me a choice of several quests. I chose one that looked interesting, and it took me to Rathe mountains to kill some orcs and lizardmen and collect some items to turn in to an NPC there in Rathe. So I did it. Didn't take very long, and I nailed a few dozen HGs just for the fun of it. When I finished, I was quite dissappointed to find that my reward was a thorn mail armor item! So, apparently regardless of your class, level, or race, that DE gives newbie armor quests. I suspect that there are several that give the quests, probably different quests, but all with the same rewards.
Heabben, 60 ranger of Stromm
Republic of the Dragon