There is also another source of cash besides spiderlings (which by the way go for 10-15pp each on Bristlebane). You can go to innothule swamp or everfrost and gather a ton of them.
Meat or parts of a playable race (except frogloks, those are green froglok skin and froglok blood). For froglok blood I pay up to 200pp each. For Vah shir, high elf, half elf, wood elf, barbarian, Iksar I pay up to 100pp each. For gnome, dark elf, halfling, I pay up to 50pp each (occasionally more), for human, erudite, dwarf, ogre and troll, those don't go more than 5 or 10pp each usually.
I can't buy enough of those things and I shop twice a day. I don't know about other servers (I am on Bristlebane) but those are needed for illusion potions, some are used for quests, some for fun.