/help does not nearly list all of the commands.
Check this out!
Some of the more obscure commands (swiped from the Aude Sapere site)
One-time commands everyone should type in, or consider typing in
/assist off (you don't automatically attack when you assist)
/combatmusic off (no more of that annoying battle music)
/filter off (unless foul language really puts you off, you'll see a lot of gibberish with this on)
/serverfilter on (certain combat messages/battle spam gets filtered by the server, can reduce lag)
/toggleinspect off (you no-longer automatically inspect everyone you righ-click; some people consider unannounced inspections rude)
/dopropertinting on (fixes some funky color problems with Luclin models)
/hitsmode (Creates a battle spam window. Not sure if this works anymore, if it doesn't, do it the long way)
/autojoin [CHANNEL NAME, CHANNEL NAME, CHANNEL NAME, etc] ( sets you up to automatically be in certain channels when you log in)
Lag-Reducing and UI-adjusting Commands
/hidecorpse all (hides all corpses, nice for cutting down lag when you're close to a PoP graveyard)
/hidecorpse allbutgroup (hides all corpses but your group's, cuts down on lag)
/showname 1 (only first names show on your UI. BIG lag reducer
/shownames (toggles all names on and off)
/mixahead [1-16] (allows you to adjust how far ahead the engine pre-mixes sound. Default is 8.
/dynamiclighting [on/off] (Makes light sources light up terrain and characters. It can slow down the framerate, though)
Periodic Useful Commands
/note [TEXT] (Makes a notes.txt file appear in your EQ directory, handy for those who want to remind themselves to look up something or do something later.
/report [PLAYER] (reports the last 10 lines of text in the buffer to the GM's, good for using on griefers and people who are abusing chat channels)
/safelock [WORD] (puts a password on your UI, so your little kid can't make your toon jump into The Hole. To release, type /safelock [SAME WORD] )
/rtarget (Targets a person who just sent you a tell. Great for buffers who get lots of buff requests on raids)
/ttell (sends a tell to your target. Useful for the guy in charge of giving instructions/keeping new folks in-line, clerics who are rezzing, and people on COTH chains.)
/makeraidleader [NAME] (Passes raid leadership to another)
/setloottype [1-3] (sets loot type for the raid. 1 is leader only, 2 is leader and group leaders, 3 is leader and designated people)
/addraidlooter (adds target to the raid loot list, not sure if you can type in a name instead)
/removeraidlooter (removes target from raid loot list)
Corpse Runs
/corpsedrag (MUCH better than /corpse, you automatically drag a corpse. You can autodrag 2 at a time with this)
/corpsedrop (you stop autodragging the corpse)
ALT-K (turns on an in-game MP3 player)
Switching out and Camping out
/camp desktop (don't have to click your way out of the game after you camp)
/camp server (sends you straight to the server select screen)
Alt-Enter (activates or deactivates window mode)
Control-shift-R (frees up your window's mode mose so you can swap out of the game)
Caster Commands
/book [#] (you open your spellbook straight to a specific page, good for swapping spells in and out fast if you don't like having pre-set lineups.
/savespellset [Number] (saves your current spell lineup)
/memspellset [Number] (brings up a saves spell lineup)
General information
/charinfo (tells you where you are bound)
/guildstatus (name or target) (lets you know if you're talking to a member, officer, or guild leader)
/key (lets you know what you're keyed for)
Edited, Wed Jul 6 10:43:54 2005 by Frakkor